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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Really coming out now that this guy wasnt exactly a saint. But hey...its the gun's fault.
  2. So glad this thread got revived..... http://www.bicyclelaw.com/blog/index.cfm/2012/12/3/Red-Light-Runners The reason most often-cited by motorists for the animosity between motorists and cyclists is the disregard that cyclists have for the traffic laws. And one complaint in particular always comes up in any discussion about cyclists—the well-known disregard that cyclists have for stop signs and red lights. Angry, allegedly law-abiding motorists have convinced the [California] Legislature to passed a law that would cut by half the fine for a rolling turn at a red light (vetoed by Governor Schwarzenegger), and have twice in the past two years prevailed upon the Legislature to pass laws cutting red light camera fines (vetoed by Governor Brown) and limiting the use of red light cameras (also vetoed by Governor Brown). Have I metioned lately how much I hate hypocrites?
  3. I still like "make Batman secretary of defense" the best.
  4. Wrap the player, head up, bring him down. Nine of that missile-like spearing with the skins. Very impressed.
  5. Dear nfl: Please follow the Redskins lead and learn to tackle again. Thank you.
  6. Someone remind me why the Bills cut bait with Fletcher.
  7. I dont know if the NFL's poor record on concussions and their affect on the mental state of players had any role on what took place. Thus then my original point that Costas and Whitlock popping off half-cocked before the facts come out is !@#$ing stupid. If some loudmouth on a football discussion board (me) can rub together the 2 brain cells out of the 3 he has to figure out he should wait before passing judgement on the issue, why cant two National Professional Sports Commentators, one of which who is essentially a household name?
  8. "“You know, I did not go as far as I’d like to go because my thoughts on the NRA and America’s gun culture — I believe the NRA is the new KKK. And that the arming of so many black youths, uh, and loading up our community with drugs, and then just having an open shooting gallery, is the work of people who obviously don’t have our best interests [at heart].” Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/12/03/anti-gun-sports-columnist-jason-whitlock-the-nra-is-the-new-kkk/#ixzz2E1wJjO00
  9. How much you want to !@#$ing bet that ole d-kless (Costas, not DC Tom) and Whitlock (who !@#$ing HAD TO bring race into the discussion....!@#$ing hack one trick pony) shuts their yaps once it comes to light that the sport they cash their fat paycheck's on.... football's and the NFL's...record of NON-action on concussions had something to do with this kid's mental state?
  10. You think a diatribe on gun control on National TV less than two days after the event before...literally...the bodies had a chance to get cold let alone the facts of the case come to light is the right time? I do not, sir.
  12. Although I think hes so far off base on the gun control thing, its comical, hes not a schmuck for stating his opinion, no matter how ill-informed, hypocritical and naive it is. Hes a schmuck because of the time and place he chose to state it.
  13. WHAAAAAAA Until the right attacks and tamps down these mindless accusations head on in plain langauge they will continue. Bush or Rove or some other Admin hack should have been on TV the day following EACH of them with an outright rebuttal and rejection. They should have clearly addressed the AF1 photo, all of that dumbass mayors comments and yes....even the Kanye thing. Until the right learns to take each of these little memes that grows legs and chops one of them out before shoes are even fitten for them, they will lose the communications "war."
  14. I wonder if that schmuck Costas will go on a rant about the "Rope Nut Culture" next Sunday.
  15. LOL. If you pine for that lowlife you really are clueless.
  16. You just implied that in certain situations, harrassment is OK. Was that your intention?
  17. Nevermind that...notice how its "the big bad corporation's" fault about the public not knowing how much oil was spilled? I thought the highly efficient big Federal omniscient goverment machine was supposed to know that stuff. They were "duped" by the big bad corporation, you see.
  18. Russell Brand's been in that hole. I wouldnt !@#$ her with DCTom's d-k.
  19. Hack article. 1. Williams did not have to "justify" his contract in the first month he was here. Nobody hired for any job anywhere is expected to do that. 2. The great coaches sitting behind microphones arent doing that becuase they would rather not coach the Bills. They are doing that becuase they would rather not coach ANYWHERE. They all have had success, have worked the 100 hour weeks, have endured the press, and the pressure. Now they have a fly-in, fly-out jobsfor a few days a week, get paid more and get to keep what sanity they have left. When they are done with a game, they dont have to go do pressers and be second guessed or hide in the bowels of the stadium watching film for another four hours. They go have a big dinner and then fly home until the following Thursday. Easy decision. 3. Wilson is in the HOF not becuase of his team's W/L record, but becuase he was instrumental in the AFL/NFL merger and the founding of the modern NFL. Every football fan alive knows that. Come on. 4. The Bills were good for more than just "the early 90s." They had a winning record except for two years from 90-99. The Bills were good for the ENTIRE 90s, for the most part. Bucky is playing fast and loose with the facts. 5. The article is about Wilson, but the last part is about hiring staff. Bill Polian, who is more or less retired, and AJ Smith. Why not dig up John Butler while youre at it, "Bucky"? Seriously....the best he can suggest is hiring the guys who built the team 20 years ago? And how does hiring hew staff (or rehiring old staff) fix the ownership "problem?" Hack piece....hack.
  20. Comical... http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/11/27/Katy-Perry-Teams-Up-With-Anti-Taxers-to-Fight-Big-Government A coalition of 125 celebrity musicians, including pop singer Katy Perry, have joined forces with anti-tax advocates including Grover Norquist and the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) to oppose an intellectual property "reform" bill that critics charge expands government to the detriment of the free market. Opponents say the Internet Radio Fairness Act, being pushed by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), would mandatorily lower the licensing fees paid by Internet radio giant Pandora, moving the royalties system further away from a free market and instead entrenching a system in which government sets compensation rates while picking winners and losers.
  21. and women, too. Definitely women. http://www.whitehous... House Dossier)
  22. The Bills games, themselves are the "casino" and the mounting losses. The the good times on Sunday with friends and family watching from home, Hammers Lot, the BillsMafia, the Pinto, etc. are the "world class strip bars and nighclubs" around Vegas. Thus then....being a fan is a very worthwhile endeavor.
  23. Ya know, I cant help but think this clown knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he said "renig." Becuase if it was an honest mistake and he just spelled the word wrong, he would have corrected the sign when it was pointed out to him. Of course, the PC !@#$s would STILL be after him saying the word "renege" (proper spelling) is racist just like "apartment" and "Chicago" are, but thats another discussion.
  24. Normally I support a boycott fully. Lots of NY Mets fans have stayed away and I think it might be working, to some degree. But the Bills are a different animal and the region needs to show that whore Goodell that WNY is a viable market for NFL football and a few empty games might tip the scale in favor of moving the team.
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