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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Hey did you see all the articles covering this in the MSM today? Yeah, me neither. Also...did you see all the puff pieces about the bayonettes meme that Obama screwed up, kind of like the Big Bird and binders ones? Yeah........me neither.
  2. Call me nuts, I like it right where it is. Outside of the bathroom lines, everything else about the game day experience at the Ralph absolutely rules. Im a Mets fan and I thought I hated Shea. That is. until they built an overpriced corporate monstrosity next door with all the so-called 'amenities.' It sucks...and its four times the price.
  3. http://misfitpolitics.co/2012/10/michelle-branch-is-a-hypocrite/
  4. The sports landscape in ALL sports is littered with big time free agents that took a long time to settle in to their new teams and produce at a high level. You gotta give Mario more time.
  5. Im in this camp. WAAAAYYYYY too early to call him "the problem" or "the cancer."
  6. I say too bad. Youre gonna get on the nice lady in the Principal's office for putting a little CHRISTMAS Tree on her desk? Then deal with this. I beleive its called......KARMA.
  7. Jarrett representing the US in talks with Iran. Why? Becuase she was born there. OK, good for SOMETHING. But that makes her a statesman? !@#$ing Amateur Hour.
  8. This is ridiculous. If a closer in baseball strikes out FIVE in a tie game the last two innings, but on the last batter, the manager calls for a hanging curveball and it gets blasted to Mars and the game is blown, do we say "well, he had a good game, its not his fault?" Fits blew the game. He threw the ball...a terrible throw....when FOOTBALL 101 calls for a running play.
  9. Ridiculous comment. Former riders came about against HIM. So they went after HIM. If you tell the cops a neighbor two doors down broke into your house, the cops are supposed to go after the neighbor three and four doors down, too?
  10. Any questions? http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more-sports/zone-lance-armstrong-bully-downfall-article-1.1188512
  11. That is an complete falsehood. The recent revelations have resulted in riders being fired, team managers quitting and/or being fired and sponsors dropping out. Every rider who testified now faces sanctions or bans. The ramifications are far and wide reaching now, WAY beyond Lance. And he did not "just do what everyone was doing." Lance was the central focal point of the entire doping ring. He wasnt just another rider playing along, not just another good soldier. He was the boss.
  12. LOL. No he wasnt. He was tested according to the same rules everyone else was. Oh sir...how naive you are.... http://velonews.comp...-but-how_261616 http://velonews.comp...s-flawed_261599 Furthermore, I wont go too far into the "science" of it, but a doper is "glowing" (ie would test positive) about one day a month. So a little intelligence about when a tester would knock on your door is all it took. Thats it. Also, the idea of taking EPO is to bring your hemocrit levels (red blood cell count) to a spot juuuust below where you would trigger a positive. So if its at say, 43 naturally and a level of 50 would trigger a test, you bring it up to 49. Bingo....you get a performance advantage and dont trigger a positive. There are reports that racers like Bjarne Riis and others who raced before the tests came had levels that were in the mid 60s. Their blood must have been like thick red mud. The "never tested postive" claim is a scam. Silly comment. The evidence is now overwhelming. The number of people lining up to testify is as well. The sport is being shaken to its core. This AM, two major sponsors dropped out. Sponsors who have been in pro cycling for decades. Are they "haters" too? Lance is not just another doper...hes THE doper. If you still believe IN him and want to accept him with his sins, fine. You can do that. Some of MY favorite pros are ex dopers....Riis, Pantani, Valverde, etc. But one can no longer ignore his sins, say they did not exist and cast aspersions on those who have truthfully brought them to light.
  13. I thought both were pretty funny. And it was nice to see they are human beings. Once I saw Chris Matthews I wanted to throw up.
  14. if I had a body like that and was making coin off it, I wouldnt eat anything else either. That and I would play with......all day long.
  15. Good work.... Stay focused on the big issues.
  16. IMHO, they ruin these spots when they show these holes taking a bite of the burger, itself.
  17. I wont get into details, but this is turning into a bloodbath. The whole esport is getting shaken to its core. Riders and coaches are getting fired, which you never see, there is talk of all results from Lances tour wins being erased, and the Italians have just exposed a massive doping ring led by Lance's doctor, Michele Ferrari. This has only just begun. LA wasnt just another doper...he was the the pivot point in a massive conspiracy that involved all sorts of nasty stuff. Intimidation. Payoffs. Rackateering type stuff that starts with his teammates and goes possibly right up members of Congress. There is a good chance that one day youll see Lance do a perp walk.
  18. Oh, I totally agree. As soon as I saw Hillary on TV falling on the sword, I KNEW the old dusty cover was being pulled off the Clinton machine and getting warmed up, just like Geddy Lee pulling a dusty cover off an old Ferrari. Thats an awesome post right there.
  19. Dont count on it...Bob Schieffer, that fair and balanced non-partisan is moderating.
  20. Thanks but no thanks. Unlike you clowns, I acutally have to deal with her in person from time to time.
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