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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I take them seriously and approach them the same way I take the NY Times, Newsday, CNN and pretty much every other news source seriously. Like politicians, they are all cut from the same cloth. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a LEMMING.
  2. All it takes to shrivel the dicks of those fools from BAAAAASTON is yelling at them one short statement: 1918 They could win FIFTY SuperBowls and that line would STILL be a huge dagger right to their bloodless hearts.
  3. So a clerical error in which a joke was posted on the live site equals a news network failing to verify documents for a story, having their lead anchor go with said story live, and then when then story turns out to be false, standing by it because the lead producer has a five year hard-on for the subject of the story? Every time I think Im becoming too much of a "lemming", threads like this (and anything NozzleHead posts) remind me Ive got a long way to go before I reach that point.
  4. Yes...Mr. Wilson SUCKS!!!!!!!!! It really sucks to have a man own the team who spends $$$ on the club both on the field and off, puts money back in to the community and also is a good, kind soul. We need someone else to own the team!
  5. Dont even GO there, lefties. You'll just embarrass yourself.
  6. Nowhere in that article does it say that they are removing troops. Just that the Defense Minister thinks that they might want to consider it soon. And nowhere in that article does it say that would remove troops because of a change in their position in regards to the War on Terror. Next time you drop by to post a link or a story, make the assumption that people might actually READ the story or link. Got it?
  7. WHAT??!!??
  8. Nice apology. But by now, ICE is probably campaigning for the Queen of England to play QB for the Bills.
  9. WAIT A SECOND, VT??? I thought Gallup was just a tool of the RNC and the Christian Right. Thats what Sean Penn told me. And all those other polls.....I thought they were just innaccurate and not properly representative of the American People. Right?
  10. Ive got a good one: "Trade Henry, Moulds and Spikes!"
  11. I loved his Tora Bora comment. It was right on, IMO. Bush and the DOD !@#$ed up BIG TIME on that deal and believe me, there is no MMQBing here. As soon as I saw on CNN that we had Osama surrounded with those rag-tag fighters guarding the North and West flanks, me and everyone with half a brain knew Osama would slide those fellas a few bucks and get out that way.
  12. On another note, when was the last time Teddy-o was able to hold the wheel straight? Ba Bump PUM!!!!!!!!!
  13. FLY NAVY!!!!!
  14. Kerry was nervous BIG TIME at the start. But settled down nicely.
  15. Keep it in one thread, Mick. And Mr. Global Crossing's "Stuffing the ballot box" tactic have anything to do with the initial poll results???? Naw....couldnt be!
  16. Good debate. Kerry may have saved his campaign tonight. That's not to say his performance will turn the public in his favor. But he didnt get killed, either...which was a distinct possibility going in.
  17. Here is why the "BUSH FLIP FLOPS, TOO" argument hold no water at all. "YOU" have to go back YEARS to find a BUSH flip flop. To find a KERRY flip flop, "WE" have to go back HOURS.
  18. Excuse me, ICE...but Im "flaming and bashing" you becuase your all over the damned map. Your daily flip-flopping diatribes make John Kerry blush. You say trade the Bills best players. 24 hours later, youve got them going 7-3. They TEN hours later, you say start Losman and rebuild. WHAT THE !@#$??!!?? Heres a novel concept.....make a point and trying STICKING WITH IT for more than a few hours. Then maybe you wont get "flamed and bashed". And frankly, being that youve been the poster boy for being a negative loose cannon on TSW and have been for years now, youve got some nerve to now be playing the victim.
  19. Three threads down, ICE has the Bills at 7-3. Now hes got them rebuilding. Hes all over the map! Up the meds, Ice!
  20. Youd be the FIRST yahoo to be on here screaming "Hes a bust, he sucks!!!!" three second after the steps back and throws his first pick.
  21. Sanity reigns: http://www.oaklandtribune.com/Stories/0,14...2432116,00.html Of course, the typical appeasement-minded "but" appears at the bottom of the article where "being sensitive to the community" comes into play.
  22. Im sure the three fans of the Expos in Montreal are really crying in their beers this morning.
  23. Ive always been pissed that the Hurricanes never make it to RICH. But then again, my liefetime fantasy is not some depraved sexual experience, but the hope that on one of my business trips, my pilots pass out or die and I get called to the cockpit to land the plane Ted Stryker-style. I just NEED to get on a two-way radio and when asked to identify myself and give my position say "My name is Rich and Im sitting down and facing front!!"
  24. Shes just spouting the local talking points of the week from the leftists. Ive heard the same line of black helicopter stevestojan on Air America and spouted by a few other leftist pundits. That is, the GOP and the Bushies are working to suppress the vote by taking advantage of minorities in different locales. Nevermind that it was proven that no voter fraud took place in FL in 2000. They are adding 2+2 and getting 20. Laughable.
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