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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. A) Thats bull **** B) Ive said THREE SEPERATE TIMES I dont have an issue with one being pro-choice. You !@#$ing mongrel. Thats a fine and cogent argument. I dont have a problem with that. I do have a problem with factually inaccurate statements used to dehumanize what abortion really is in order to defend the practice being kept legal. Statements like "its just a clump of cells" or comparing an abortion to "vaginal discharge" or comparing a fetus to a "parasite" is WAY over the top in terms of redefining the practice. If you want to be for or against something, thats your right. But !@#$ing man up and own up and accept what it is that your fighting for. Dont change the definition of what it is like a weasel.
  2. I dont need "evidence" because Im giving my OPINION, like you said. An opinion on the pathetic way in which you carry yourself and justify your beliefs. I find the manner in which youre dehumanizing what abortion is, with the language youre using, the chickenshit way out. Be a man, fignon. Ill say it for the third time. Its fine to be pro-choice. I have no quarrel with you there. But at least be honest with yourself about what it is.
  3. Again, I dont have a problem with you being pro-choice. But the way you go about it is !@#$ing vile.
  4. My knocked up wife had her eight week sonogram recently. Heartbeat Look..if you want to be pro-choice thats your....er.....choice. But DO !@#$ING NOT minimize what it is with some kind of weak bull **** thats bolded above. Be a man and accept what you stand for.
  5. http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2012/10/28/Report-Obama-Watched-Benghazi-Attack-From-Situation-Room Lt. Col. Tony Schafer told Fox News that sources were telling him that the President was watching the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya in real-time. Too thin of a story at the moment...little more than a rumor...but if true....oh boy. Grounds for Impeachment?
  6. So in other words, he is very similar to every other players in the political games whose role is "attack dog" or "enforcer." Welcome to politics.
  7. Yeah, becuase Glenn Beck doesnt have an audience....nah.
  8. This is not a story. Ann Coulter said the word 'retard'......THAT is a STORY!!!!!
  9. When a black man goes from the right to the left, its an act of a "principled man." When a black man goes from the left to the right, its the act of a "race trading house n--er." Get with the program.
  10. Just hoping that my power isnt out for a week at a clip, like it was the last two storms. Hopefully, if I get any houseguests, which would be cool, they will bring wings.
  11. So Colin Powell is 'irrelevant'??!!?? Racist. Oh hey...did you see what that dumb bimbo c-nt Michelle Bachmann said the other day?
  12. Im sorry, who is "VP Barbie"? When youre done, PLEASE lecture me more about racism. LOL...I really wouldnt look down your nose, given the celebrity brainiacs who are part of Barry's minions.
  13. So saying you DONT support Obama due to his race is OK, but saying you DO support him becuase of his race is bad. OK. Frankly I could care less about Powell. As long as we still have Jenna Jameson and Dave Mustaine, Im happy. Who endorsed Obama last time, too. This was played out 4 years ago. Thanks for stopping by.
  14. OK, youre going back here.... If you going to make this statement you have to prove how this has affected technological innovation in the USA. Becuase for a Country filled with a bunch of "idiot, stupid, Religious whackos", the USA's populace has been known to invent a few things here and there throughout her history. So how did this happen, given the number of religious backwards nuts we have running around?
  15. I wont even argue that point. But how has it affected the US' stature in the technology and science sector?
  16. I was speaking throughout the Country's history...I beleive I spelled that out. Please tell me how the influence of religious fundamentalism has slowed technical innovation in the USA over the last ten years. So in your mind a religious man or woman is incabable of having the intelligence needed to keep the USA at the top of the work rankings vis a vis tecnical innovation? Is that what youre saying? And also, please provide examples of how, since the fall of the Berlin wall, US technical innovation has slowed and how that is tied to the RISE of religious fundamentalism in the USA.
  17. [liberals] What a bigoted, intolerant, backwards ad. Clearly it shows how the ignorant knuckedraggers in the Church seek ultimate power to force THEIR beliefs and values on others!!!!! They should shut up and get with the program!!! [\liberals]
  18. Oh my gawd.....a hardcore liberal leftist is up in the polls in a hardcore, liberal state!!!
  19. Yet, somehow the God fearing nation the USA was/is managed to become the world leaders in scientific and technological innovation throughout its lifetime. Take your bigotry and intolerance somewhere else, please.
  20. Love getting lectured about how much I "hate women" by the same people who called Sarah Palin a "c-nt", a "waitress" and put her on covers of magazines in uncompromising positions. Then did the same to Bachmann and most recently, called Mia Love a House !@#$.
  21. Tim Tebow. Probably the one guy with worse mechanics than Fitz. Good idea! But hey...he's intense on TV and Fitz isnt. You know what....screw it...as long as he wears a headset and gloves and leaves his headband at home, we are all set.
  22. Not to defend the blowhard, but Trump does not exactly "skate through life." Underneath the clown exterior, hes a brilliant businessman and developer. Almost a shame he has become such a caricature of himself.
  23. The law is one thing, but that doesnt mean political bias cant affect your job. You work for a hard core left or right leaning guy and you swing the other way.....you trust him to be on the up and up next time promotion time comes around? I dont.
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