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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Ah, go eat a hunk of cheese.
  2. Man, you have zero clue how silly youve made yourself look in this thread, do you? So much has flown right over your head, its comical.
  3. BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good job, ca.
  4. DING!!!!!!!!! Dinner's ready!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Wow. Talk about clueless. You kiddies will understand what this is about soon enough.
  6. Ugh... Please go back and read the thirteen hundred threads and discussions on the topic on TSW, including this one which detail why people are offended. I cant be bothered doing your work for you. RMPL.
  7. Youre right! By the way...Ill be at your house about noon tomorrow to show you some samples of a carpet product Im selling. Be sure your children, wife and mother are around to watch the presentation. And Im SURE, base on the above, you wont mind my fits of cursing and the occasional very graphic and dirty joke I plan on telling. Right?
  8. The smileys denote SARCASM, morons. Thats covered in Board Posting 101, I believe.
  9. Im founding a new group: Bills Fans Foundation for the Seperation of Church and TSW!!!!!!!!!! This board REAAALLLLY needs an "OT" forum
  10. OK, all you wise guys who scoffed at my post...check this little factoid out: From THIS ARTICLE. HERE IS MORE ON THE SUBJECT
  11. This is the modern age of free agency in the NFL. The Bills could be in the Super Bowl by next year.
  12. Aw that's ok.. You think we are all prudish...we think you are all pussies.
  13. Ill bet $1,000 my ""Long Island whore" is 50x what your scag is. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  14. Coke...booze..pills...weed....gasoline....they were all OUT OF THEIR MINDS that night....high as kites. The best part hands down is during Romeo Delight where Dave yells "I FORGOT THE !@#$ING WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!" Even with the gaffes, an amazing show.
  15. I recently got a dopy of the 83 US Festival on tape. Its Van Halen at their absolute peak....and they played EVERYTHING that night. An AMAZING show.
  16. I dont watch "Desperate Housewifes" with children. Becuase I know what the content is. But, of course, I can watch football with kids, right? But like the Super Bowl, I tune in to watch football and get sex. So based on this, I'd like those in the "just turn the channel" crowd to tell me this... What do I do when I DO just that? What do you say when "prudes" and "uptight people" like me decide to "turn the channel" and "be parents" and still get it shoved in our faces????
  17. You better call me a doctor, baby, no pain Overloaded, down the drain Somebody get me a doctor You better call up the ambulance I'm, deep in shock Overloaded baby, I can hardly walk Somebody get me a doctor (Ooh!) Somebody get me a doctor Yeah! I'm feelin' over fine And I'm speedin', down that line Woo, woo! (Guitar Solo) Ya better call up a doctor, feelin high I'm overloaded baby, I say "Bye-bye!" Somebody get me a doctor. Oh, yeah! Somebody get me a doctor. Ooh, ooh! Somebody get me a doctor. Ah, yeah! Ooh! Somebody give me a shot!
  18. Fair enough, Cindy. Look...all the negativity sucks. It really does. But its safe to say that this team sucks too and has for a long time now and we are all sick of it.....and expressing our frustrations and disappointment in different ways. But in the end...we are ALL fans and want this team to win for themselves, for us and for the city. Here's to better days..................................................
  19. Wait a second...Im respectfully calling you out on that one, Cindy. Why am I not a "real fan" because I choose to boo a Bills player whith whom I am severely down on? Im not talking about wishing he was hurt or cheering for him when he is. Im not talking about trashing the man in the press on a personal level or anything of the sort and I havent seen anyone else here advocate similar behavior. Im talking about voicing critiscism to a player for his completely inept ON FIELD performance. I have every right to do that and for you, or anyone else to say that I dont is completely out of line. Dont I pay for my tickets? My Bills gear? Everything else? You go ask Guffalo with whom I watch virtually every Bills game year in and year out how much of a "fan" I am and how much I "care". And Im sure everyone else here who is pissed cares and is passionate too. Thats why they are so angry!!!!!! We are dissastified with this player and the product and Ill we will let him know it. That is MY RIGHT as a fan. Heck, much BETTER players than Drew Bledsoe have been booed when they stunk up the joint. Drew isnt above it all. Maybe because you are in a different situation that most and have a closeness to the players and a more personal relationship with them than most you see things different. But for the average fan...to quote my favorite movie "Its not personal.....its stricly business". Sorry for the ranting tone....but I just dont like being told "Im not a good fan" becuase Im not happy with the product and willing to voice my displeasure.
  20. Because Donohoe is a stubborn idiot and Mularkey is clueless?
  21. Awesome, Scott. God Bless you and your family. Congratulations!
  22. Boo him. Every missed pass...Boo him. Every dumb throw...Boo him. Every sack...Boo him even more. We have every right to do so and not doing so would show our apathy for the situation. Being a class act has nothing to do with booing him for his poor play. If you respect him as a person, dont trash him personally as a man in the press or when you see him. But booing his ON FIELD performance while he is ON THE FIELD is our right as fans and completely within bounds. Drew needs to hear our displeasure. Donohoe needs to. And Mularkey needs to.
  23. Im not saying he's a HOFer....but saying Bledsoe is a "never was" is revisionist history at its best. Anyone who sits here and says he wouldnt take Bledsoe circa 1996 is full of stevestojan.
  24. Where did that guy JP Losman come from again? I keep forgetting.
  25. 1989??!!?? Hell Bull......I heard Davy Crockett and the rest of the folks at The Alamo had a pretty bad start, too. Why not mention them while youre at it. Talk about being out of touch! 1989........is he joking???????
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