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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Looks like an UGLY Convention. Glad I wasnt there. P.S. See you next year.
  2. Im very disappointed in the debate structure this year.
  3. ??????? Whats the point of THIS rant? And like YOU live in Shangri-La?
  4. Here on Long Island, we have one of the most liberal-leaning papers in the Country...Newsday. However, Nassau County, until very recently, has been one of the most Republican counties in the Country. Try again, TB..............................
  5. They HATE Kerry! Its a secret Bush-driven cabal, planned by Cheney and Halliburton! or... its an RNC funded effort run by the "Secret Service Agents for Truth"
  6. Besides the horrid bathroom situation, we have to admit...weve got it pretty good in terms of facilities. Come down here to Giants Stadium and then back to The Ralph, and youll drop to your knees in thanks that we call that place home. It truly is a world-class facility.
  7. Well, if you dont like it, you can always run away and create a secret, password protected place on the Internet, where the "elite" can go an find sanctuary and those who crave control can find peace and sanctuary and run their new haven like their own private social club...no having to worry about pesky things like differences of opinion and personality. Oh wait....................................
  8. And this moron drives around in a Benz. Makes you sick.
  9. Anyone else catch the irony here? What an !@#$.
  10. OK, Mick...how would YOU handle Iran?
  11. "Vote for Bush or DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Vote for Kerry, or youll wind up being drafted!!!!!!!!!!!!" More of the same old, same old.
  12. This is the lamest arguemnt EVER. WHY do I need to see his movies and waste my time when I've read in about fifty different places and heard first hand testimonials from a ton of others that Moore's work is utter stevestojan. I didnt read Mein Kampf either. Does that mean I cant decide that Adolph Hitler was, to say the least, a wee bit misguided?
  13. Living in VT, you should know perfectly well WHY the liquor laws are the way they are. But since you dont agree with them, even though their reason for being is perfectly valid, they are "inane" to you. Based on this, your entire EC arguement is out the window, thank you very much. Becuase based on your quote above, the only thing that makes a law or anything else "wrong" in your opinion is not why its in place now or put there years ago, but whether or not you agree with it. Thanks for playing.................................
  14. Why the hell you giving ME a hard time? All Im saying is that the EC is relevant and needed. But since you seem you want to challenge me, Im all for it. Ive looked at the road schedules for both candidates, and while I see your point that they dont spend as much time in the less populated areas, they HARLDY concentrate on just the so-called "big" states. Its pretty clear that the campaigns are attempting to broaden their reach as much as possible, but...they DO focus on the more populated areas. And if the EC was done away with, that would not change. As Tom stated, the USA is NOT a direct democracy and was never intended to be. Is that "common sense" enough for you?
  15. People holding picket signs are VERY photogenic
  16. Yes....I do. Maybe Im naive....but I cannot FATHOM that the vast majority of Iraqis are embracing the work of the insurgents who look to undermine the growth of this country. Remember...it isnt just Americans being killed. Its Iraqis. Its the oil pipeline, police stations, all kinds of efforts to resore this country that are being undermined by the insurgency. You mean to tell me Mr. Iraqi-man-on-the-street doesnt have a problem with this? As far as the "Sovereignty" issue, youve got a point.
  17. Welcome to the biased media in the modern age. Dont REPORT.....TWIST. So sad. Thanks for the detailed report!
  18. I dont buy your argument at all. Lets say the US did it "my way". Ill bet anything that for everyone Iraqi that would get pissed that the US went in gangbusters, there would be 10,000 who would be glad we did and finally put an end to this nonsense. Sorry....We TRIED the sensitive approach. Its getting us nowhere. Two years and 1,000 bodies later, its pretty clear the "cautions" approach isnt working. This is war and its time for the decisive battle.
  19. But WE have "insane" hatred. I love it.
  20. There are a myriad of reasons why the Electoral College was created and why its still relevant today, the primary one being so that every vote DOES count and so that candidates are forced to pay attention to not just NY, FL the more populated states. Read up on the subject and then get back to us.
  21. Excellent!
  22. At the risk of sounding like a "right wing whacko neanderthal", methinks that if the US went in and did it RIGHT, Falluja would become a parking lot in about five minutes with not even one soldier getting a scratch. We have the tools, the men and the talent to make it so. But given our propensity for caring more about "feelings" these days and our wonderful strategic planning of such offensives, I expect another quagmire.
  23. I truly pity someone like yourself that is so WRONG about others and in general, is just so miserable. AGAIN...I must ask...if you cant stand it here so much, then why dont you leave? If you cant stand to hear an opposing point of view, then why dont you just split already? You cant get rhough one post these days without whining about everything. If its so bad for you, then LEAVE.
  24. http://www.geae.com/engines/commercial/ge90/ge90-115b.html More power than the Altas Rocket that launched the Mercury capsules. A marvel of engineering. Ever watch a performance test of new engine where they toss hundreds of birds into the engine running at 105% of N1? Not pretty. On a seperate note, friend of mine is getting me into a 737 sim next month. Lets see if I can grease a CAT III landing.
  25. The writer ofthe original blog disparaged the concept of freedom and liberty...but WE are the "whackos". Thanks for the laugh.
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