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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Its called SOCIAL Media. If you post stuff on a platform with the name SOCIAL in it and are shocked(!!!) when you find out lots of other people can see that stuff, please stop breathing.
  2. Im sorry, I dont see liberals chaning their social views. In fact they have gotten more extreme, if anything.
  3. Al Gore's a c-t. !@#$ him.
  4. Luck's been very good...for a rookie. Hes hardly been a "stud pro-bowl QB." http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1421706-andrew-luck-colts-qb-continues-to-win-despite-lackluster-stats This is zero question Pagano's illness has been THE motivating factor for the Colts this year.
  5. Republicans are !@#$ing inept. Instead of pointing out why he did it, Boehner tables the bill and hands the press, the public and now people in his own party a cache of weapons to attack him so big, Al Qaeda is envious. And stop with the RINO stuff, already. Christie and King dont care about pork. Those things are what party leadership is supposed to deal with. Boehner has said a word about it and doesnt even take Christies calls? Pathetic. These guys have consituents who need aid. NOW. Some post on this board, for chrissakes.
  6. Right, becuase Florida isnt known for Republicans who later swung left. Charlie Crist ring a bell?
  7. Very few ex coaches I dont "pull" for. Might not openly root for them, except for a few, but why wish any of them ill will?
  8. I need to get into a business like that.....talk about cornering the market. Somewhere...some idiot is burning 100s for kindling becuase he came up with the idea to put those blankets in every hospital in the Country.
  9. Youre a lot dumber than you look. Well done.
  10. No he doesnt. Ive been in more than one organization like the Bills....where a "meddling" old owner totally screwed up the whole works. And when he stepped aside and re-organized the operation with the SAME people, when positive direction and roles were properly assigned, EVERYTHING changed. Huge, world class companies make re-orgs like the Bills did today regularly. Are they "stupid", too?
  11. YES....As long as two things take place: Brandon properly delegates to the "football men" to make the decisions THEY want. Not that he has to rubber stamp everything. But allows them to "do their jobs", if you will and Mr. Wilson keeps to his promise not to meddle or override them. I have LITTLE confidence either one of these two conditions will be met.
  12. Being here in NYC, every single sports observer remembers the INFAMOUS presser when the Jets' owner Leon Hess intro'd Rich Kotite. Unfortunately, I have a gut feeling a similar debacle is about to take place.
  13. Russ Brandon back on the football side of things? Oh no.......................
  14. Im not following this close enough....the math and all these tax rules hurt my head (shaddup). But Im reading a few different pieces trying to understand this "deal" last night and ALL Im seeing is ALL tax hikes or reinstatement of taxes like the payroll tax and not a single cut. HUH???!!!??? REALLY???!!??? The only thing CLOSE to a "cut" is that they put off expanding the AMT even further than it is, which I think is good. This government really sucks. Like.....seriously sucks.
  15. This. New Coach HAS TO be able to bring in his own men. There are occasional exceptions, but its really the only way.
  16. Id have much more respect for you if you added Barack Obama to that list. Becuase if you think a WHITE one term senator with a long list of "present votes" and a dodgy past would be elected President, youre a complete idiot.
  17. This all reminds me of some old idiot in the old usenet days who used to talk about "his sources deep withing One Bills Drive" all the time.
  18. Crime rates overall have steadily declined in the US. But please continue.
  19. Out-!@#$ing-standing.... http://www.newrochelletalk.com/content/map-where-are-journal-news-employees-your-neighborhood
  20. Piers is really becoming a caricature of himself. Now he wants to see the Bible with an amendment changing its stance on same-sex marriage.
  21. But youre ignoring YOUR part in all this. Fans DEMAND the new "sports palaces" Fans DEMAND a winning product and the hundreds of millions of dollars in player and coach salaries that requires. And if they dont get it? The fans stop coming. So owners have a huge amount of overhead and when they dont own the building, go to those that do, the muinicipalities, and say "Look....fans are demanding a product thats costs [huge money] to operate and amenities to YOUR building. So you gotta kick in or I cant sell tickets. And if I cant do that, Im out." Charles Wang with the Islanders when through this. The guy poured tens of millions of his own money into the team. But the restrictive lease where he couldnt get any money back from consessions sold, plus a complete dump and broken down arena the local municipality outright refused to fix resulted in fans not coming any more. He then got absolutely killed financially each year. So he left. Look...we, as fans have a right to and should demand such things like a winning team and a really nice place to go see it. Im just saying you cant leave that part out of the equasion. Its not "leveraging emotional ties" as much as it is meeting consumer demand to stay in business.
  22. So you just admitted you prefer your news from sources biased in your favor. But when someone else posted from a source biased the other way, you said that was "bad." Weeeeeeaaaaaakkkkk
  23. Regardless of how you feel about his politics and his Son, Senior is an American hero and a true man's man.
  24. A blogger has taken on the righteous task of "outing" douchebag sanctimonius journalists: http://christopherfo...-for-the-goose/
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