You were stating a fact that had NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. Gee, why dont I bring up the power/weight ratio of the new GE90 turbofan that is being fitted to the Boeing 777-300ER? Those are FACTS, right? But that topic has about as much relevance to this thread that your half-cocked diatribes about the people talking about John Kerry in this thread.
And youve got some nerve demaning others to put forth what you call "intelligent and honest" appraisals of ANYTHING, considering all youve contributed here since your arrival last week is "Bush sucks, hes a moron, hes stupid, hes responsible for everything wrong with this country".
And as far as your silly personal insults go, youre some hoot. Why dont you tell us all again how GWB invented "pork"??/ Do you even know what that is? Still waiting for the response to THAT one.