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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Funny because this is what GWB has said since DAY ONE in regards to the war on terror. Nothing better than complaining about someone on an issue that you AGREE with.
  2. Sorry....gotta do this just once..... Hey libbers....... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOSEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! Eat it, bitches!!!!!!!!!!!! [/ silly gloating]
  3. The two big libs in my office are acting like someone died. And, of course, are being rude to me.
  4. Kudos to Kerry and the DNC. They did the right thing.
  5. Yes...exactly. Firend of mine kept bending my ear about "what about love???!!??". Funny, nobody thought about this issue until homosexual couples were denied the FINANCIAL benefits of marriage. Until then, the word "partner" was just fine and dandy. I wish people would just admit the truth sometimes.
  6. Oh please. This issue is about MONEY, more than anything else. Its not about "love".
  7. There may be plenty of loons on the right. I dont deny that. Im talking about the vitriol, the horrid rhetoric that these people like Franken and the rest resulted to. The cursed on TV, they ranted, they physically assaulted detractors. They compared Bush to an anti-Christ and much worse. They talked subversive about this country overseas. They called those who disagree with them "idiots" and much worse. Their anger and hatred was on full display. And it turned people OFF, not ON.
  8. A !@#$ING MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !@#$ them...all of them...Moore, Franken, Garafalo, Belzer, Streisand, Soros, all of them. They think their rantings did good? No...they just proved how nuts and out of touch they all are. Truth be told, every time I even CONSIDERED the merits of John Kerry, the rantings of those !@#$s and the rest of the looney left proved to me that I was in the right (no pun intended) camp. Bush and his crew are far from perfect. But they arent anywhere NEAR as out of touch with the American Consiousness than the above loons are. And the voters proved that 1,000% last night.
  9. So by Bush saying terrorists are bad and that he will protect us, he is "scaring" us. But then what do you call Kerry's calls that "everything sucks, everything is wrong"?
  10. If the number of provisionals is smaller than the Bush lead, its over. End of story. Good night. Expect the DNC to send an army of lawyers to Columbus anyways. And it will be sad times in this country if they do. Bottom line, over 50% of the votes went to Bush. The Republicans INCREASED their majority in the Senate. And the one social issue of note went hugely conservative. The people have spoken. And the claim by the left that THEY represent the TRUE America now lay in tatters.
  11. Sore loser!
  12. He looks a bit DEAD tonight.
  13. Call me nuts, but I dont think Roe v. Wade will EVER be done away with 100%.
  14. "You'll have to excuse me -- I'm tired, and I'm a little drunk! And I want everyone here to know -- there's not gonna be no trouble from me! Don Corleone. Cicc', a porta! "
  16. Even Carville is conceding, pretty much. That speaks volumes.
  17. Im very happy about this, but Im not counting anything as gospel until NBC and CNN join in on the calling of the state.
  18. No...they will B word, whine and carry on like little spolied girls.
  19. timing impeccable, as always.
  20. Matt's drunk....shocker.
  21. ?????????????????????????????????????? Go to bed.
  22. Gracias. Friend said its over a million, but that CANT be..there is only 17 million citizens in the state!
  23. Whats the absentee ballot cont in FL? Bush is up by almost 400,000 in FL...it may be a moot point.
  24. Protesting and like activities are such sooooo much cooler than going to a dingy elementary school gym and waiting on line for a little bit.
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