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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. The same bunch of holes who want free birth control and taxpayer funded abortions right through the 3rd term.
  2. More talking point BS. Good thing you dont adhere to talking pounts, huh? Hey....at least you didnt mention the elevators for his cars.
  3. Tom's pointed out more than once that being unintentionally factually wrong is the LAST thing that brings out his "Youre an idiot" card.
  4. No he didnt. He said there are certain aspects of Obamacare that make sense and he's for. That does NOT mean hes "all for" the content of the bill. Come on....this is the same broad brush talking point mindset that comes up with "youre a racist anti-immigrant xenophobe" if you say "I think the immigration laws need work."
  5. What has he "changed" in 24 hours? Isnt it telling that the Obama campaign had to lock Biden in a close for a WEEK before his debate with Ryan?
  6. Dude....every single label that you tried to sick on Romney has failed miserably. Most like the dog thing, the dead wife thing and recently the Big Bird thing BLEW UP IN YOUR FACE. Stop it.
  7. They won the biggest games possible in that Stadium (AFC Championships). Their biggest "luck" win (biggest comeback) happened at RWS. Most of the worst losses (Super Bowls, Music City, etc.) have been on the road. Stop with the nonsense.
  8. First is was "hes a dog abuser." That failed. Then it was "he hates poor people. That failed. Then it was "he killed a guys wife." That REALLY failed. Then is was "hes a CEO robberbarron." That didnt stick. Then it was "hes gonna cut rich people's taxes!" That didnt stick Then it was "hes a tax cheat!!!!" Nope.. Then....."he LIED!!!!!" Proven....to be a lie. Then is was "hes gonna kill BIG BIRD!!!!" Even Sesame Street Productions said "ROTFLCOPTER!!!" Now....its "hes a flip flopper!!!" I seriously think that when thats debunked...about 9pm tonight, we will hear the left scream how Mitt drinks babies blood and eats live kittens.
  9. Ha! Its called "trials." Pretty tricky stuff. Ill share one more.....
  10. This thread reminds me of all the high fiving we did at my friends house when Christie drilled the FG to make it 16 Buffalo, 15 Tennessee.
  11. A smug member of the SPANDEX MAFIA runs roughshod over an entire town...................
  12. Thats not what happened and the context was that Cassell would be removed from the game. THATS what they were "cheering." Not the injury.
  13. Whitlock PNWS all of ya... http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/whitlock-nfl-kansas-city-chiefs-fans-anger-directed-toward-gm-owner-not-matt-cassel-100812
  14. "Oh, so THATS where he's hiding his tax returns!"
  15. A PRESIDENTIAL campaign doesnt know enough to skip using a trademarked figure?
  16. NY Jets record: 2-3 PF: 98 PA: 132 Buffalo Bills record: 2-3 PF: 118 PA: 176 This thread stinks.
  17. Did you not call them "dollar worshipers"? Yeah......you did. And you have zero clue what motivations they have for changing their donation policy. None.
  18. The cause is just but the execution is poor.
  19. A company that closes once per week and have left untold millions on the table by doing so are a bunch of "dollar worshippers?" Come on...... The fact is, virtually ALL companies private AND public donate money to "causes", many of them in the socio-political arena, some of them would even be considered "radical." YOUR "radical" Focus on the Family is MY radical MoveOn.org (See: Progressive Insurance). The fact that CFA is being singled out for doing what ALL companies legally do is mob-driven stupidity.
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