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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. So a woman at my office who is a single mother and BEGGED for flexible hours to take care of her kids and BRAGS about them every chance she gets is on Facebook today mocking Romney for making the suggestion that flexible hours is important for women who want to work full time and take care of their families. And the best part is, other co-workers are high fiving her. Im *thisclose* to pointing out her bull ****, but I dont want to start a FB war with someone I work with. I swear, I !@#$ing HATE people.
  2. Of course it is. Dumb soundbytes. And the inept GOP will let the BS narrative play out.
  3. Honestly.....who gives a **** what a bunch of dumb 'hood rats think?
  4. Its marketing 101...you got half the Country watching that game with half the audience women. And 3/4 of them control the purse strings in the household. So I get it...but would it kill the NFL to get AC/DC? Could you imagine them coming out to Thunderstruck? The place would implode.
  5. Im the same way with Shea. I wanted that place CLOSED BAD. Now that its gone, I miss it. I hate the new Mets park, and how it totally changed the baseball experience for me. I expected some changes, but now its like walking around a high end shopping mall. Like you, I used to go and roll up, get a beer and a ticket and catch a game. Not anymore. Its $50 just to get NEAR the place and thats without food or beverages. Sporting events were never cheap, but you could still get away with a decent game day experiece for a reasonable amount of money. Not anymore and I feel like Im getting ripped off. And its not likee this in other towns. I used to go to Safeco on business and had a blast there for reasonable prices. But in NYC, with so many wealthy marks here, they know they can charge $500 for a seat or over $100 to get anywhere near the lower level and get away with it. So screw em. With the new Yanks park, what made the OLD one so loud was the fact that the upper deck was literally on top of the field. So much so foul balls would fly half way up the Tier. You could sit on the 1st base side and throw a ball to a dude sitting in your seat on the third base side. Thats what got into the opposing team's players heads. You were playing in the OF or batting at the plate and literally had tens of thousands of Yankee fan lunatics screaming DOWN at you. The new park isnt like that at all. The upper deck at Shea used to shake, too. Todd Zeile hit a 2 run double in the 2000 LCS and we were bouncing up and down up there like nobody's business. It ruled.
  6. Looks like everybody is thinking the same thing I was when I first heard the news. That is, somewhere Bill Clinton is fuming and will one day get his packback for his wife being forced to fall on the sword like this. This pre-debate move has Val Jarrett's and Axlerod's hands all over it.
  7. Ow my gawd....you had to....step on your brakes???!!??? The horror. In other news.....heres a smug, arrogant cyclist trying to tell drivers what to do. The nerve...... http://www.bikerumor...driving-slowly/
  8. Didnt you and yours spend all of last Thursday night and Friday AM cheering on and high fiving over the performance of an "old bitter white man?" Yeah...and EVERY !@#$ING TIME it "changes"....EVERY SINGLE TIME a minority crosses over to the right s/he is INSTANTLY labeled by the Left as a "race trader", "Uncle Tom" or "House !@#$." So spare me your !@#$ing lecture.
  9. My wife's in the UFT. We get the monthly newspaper from them. It reads like a damned campaign flyer from Obama and the DNC. My cousin's in the CWA in Staten Island. He pickets, he stands with his "brothers" over labor issues as you would figure a union worker would. But hes also a big Republican. He gets threatened by his "brothers" and union leadership regularly. But somehow the eeeeeeviiiiilll Koch Brothers' letter raises your concern? Shut the !@#$ up.
  10. Not content for TSW to be enough of a retard rodeo this week, the circus seals throw in a Flutie/Johnson "debate."
  11. Ah. Horses are actually worse. You can spook the **** out of them. You come across a horse, you dismount and let them pass slowly. Bears are fun. We get those in north Jersey. Ever get caught between a mama bear on one side of the trail and the cubs on the other. Yeah, NOT fun. You Calfornia types have to worry about Mountain Lions. DCT will like this....they case you out. They will hide on the side of the trail and take note of who passes and when. And then one day, wait there for ya at that specifric time and pounce.
  12. Ya DO realize foottball players wear spandex knickers, right? LOL Um...no. Becuase for all your tough talk....you aint doing SH_T with your car. Hikers...absolutely. I see a hiker, I slow down to a crawl and give him all the room I can. I come up from behind, Ill call "on your left" and then give MORE verbal info about my passing intentions. Leave with a "thank you, have a nice day." Basic stuff....leave no trace, usually no dogs allowed, walk the right direction on one way trails, stay on blazed trails, dont spook horses, etc.
  13. Actually, Joe....YES....he DOES think hes Jack Kennedy...
  14. This is curious. You seem to be very roiled up that cyclists dont know and follow all the rules that apply to them, but when it comes to rules that hikers should know and follow, they get a pass. Its the same when youre driving. youre supposed to know how the rules apply not just to you, as the car operator, but to the peds, the bikers and everyone else you come across. Thats drivign school 101 stuff there. And again with the spandex thing. Why does the outfit bother you so much? And its not "YOUR" road. http://www.safeny.ny.gov/media/share-road.htm
  15. Youre a real fountain of conversation.....a geyser.
  16. Of course it is...just like Obama's was last time. These debates are ALL about optics. Always have been, from Nixon's sweat, through tonight.
  17. This is turning into a food fight. And Biden is John Belushi.
  18. Paul Ryan, of all things, is a "punk"? You, sir....are an idiot.
  19. Joe is winning on substance, but is going to lose overall if he doesnt stop acting like a total jackass.
  20. Actually, what she did was proper and correct. Called out to you in a clear tone that she was approaching on your lefthand side. In this case, YOU didnt know the rules. I love the "no hikers" trails were I am! But...guess what....those damned arrogant smug runners and hikers and dog walkers (no dogs allowed, either) still muck up the joint. But I usually just slow down, let them pass, tell them my riding intentions, say hello and warn them they are on a bikers only path and to be careful. And then I go on my way. What I DONT do is get my clams steamed and then run home and whine about it online. Im funny like that. Wait....you want us off the roads...so we say "OK" and go into the woods....then YOU follow us there and its OUR fault when you get all tangled up in our business? It sounds like they didnt see you around a blind corner, just like you didnt see them. So you both got startled a bit and went on your way. Problem?
  21. The other new lib talking point......Romney is a hardcore right winger. Anything else you wanna try and throw up on the wall?
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