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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Your handle is 8and8forever and youre calling out other people as "haters?"
  2. Not this year. In past years when they died it didnt bother me. Becuase they were bad going in to the season, so I had no expecations. This year it does bother me becuase they really should have been better. And the fact they shot themselves in the foot time after time after time really gets infuriating after a while.
  3. Corrreect. The Bills are just halfway decent and the Stadium is packed. They draw regionally with a huge fanbase bleed into Canada and Toronto. The NFL isnt throwing that away on a whim.
  4. "KILL KILL KILL.....the white man." Is there anybody more annoying with the audibles than Manning? Shut the hell up and hike the ball, you fat-necked hick.
  5. Youre quite amusing, Ill give you that.
  6. Im not angry, just amused at your bitching over the fact that a private landowner who is kind enough to do the parking and tailgating thing on his property has the audacity to have a few......like TWO.... rules in place to ensure people have a really good time without things getting out of hand. To be honest, I dont even get to Hammer's too often since Im not in the area and dont get to many games. But I CAN say that its one of the best tailgate spots at RWS for a number of reasons, the fact that people appreciate Hammer and respect his "rules" being at the top of the list why. If you cant deal with that or respect it, yourself....please dont show up there and ruin it for those who can.
  7. "Whaaaaaaaaa.....I cant do whatever the !@#$ I want....whhhaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!" [grow the !@#$ up]
  8. !@#$ "Psy" http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/12/07/another_crude_rapper_who_wants_us_troops_tortured_headed_to_the_white_house
  9. PaattttMaaann is pulling our leg, right?
  10. Nothing will change until the silent HUGE majority who hates this stuff and hates the erosion of American values and culture pushes back against the PC turds. Until the next entertainer who gets nailed for telling an off color joke (not truly racist, of course) tells the special interests to !@#$ off, nothing will change. Until parents tell the single atheist whiner who demands the local holiday celebration in the town park gets cancelled to !@#$ off, nothing will change. Until the construction crews who are doing a job tell the moron school administrator who claims a "men working" sign is sexist to !@#$ off, nothing will change. Until the parents demand that schools reinstate the celebration of ALL holidays, nothing will change. And so on, and so on. I think you get the point.
  11. Shall we go into all the negative stereotypes Italians have to put up with?
  12. IF thats what most Bills fans feel like and act like, Im going to root for another team.
  13. Ill one up ya on this retard train.... http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/12/05/Political-Correctness-GOne-Wild-Men-Working-Sign-Called-Sexist At Ohio’s Sinclair Community College, Elizabeth Verzi, the school’s Manager of Construction and Planning, ordered the crew to remove a Men Working sign that she called "sexist."
  14. The public sector doesnt grant rights either, genius. Read the !@#$ing Consititution. And the UN has tried to claim jurisdiction on energy policy and education policy among others. So your notion that "they dont do that" is bull ****.
  15. YES! Exactly! Again, from the article... Among their fears about the disabilities convention were that it would codify standards enumerated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child — and therefore United Nations bureaucrats would be empowered to make decisions about the needs of disabled children — and that it could trump state laws concerning people with disabilities. So for all your mindless yelling and namecalling, it turns out you AGREE with the Congressmen who voted no! Congratulations! And I hate to break it to ya, buddy...but when someone says "no" to something, its often out of "fear" of what might transpire if they say "yes." Thats pretty basic "laws of human conscious thought" stuff there. If you want, I can explain the birds and the bees to you, too. After lunch.
  16. So people who dont agree with your 'expert' take on the law, even if they have good reason to vote the way they did (see below) are idiots and insane now? Interesting. There has been longstanding US opposition and trepidation to actions such as this from the UN or other organizations (ahem....Kyoto Treaty?) regardless of its true "effect" on US laws or whether or not it was symbolic. Thats where this is coming from. The UN in lots of ways, is seeking to expand its jurisdiction and power in the affairs of sovereign nations in all kinds of matters so perhaps those who voted against it were doing so just to keep the beachhead against that intrusion intact, no matter how "trivial" the issue. Whether or not you, oh expert on UN affairs, agrees with that makes no difference. And by the way...if this matter is so "symbolic" and "trivial", why do you have so much sand in your kitty about it, anyway?
  17. Thats your opinion. Several members of Congress felt differently. A majority of Republicans who voted against the treaty, which was modeled on the Americans With Disabilities Act, said they feared that it would infringe on American sovereignty. Among their fears about the disabilities convention were that it would codify standards enumerated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child — and therefore United Nations bureaucrats would be empowered to make decisions about the needs of disabled children — and that it could trump state laws concerning people with disabilities. Proponents of the bill said these concerns were unfounded. http://www.nytimes.c...reaty.html?_r=0 I know....crazy talk that some people would interpret something differently and vote that way. And what the !@#$ are you getting all pissy about anyway? Same with that assclown Reid who said we need this UN bull **** to "bring the USA UP TO the standards of the rest of the world." The ADA is most likely one of the best if not THE best set of laws on the books worldwide to protect the rights of people with disabilities. You AND Reid have no idea what youre talking about. And one more thing...if all youre going to do is act like an !@#$ to people who offer their opinion, DONT !@#$ING ASK FOR IT in the first damned place.
  18. Actually, yes...some people...shocker of shockers....do have an issue with ceding power or any kind of jurisdiction to the UN.
  19. Want to be enraged? http://www.weeklysta...tes_665036.html Tell me again about "Fox bias" libs. And the President is consulting with...AL !@#$ING SHARPTON on issues of taxes? Enraging. DOUBLY enraging for people like me who live in NYC and had a front row seat to Sharpton's Freddies Fashion Mart, Tawana Brawley, Crown Heights, etc. nonsense. Now that race-baiting scumbag is yukking it up in the West Wing.
  20. If you dont like gay marriage dont get one. If you dont like abortions, dont get one. Well, if you dont like guns.....DONT !@#$ING GET ONE
  21. In the "pistol" formation, of course.
  22. Next time there is a vehicular death and the driver was drunk, will you lobby to "ban" alcohol? Be careful with your answer.
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