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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Oh good Lord, stop. I said "you people" and then put in parens who I was talking about to make the distinction. Is that term "offensive now".....like "peanut butter and jelly" and "apartment?" Get over yourself.
  2. Not for nothing, but you people (libs) love to preach this crap, but then elect Liz Warren and Alan Grayson. The only problem the GOP has with its brand is that it lets the left define it with crazy stuff like "the GOP hates [everyone!!!]" and refuses to push back on that bull ****.
  3. And you know what? Romney did ZILCH to reject this false narrative. Nothing.
  4. Warren wins.....Alan !@#$ing Grayson is back in Congress and Jesse Jackson Jr. won literally from a mental institution.
  5. Until the Republicans learn to directly repudiate the ridiculous labels placed on them, they wont win. Romey got nailed with the "47% tape" becuase in its aftermath, he didnt explain those comments and what he meant to the American voter. The "war on women" meme, the same thing. Could it have killed him to have said the day after the debate that clearly he meant "binders full of RESUMES" with a chuckle and nipped that whole thing in the bud? The left painted Romney as a women hating rich jackass and he didnt push back on that once. The right consistently plays the victim of the bully and until that changes, the votes will continue to go the lefts way. Then there is the social media and other communication angles. Glenn Beck gave three moving, moving speeches at Freepac conferences recently. CL Bryant, a former NAACP honcho did as well. Now like or hate Beck, the one thing he continues to do correctly is give inspiring speeches to articulate the Conservative message. And Bryant is a former NAACP chief who does the same. I wanted to find the videos on YouTube from those Freepac conferences to share with friends and family. I couldnt. They are not there. Not posted. !@#$ing Van Halen can post vids of their live concerts but one of the biggest Conservative organizations cant figure out how. How does that even happen??!!!?? Long story short....the right's communication strategy is ****.
  6. Actually, pretty lame. Whats next? Putting the winners face on the side of public buildings?
  7. More.... http://twitchy.com/2012/11/06/intimidation-in-detroit-report-of-gop-vote-observer-chased-by-man-claiming-to-have-gun-obama-supporter-punches-woman-in-face/
  8. Its telling that folks like yourself think that asking for an ID to vote amounts to suppression but people from a known violent extremest group standing outside the polls gets little more than an "LOL" out of you. VERY telling.
  9. I give you real examples....you give me "duck dodgers"
  10. God damn, this is too !@#$ing good... Navy SEALS show up to protect polling places where the Black Panthers are... http://twitchy.com/2012/11/06/new-black-panthers-also-in-ohio-reports-of-navy-seals-heading-to-ohio-pa-to-guard-against-voter-intimidation/ Democrats bring in the UN and the Black Panthers to watch the polls. Republicans bring in the Navy SEALs.
  11. New Black Panthers back in Philly. Woohoo!!!!
  12. I wonder how you will feel that YOU are picking up the tab for these loans through higher interest rates and fees. Of should the bank just eat it?
  13. Yeah, but liberals are real felxible and pragmatic. Please. The day Obama doesnt at least once spout the class warfare nonsense will be the first.
  14. So your excuse is "but Obama doesnt do it as bad?" Really? Plus, Im thinking Obama's pension is worth more than a few bucks. Actually, most Republicans want the tax code simplified.Thats only one of the pillars of the Tea Party.
  15. Ducky......you can argue about GWB's Presidential record, but so far in his post Presidency he has chosen to remain out of the limelite, which he stated was his intention as soon as he left office. Regarding his action since he left office he continues to perform a great deal of charitable work for Wounded Warriors and other good causes in the US and abroad. Laura Bush has spoken on and fought for women's rights in Aghanistan. He has kept his initiative to fight AIDS alive as well. Hate him all you want for his actions as PUSA, but so far his activities after he left office have all been way above board and commendable. And one more thing...while your hero's father was a cheating drunk and escaping the US to hide out in southeast Asia, leaving dear Barry Soetoro to be raised by his Grandmother, George W Bush's father was fighting in WWII, then went on to become a congressman, an ambassador, the director of the CIA, Vice President of the US and then President of the US. So I really dont think you want to "go there" when it comes to family legacy.
  16. I admire your steadfastness but I choose to be more pragmatic. Id rather have a guy thats 50.000000000000001% conservative than one thats 1000% liberal.
  17. Ron Paul marginalizes himself when he says some of the stupid stuff he does about foreign policy and the like. "Leave Iran alone, they wont do anything!" Yeah, OK Ronnie.
  18. Excuse me, are you part of the leftist retards who pointed their fingers at the right about their need for a "big tent?"
  19. I guess it all comes to personal preference. I like how Anchor does them and yes it is touristy. But Im from NYC and to me, "touristy" means the food totally stinks and is outrageously priced. So I go to Anchor and still get a a quality bowl of wings, beers, some Beef on Weck and dont spend a fortune, so I like that. There are "touristy" elements there but I dont get the impression its a tourist "trap." Thanks, PM for the other suggestions.
  20. If Goodell goes to Mexico or London, he should be fired immediatety.
  21. Not seeing whats "sucks" (nor whats being 'preached'). Was there recently and I found the food, service and prices same as it ever was.
  22. I would lol at **** like this if the liberal retards wouldnt get so much sand in their vaginas every time a right leaning group or pundit did or said something one quarter as "bad" as this. Bet your bottom dollar that if a GOP group put this out, the retards would be going on about "respect for our elders" and how they are being "exploited" by the ad. The fact that those 'tards are such hypocritical c-nts about this stuff removes all the comedy from it.
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