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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. As long as I got the twig and berries and Im happy..... There are LOTS of people out there outright calling for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment and/or seek to devalue it with silly arguments like "it was meant for muskets only" or questioning its intent without ever doing a bit of research. So yeah...want to throw nonsensical absolutes? I can play that game, too. Thats the point. Are those Countries free of their problems? Japan less than onee hundred years ago was one of the most brutal, UNcivilized societies to ever walk the Earth. China's list of atrocities iss about six miles long. Ive heard people mention the UK. Yeah, they have a clean history. And Germany? Ask any Jew about those civilized Germans.
  2. Ill tell you what, libs. Repeal the Second Amendment. Ban all guns. Here is what I want in trade... Overturn Roe vs. Wade. And all illegal aliens must be deported. Deal?
  3. Dont want a gun? Dont get one.
  4. No. Not an animal. Animals kill to eat and survive. This is far worse.
  5. I just heard two of the children died at the hospital. The suffering. I cant......I cant get my head around this. !@#$.
  6. What kind of a society and culture have we created where such evil can propagate and flourish over and over and over? Something is seriously wrong.
  7. [ghoul] Ya know....if those kids were armed, this wouldnt have happenned, RIGHT????[/ghoul]
  8. Of course they do. "If it bleeds it leads" has been replaced with "Its its about race, make it the face" God, Im an awful rhymer. But its true....the media will make ANY story on race front page news. And if it doesnt get there on its own, there will FORCE it there. Becuase they know that it will sell papers, get ratings, generate clicks to websites, etc. Its a moneymaker, pure and simple. Trayvon Martin, anyone?
  9. The right gets lectured by the left and the black community about "not being black enough." But every time it comes to light a black man or woman is a Conservative or Republican, whats the first charged leveled against them by the left and the black community ? Thats right...that person isnt "black enough." Comical. But hey...at least Parker didnt come right out and call RGIII a "House ******."
  10. Animal Mother is the best movie character ever in the history of movies. Whoever that person is....is a !@#$ing candy a--.
  11. Blame Whitey. Maybe RG3 can get "down with the cause" and help them out.
  12. Yeah, thats why we are seeing all the "outrage" in the press and liberal quarters over the UAW thuggery, violence and racism going on in Michigan right now. Thats why we are seeing NOW and all the feminist liberals castigate Senator Jim Moran's son for beating the **** out of his girlfriend. You libs....so brave.
  13. That was awful. Where's the geritol? The show was clunky and moved along poorly. Some of the acts were fine...some should really hang it up. Roger Waters and the Stones among them. I know some of you guys loved the acts, I thought most were bad. When you have to preface your comment about EVERY act with a comment about the performers age, you know it cant be good. Hold your cell phones in the air? Yuk. I wanted to call the donation line and get Martha Stewart on the line so I can call her a c--t. Kanye West and "Drunk Uncle" should be shot. Twice. Seeing this, you get a new appreciation for Jerry Lewis and how he pulled off these things with such class and grace for all those years. And he did them solo.
  14. Anything for a buck.....I hate Goodell.
  15. It wouldbe nice if the fake indian could at least manage her own campaign spending....on the !@#$inhg food. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/12/06/Elizabeth-Warren-Campaign-Broke-After-Spending-42-Million-Too-Much-Pizza
  16. Cool, mang. See my post above...we are in agreement.
  17. Thank you. And dont get me wrong, Nevermind was huge. I was in radio at the time, working the floor at CMJ, the college radio "convention" in NYC. Word spread around the floor at in the seminars about Nevermind going gold and there was a palapable buzz in the room about it. Nirvana was considered an underground alternative band and they hit the bigs. Everyone was really happy. That night, I went to see Alice in Chains at NYC's Limelite. It was their "debut" and the Head of A&R for ALL of Atlantic Records intro'd them. I had a literal front row seat to the dawn of a new age of music. Pretty heady stuff for a 20 some odd year kid spinning records and CDs at his local college.
  18. Coming from you, I take it as a compliment. Now step aside old man. Youre out of your league on this one.
  19. Thats becuase most Metallica fans are so dumb, they think Metallica is "metal", which is complete horseshit. Anything done by Metallica after they toured with Ozzy in 86 is soda pop metal. Pretty much like Nirvana is soda pop grunge.
  20. Whoa......Nirvana didnt launch the grunge movement and Nirvana is not "responsible" for Soundgarden, AiC or most of the bands that came out of Seattle back in the day. ALL those bands were on their own and well established BEFORE Nevermind was released or right when it was. Nirvana brought grunge to the masses, but thats it.
  21. Second of all, hes correct...although I wouldnt go so far as to call McCartney "washed up." Cobain WAS Nirvana. Grohl is great in his own right but Cobain was the engine of that band. Whats going to happen tonight is not a "reunion" in any form.
  22. But what are they "fighting back" against here? It appears there are some shady backroom deals with the mob....union incompetence...you know the usual "Chicago Way" stuff. Sorry, little birdy...no "evil rich white man" to blame here.
  23. Life sucks at the bottom. Who ever said it didnt? Work hard, get a better job. A second job. Go to school. Ive taken a pretty good income hit in my job due to "unfair" circumstances out of my control. Im hardly "at the bottom." But the loss of income is hurting me and my family nonetheless. I have lined up a second job that starts after the holidays are over. I have asked my supervisors at my primary job to move me to a department with more need for help and to one where I can learn new skills. Im sure these folks can do something similar.
  24. Wow, are you dumb......
  25. So this Dog-eating !@#$ went on to meet the President (the other dog eater) this week and not a word was said. How nice. Meanwhile, if PSY sung "kill all the fags" not only would his appearnace with Obama have been cancelled, Obama would have had PSY thrown in jail, YT would have banned Gangamstlye and removed its billion hits, and the media would have taken a collective ****. But its only dead American soldiers PSY was pining for....so...meh. Carry on. When is Obama's next appearance on Leno, anyway?
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