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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. What? "BRING IT ON!!" doesnt do it for you???
  2. You were stating a fact that had NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. Gee, why dont I bring up the power/weight ratio of the new GE90 turbofan that is being fitted to the Boeing 777-300ER? Those are FACTS, right? But that topic has about as much relevance to this thread that your half-cocked diatribes about the people talking about John Kerry in this thread. And youve got some nerve demaning others to put forth what you call "intelligent and honest" appraisals of ANYTHING, considering all youve contributed here since your arrival last week is "Bush sucks, hes a moron, hes stupid, hes responsible for everything wrong with this country". And as far as your silly personal insults go, youre some hoot. Why dont you tell us all again how GWB invented "pork"??/ Do you even know what that is? Still waiting for the response to THAT one.
  3. Doug Flutie is the "answer"? GONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Mobility is almost LAST on the list of important things a QB needs. Even in the modern game, it comes down to head (smarts), release speed, accuracy, arm strenght and then, maybe...mobility.
  5. Do you even READ the threads you respond to? Who mentioned John Kerry?
  6. Not only are some of you probalby waiting for someone to steal a base, you probably think youre watching the game in France.
  7. My favorite part was where the writer got on Bush for "shoving freedom and liberation down the Iraqi's throats". Well, I guess when youre a far-left socialist, that WOULD be considered a bad thing. So freedom and liberty are bad and a socialist system should be implemented for health care. Good thing these folks arent anti-American.
  8. What the !@#$ does anything you said have to do with my point that Kerry's position on Iraq made yesterday may cost him votes becuase it moves him further left and away from undecided voters??!!??
  9. I watch it while sitting on my throne, eating fresh killed raw steak and drinking Jack Daniels, while my personal "Ball Washer" makes sure my "nether region" is in proper order. How do YOU watch it?? At a bar??? AAAAHHHHHAAAAHHHHAAAAHHHAAA!!!
  10. You mean you miss the days when we had a First Ballot HOFer at QB, RB and both WR postions, playing behind one the best OLs in the game and coached by a HOF coach? Yeah...me too. Why cant they seem to get that situation back? It should be easier that this!
  11. My position is that if DB and this offense is still struggling this bad when Losman returns to the roster, Losman should begin taking reps with the first team in practice for one to two weeks and should then start.
  12. MarchiaShepaPendryClementsHenningBride SUCKS!!!!
  13. Wait a second....NOBODY is saying that Losman cant cut it. What is being said that if you DO put him in, be prepared for growing pains. They may come. They may not and everything might click. But by taking the risk of playing a rook with ZIPPO experience, youve got to be prepared for losing and growing pains. You MUST be prepared for that very possible scenario. And frankly, its downright laughable to compare an untested rook to a first ballot HOFer, one of the leagues BEST passers and one of the best young QBs.
  14. He doesnt live in Buffalo!
  15. If you dont know why he's calling timeout, then I assume you are waiting for someone to steal a base. What's next? We're going to question why Drew yells "HUT HUT HUT!!!!!" in a funny cadence before he snaps the ball??!!??
  16. I agree with KFBD. The 60 Minutes people consider themselves the "Gold Standard" for tv journalism, but they have been anything but.
  17. Another HUGE Gaffe by Kerry, IMO. By taking the "Howard Dean" approach to the war, he moves his position further LEFT, AWAY from the "undecideds" and towards one that couldnt even win a Democratic Primary and further, one Kerry himself lambasted when he debated Dean last Winter.
  18. Taking my lady to Block Island. OK.. SHE booked it with her friends and Im just kinda tagging along..but Im driving, so in MY world, Im taking HER.....not vice versa.
  19. That play was as much of a touchdown as Music City Miracle was a forward pass.
  20. I have no problem starting Losman. But Im prepared to begin rebuilding. Becuase if you DO start him, thats exactly what youre doing.
  21. The most comical aspect about this season is how quickly people trot out polls when they say their guy is ahead and pooh pooh them the SECOND a poll comes out that says the other guy is.
  22. They should keep him out. His music sucks and so does his attitude. He's an oddbird amonst oddbirds.
  23. Yeah, well, we cant ALL be Streisand. But we do what we can.
  24. "Fox is biased to the Right" SO????? Just about every other major news organization outside of the WSJ is biased to the LEFT. And they "hide" thier bias just as much...or worse....than Fox hides theirs. I always say, nothing worse than watching some maroon scream about Fox's bias while reading the NY Times and tuning in to NPR.
  25. FOX LIES, PEOPLE DIE!!!!!!!!! NO BLOOD FOR OIL!!!!!!!!! FLIGHTSUIT!!!!!!!!!!!! HALLIBURTON!!!!!!!!!!!! where is my copy of today's NY Times?
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