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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Man, has THIS thread gone downhill..................
  2. Ever notice that all these suicide soldiers or whatever are always promised a whole lot of kitty in the after life? Its always..."live a virtuous life, dont drink, dont do anything...but kill yourself for our cause and youll be knee deep in virgin whores and liquor."
  3. Over/under on how long before his death is pinned on Bush/USA? I say ten hours.
  4. Such tolerance...such love...such understanding. Aint progressive thinking grand?
  5. Kinda reminds me of the old Chris Rock bit about religions banning eating meat and why it was done. "Now...a pork chop is your best friend. But 2,000 years ago, a pork chop might kill ya!"
  6. Genie posts an article as flamebait and Im a tool. Whhhaaaaaatttttteeeeeeevvvvvveeeeerrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And what Darin said. Again.
  7. Im pleased, too. They are responding to the staff, playing well and jelling as a club. What more can you want? Those who get on the staff for being cautious with McGahee are the same folks (and writers) who bashed the stevestojan out of Wade Phillips and John Bulter for the lightning-quick knee-jerk benching of Flutie in the Tenessee game a few years back. So take that talk with a grain of salt.
  8. You drive a car "Gene"? Use electricity? Own anything made of plastic? Yes? Then shut your pie-hole. Youve got no right to make such talk. And what Darin said.
  9. Regular posters who come up with alter egos so that they can act foolish are pussies.
  10. Who gives a flying !@#$ about the Buffalo Bills???!!?? BILLS, SCMILZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We want to hear about the Brazilian Beauties on the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. "12th Man" was in full effect on Sunday. It even came across on the TV. That "3rd down noise" that youre familiar with from days gone by was there and it was clear you guys were getting to the Jets big time. Good work!
  12. Its a high fly ball, deep to right field and it is GOOOONNNNEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! Good work, Darin.
  13. Gee...no wonder "those idiots in Middle America" didnt understand what she was saying. What a !@#$ing kook. Stick to playing young Jewish men on celluloid.
  14. I find that ranking completely realistic. The Bills played well....they didnt play anything CLOSE to a perfect game that warrants the rest of the NFL world to take note in amazement. And they are STILL just 3-5.
  15. People who post under second and third identities are pussies.
  16. ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always liked Shula. The one black mark on his career is that he let Marino dictate to him that a running game wasnt necessary and he should throw the ball 40 times a game.
  17. "Motherland"???? Youre from YONKERS!
  18. Good to see you, Tenny!
  19. Intolerant, KzooMike, condascending and clueless. Your folks must be proud. And thanks for proving my point in the thread "Brilliant".
  20. Controversy? Absolutely, positively NO WAY. Pennington's the man down here amognst Jets Nation.
  21. YAHTZEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about being dead on! "The American people don't want to be condescended to by ketchup heiresses, billionaire currency speculators, $20-million-a-picture Hollywood pretty boys, and multi-millionaire documentary-makers posing as bluecollar lardbutts. " Wow. I really think this nails it. The Left did a great job of grouping anyone who had a sense of "traditional morals" and were even remotely religious in with the far far right hard-core intolerant Bible thumpers. And these folks, who just did their 40, took their kids to Little League, tried to teach them traditional values of right and wrong (word hard, go to school, etc.) and went to Church once a week and put $10 in an envelope to give to their Parish were looked down on, laughed at, spit on and considered "religious whacko idiots" by the Left. And it continues NOW with continued talk of middle and southern U.S. states being called every name in the book. Does the Democratic Party have to move to Center and start taking on conservative moral values (anti-abortion, etc.)? No. But it would help their cause just a bit if they stopped referring to the average American family every name they can think of.
  22. I think Pennington's one heck of a QB, albiet limited in his ability due to his weak arm. He has trouble throwing outside and down the field and is definitely a QB that needs a system tailored to his ability a bit more than most QBs do. But the one quality he has...the most important quality he has is that he can win and carry a team. Pennington's under center and the team can win regularly. Of course, the Jets fans think he's Montana reincarnate, but thats another story.
  23. Anyone care to comment on the 03 draft now? The "idiot" doesnt look too bad this AM, does he?
  24. Alright, enough. Stop hanging out with Todd and get back to work. And stuck...ask Guffalo.
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