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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Philly fans are the biggest !@#$s on the planet. I hope that town doesnt even win a damned PTA bowling tournament.
  2. Ive done this several times. I STILL dont get Jimmy B. But that's me. Guff...give us a ring.
  3. Reading up on this. There is a lot here. Still dont think appeasement is the key to solving the terrorist problem, though.
  4. The idea that the war and the Bush administration's policies are just FUELING the influx of terrorists and that appeasement, like what France, Russia and Germany subscribed to will work to quell terrorism and Islamic Fascism.
  5. Good thing Russia didnt piss off Muslims by opting OUT of the Iraq war.
  6. I wonder if France and Russia were glad they didnt help "foster more terrorism" by opting OUT of the Iraq war. Another liberal talking point debunked. Love it.
  7. Taking Michael Moore's silly point about "seven minutes" and expanding it. Yeah...splendid. And arent you people the ones who call Bush a "Cowboy" and a "loose cannon"?. But now youre saying you wanted him to jump up and roll three armored divisions across Afghanistan with Him on a white horse leading the charge "Patton Style" on September 12, 2001? Youre fooling nobody.
  8. Thats life in the modern world. Sucks...but just the way it is.
  9. Not for nothing, but why do I have to SEE Moore's piece of stevestojan to know that he's lying? Ive heard or read enough reports calling it a piece of untruthful propaganda from folks who HAVE seen it...from my next-door neighbor down to OSAMA BIN LADEN'S BROTHER. Everyone knows the score on this issue and this clown.
  10. Im all over the place...blasting through the channels until I find a panel or guest that I want to hear from.
  11. Clarifying a remark represents a "Flip-flop"?? LOL...I dont think so.
  12. VT..."SPERMSUIT" was not an insult directed at you. It was an offshoot reference to "FLIGHTSUIT!!!", which around these parts is shorthand for "Quit with the BS talking points and get with the discussion." No matter..................................
  13. This is a tried and true technique of BOTH parties the closer you get to Erection Day.
  14. This thread really is a hoot. I dont know what's funnier..the biggest bombthrowers crying "IM A VICTIM!" or the rest who lament the fact that this board is not some online facsimile of politics debate at Harvard. Whats REALLY funny and downright sad is that the people who are getting called out as the "scum" of the board like boomer, tb or myself ( I do not recall calling VT a "spermsuit", BTW) are the only ones who are truly HONEST here. See.. at least we dont make any illusions to be something we are not. The rest of you, and you know who you are are being truly pathetic. YOU KNOW DAMN WELL youre as guilty as the above-mentioned in bringing down the discourse here to the level of "Romper Room" on MORE than one occasion. But you bulshit everyone and pat yourselves on the back that youre innocent and above the fray. And thats just lame.
  15. I always get a real kick out of the grenade throwers who then turn into "victims" the moment it suits them.
  16. Ah, right...I forgot...up until Jan 2000, the Middle East just LOVED the United States. Silly me.
  17. One of the biggest fallacies and pie in the sky ideas is that if Kerry is elected, the rest of the world, especially France, Germany and Russia, will suddenly be our best friends.
  18. DING!!!!!!! CUCKOO!!!!!!!! DING!!!!!!! CUCKOO!!!!!!!! DING!!!!!!! CUCKOO!!!!!!!!
  19. OK, maybe "running" was the wrong word to use. He was still acting like a bombastic, grandstanding !@#$ this week at the behest of FrankenKerry.
  20. I posted on a Grateful Dead web board, FULL of extreme leftists to please "Be Cool" if they were coming to NYC, pointing out specifically all the thrats of violence.. The overall reaction I got was that the GOP "will get what it deserves". So much for PEACE, huh?
  21. I think its completely fair to characterize Cleland as a goon. Maybe not literally, but figuratively, Cleland's goal was to "terrorize", running down to TX, screaming and yelling, pounding on the door of GW's ranch with press in tow, his intentions were pretty clear.
  22. Oh, to be SURE Dowd and Matthews and the rest of the crew will call this guy every name in the book. Bottom line: Flopenstein is in deep stevestojan.
  23. **GONG!!!!!!!!!!!**
  24. I agree. We should all donate more to the poor and agree to a large tax increase. You first.
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