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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Be careful, Mike. I TRIED to make the point that it isnt over until they win the World Series and got flamed to high holy hell. Isnt this board GREAT?
  2. I really dont think the world hates us as much as the Left would love everyone to believe. Sure some countries have a secret hate for the U.S. But overall, what this country has done for mankind in a positive sense far outweighs what it has done in a negative sense. And the rest of the world appreciates and respects that.
  3. And how, exactly is what youve described above, basically a description of Tokyo, Amsterdam, Berlin and about ten other FOREIGN cities, a reason to hate the U.S.? The U.S. has FAR from cornered the market on tacky crap and porn. In fact, compared to the rest of the world, we have a ton LESS of that stuff.
  4. So he SAT (not benched) a pitcher who was on short rest (3 days) for a guy who was on SHORTER rest (2 days)? Makes no sense.
  5. Youve got a great point. We need to look no further than our beloved Bills and their mindset in those last few Super Bowls to know this theory has legs.
  6. SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE on the Sawx will screw SOMETHING up. They always do. They always will. But Im rooting for them, anyways. On a more scientific side, Gary Marsh is umping behind the plate tonight and according to reports, has a K zone the size of London Fletcher's brain (miniscule). The 8th and 9th innings are going to be WILD based on this, and of course, that favors the home team.
  7. Like I said....MA$$HOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. The double "oo" was to get around the profanity filter. How long have you been posting here? Please stop with the "who me??" crap in regards to Boston fans and their attitude. Between that and the fact that its been completely been lost on you that IM ROOTING FOR THE SOX TO WIN, youve just been embarrasing yourself. And yeah...LOSERS. Buckner, Boone, Dent, losing to the Red, not signing an minority players in the 50's, screwing up the AROD and Ordonez deal last Winter, Grady Little, painting the WS logo on the field at Fenway before game 7 was even played last year. The Sawx and their frustrated fanbase has commited more gaffes and had their mouths write checks they cant cash for close to a century now. So PUT UP OR SHUT UP AND WIN THE DAMN GAME. If you dont, the curse lives, what took place the last three days means JACK and 1918 rings true STILL.
  9. As a fan and as a person, Tom is as good as it gets.
  10. Im a METS fan, dummy. I have my own problems. I have no "dog" in this fight. Im just enjoyng wathcing some great ball being played. And please spare me the "what is a 'M!@#$'" tripe. You know damn well you people up there have some of the nastiest 'tude in the country, ESPECIALLY when it comes to baseball. Again....dont run your big mouths or do anything stupid like you usually do and WIN THE DAMN GAME. And then, WIN THE DAMN WORLD SERIES. Anything less and you're still nothing more than a bunch of losers with big mouths.
  11. Yeah...shut the !@#$ up, already! 1) its getting tedious 2) Let the Sawx WIN THE DAMN GAME before running smack 3) Your team has its OWN problems. Worry about the mess in your own yard before ragging on your neighbor.
  12. Just do us all a favor and make sure all the Masshooles dont do anything stupid today like paint "2004 World Series" on the Fenway field or not take out Bill Buckner in the later innings. And remember....If you beat the Yanks today, THE CURSE IS STILL ALIVE. The Curse is not winning the WORLD SERIES. It has nothing to do with the Yankees. IF you dont win it all this year, "1918" lives on.
  13. Didnt say it does. Said that this is the reason WHY it happens and why its so ridiculous and hypocritical for somone like Olivier to cry "VICTIM!"
  14. Because the French and Canadians and even more, French Canadians have expressed nothing but love and respect and kind words for America and its citizenery both at home and around the world, right? Please.
  15. I shed no tears for an insult directed to our "friends" up North. Those idiots rank up there with the French and would take a giant collective stevestojan on us all down here if they could. F 'um.
  16. And whom we met five minutes before we "hired them" and would take a c-note from bin Ladens hands to let him walk the other way? YES.....bad decision. The worst attack on our history that could have taken out the entire U.S. goverment if not for some bad timing and some brave souls on a light over PA. You dont hire out ANYONE to nail those responsible for such an act, IMO. If I were Franks, I would have been suggesting the use of bunker busters equipped with tactical nukes to turn Tora Bora into an anthill the second I heard bin Laden was there. But thats me.
  17. Good work. You should be proud.
  18. Franks is spinning. Tora Bora will go down as one of the biggest military blunders of all time. And he can talk all he wants about "global focus". The fact that bin Laden is still breathing is an infamnia...an utter failure and disgrace. We almost lost our entire government on 9/11..or the White House itself. And all we could do was a "measured response" relying on foreign fighters? Disgraceful.
  19. Pat Buchanan has become one of DC's true straight shooters and voices of sanity. Who woulda thunk THAT a few year back??
  20. Whether the reason for extending the "War on Terror" into Iraq is proven to be false or not, that doesnt change the fact that EVERYTHING in the Bush Doctrine comes out of what took place on Sept 11.
  21. September 11, 2001
  22. Wait a second..... Besides paying taxes, what else does one need to do in order to be able to be in favor of the war and own the right to discuss it? You DO understand the concept of the 1st Amendment, taxes and a volunteer Army, right?
  23. Nobody is "SENT" anywhere. The U.S. Army is VOLUNTARY. By supporting the war or any other military action, Im not "sending" other people's children anywhere. Just like Im not "sending" my neighbor who is a cop into a crack-house in Bed-Stuy. And by being a U.S. taxpayer, Ive done all that is required of me to have any say on this issue at all.
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