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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Ill "take" the win...and yeah...Im happy...... I guess. Im not trying to be negative....but one loss cant change years of frustration around. Its going to tkae more than this to get me excited again. Call me a skeptic.
  2. Im still not impressed with this club. Call me crazy but after years of futility and a horrid start this year, its going to take more than one win to get me excited.
  3. Except for the figures about the election, one can swap out all the references to "Bush" and "Republicans" with "Kerry" and "Liberals" and this post would have pretty much the same meaning. And thats what's completely chilling about people like blzrul. They not only believe that the "other" side is more or less Satan incarnate, they also believe "their" side is perfect and infallible.
  4. Everone who is religious is a "whack-job" right-winger. Kerry has no place in the Church or even in one. Didnt you get the memo, Brandon?
  5. Lousy comment...but you have to admit...for all the "love" directed towards the city, people sure do leave WNY at a pretty good clip.
  6. The Yanks are going to cut through that STL pitching staff like a hot knife through butter. Furthermore, managing against Joe Torre is a liiiiiiitle different than managing against Phil Garner who has set the record TWICE for "Most boneheaded managment of a bullpen. And this is coming from a METS fan.
  7. Im having real trouble figuring out how its "stupid" for a candidate or party to run campaign ads on the radio, especially ones trying to get in touch with an audience the candidate may be having trouble reaching.
  8. Your respect level around here just went through the floor with that stevestojan comment. Good work.
  9. Despite the debate bounce, the Iraq situation and just about EVERYTHING that's going on, Bush is still leading. Gotta be hugely troubling for the Kerry campaign.
  10. Outside of Richio's rantings, who is "hysterical"?
  11. Yeah...like....NO stevestojan. As if playing "nice" with these !@#$ ups was worked so far? Bully for the Bills org. for "not taking it anymore" and taking action. A barely mediocre employee with a bad attitude working for a failing organization was fired. Whoop-!@#$ing-pee! This ranks right up there with "the sun rising" on the list of "Normal things that happen every day". Welcome to the real world.
  12. Democrats? They also take issue with Rich giving them a bad name IN GENERAL.
  13. Wait...dont coaches cut players all the time?
  14. Shaw to the Claytons? WHOOPEEE!!!!! The loss of friend bologna is of more importance to the Bills.
  15. Id truly love to hear ONE CASE of where a voter stepped up and can provide a verified report of being "scared or intimidated" by ANYONE in 2000. Personally, Im very afraid 76 year old Ida Greenbaum who I usually see at my local voting plane may say some threatening remarks towards me when I go to pull the lever next month.
  16. I have ZERO problem wit hthis and would welcome it. TH was at the TOP of the list of fundamentally inept dumbasses who infest this roster. He hasnt missed a critical moment to get hurt, fumble, trip, blow a block or drop a pass. Good riddance. Now all the Bills need to do is replace those five dumb fat-asses who call themselves an offensive line, lose "Mr. Playmaker" who hasnt caught a clean INT in years, and trade "Mr. Robot Dance on 2nd down, fall asleep on 3rd down" and this team might actually have some players who have a clue.
  17. BANK ON IT... This election will not be clean. The party representing the loser will definitley be going to the courts to challenge the outcome. IMO, its going to get ugly.
  18. "Honest to goodness polls" Thats a hoot! Hey Mick...did the recent edict from Mr. Global Crossing tell you to post this stevestojan on sports boards, too?
  19. Who else you going to cut? Drew? Henry? Spikes? I have zero problem with this move.
  20. What do you expect for him? A #1 pick?
  21. I have to ask... WHAT THE !@#$ ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??!!?? First of all, Id like to point out the silly notion of yours that this "fight" somehow relates to the Presidential election. Nice try to make a connection there. No dice, though. Now...the effort to remove the langauge itself....Where did you come up with the idea that the fight to remove this langague is based in ANYTHING besides an effort to remove a piece of pork that was snuck in? From what Ive read, NOBODY is arguing that the language in regards to Jim Crow needs to go. All ANYONE is saying is that a bill to remove such langauge should not have anything else attached to it. Nice try, Mick. Go back to the drawing board.
  22. Even I know RCow was joking. But what Edwards said was BEYOND absurd. The Left should be happy...they now have a total equivalent to Cheney's silly "Vote for Bush or die" comment.
  23. Further proving the point that this team is comprised of a bunch of dumb maroons. Travis "I cant catch, block or stop tripping and fumbling" Henry is leading the charge with these clowns. Its time for this guy to go. He is as fundamentally bad as you can get.
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