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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Im going to go out on a limb here..... God willing, when the day comes that the Bills win 2 of 3 SBs and continue to look like the class of the NFL, I think the announcers juuuuuuuuust MIGHT...talk about them a lot.
  2. It was garbage time....the Pats werent going to blitz the hell out of a rook in that time. Therefore, Im not sure he was "thrown to the wolves" there. BUT...it still wasnt the right time to start JP. I cant wait until tomorrows PC.
  3. Im confused by your "defending Vincent" comment about Losman's injury this year. Are you implying that the coaching staff should have publicly flogged Troy Vincent for what took place?
  4. That piece in the Globe was beautiful and classy. We should take note of it and let Bledsoe go quietly. It wouldnt hurt, however, if MM does the right thing tomorrow and makes it easy for all of us.
  5. I dont hate them. I admire them. They play tight, are well coached, Brady is real good and the team as a whole is solid. Harrison and Bruschi can blow it out their collective asses, however.
  6. Wait.......Dont ALL Presidents do this? Dont ALL Presidents have an "agenda" or "vision" for the country that we elect him to implement? Why is Bush "dividing the Country" when he does it? Oh yeah...."Bush Bad....FLIGHTSUIT!!!!!"
  7. Yeah...like...Yippee!!!!!!!! Good to see MM pull the trigger, though.
  8. Be careful. Critiscism like this is often branded as racist no matter how good your intentions are. But with that said, I agree with you. The man just cannot speak very clearly.
  9. Lets try again........ What kind of implication were you making by saying that a movie centered about a historical wartime event is one "Republicans would cherish". What kind of connection were you trying to make there? Id also like to know where youre getting the idea that Republicans "own" that movie.
  10. Im really struggling to see how ANYONE can say putting PORN on public TV is a worthwhile endeavor and if banned, is indicative of a neo-fascist state.
  11. Can we wait for Losman to be cleared to play before we scream "START LOSMAN"???
  12. Few "drive by" comments here: 1. We DO live in a FREE country. Or...at least the most free. If you think we dont, travel around the world a bit. 2. Those of you who think Bush and Michael Powell (and Ashcroft??!!??) are the reason why things are the way they are need to wake up and get some historical perspective. The FCC has imposed guidelines for decency and has enforced them to one degree or another since before Powell was BORN. And saying that encorfement of these laws is some sort of Republican cabal is just another beyond dumb knee-jerk "Bush bad" reaction by those who also probably believe what Michael Moore says and that there was no Rosen at the Pentagon on 9/11. Before last year's SB and the millions of complaints that followed, where were these accusations? 3. The idea that anything should be shown on TV and "If I dont like it, turn the set off" is a cop out. If I sit down with my family to watch a tv that is labeled as family entertainment and get boob flashes and erection commercials and then get offended by that, thats not MY "prudishness". Thats me being blindsided and being lied to by those who put this on the air. And thats where me being offended comes in. Im not offended by a boob shot. Im offended by being lied to by the network producers about what the show's content would be and having to explain to my children what the hell they just saw. Yo8u say I should "parent"? Fine. But then allow me to do so by being straight with me about what my family is about to watch so I can properly make the decision to "change the channel if I dont like it".
  13. Youre a hoot. You dont want to defend WHAT YOU WROTE, so you hide behind the title of the thread? LAME. Ill ask you AGAIN.....what kind of implication were you making by saying that a movie centered about a historical wartime event is one "Republicans would cherish". What kind of connection were you trying to make there? Id also like to know where youre getting the idea that Republicans "own" that movie. Be a man....what did you mean?
  14. Excuse me, but what does being Republican and a movie about the invasion of Normandy have to do with each other? What type of backwards rationale and dumb stereotyping is that? What? Democrats didnt appreciate or like what went down that day? By your rationale and taking your dumb, bigoted stance, I could say that "Black Hawk Down" is a movie Democrats would like. Put the Hot Pockets away and get a clue. Furtermore, your implication that PORN should be allowed on basic TV is beyond absurd.
  15. LOL. Actually, from one of his "newer" movies, Smokey and the Bandit.
  16. Nobody got my Jackie Gleason reference, huh? Oh well..........
  17. Was Falwell guest of honor at the RNC Convention?
  18. Problem with handing JSP the keys to the nukes is that he'll pop off and drop one for as little as the Phillies trading Todd Pratt.
  19. Go Easy on Jersey. Some great Mountain Biking in Northern Parts of the State. And the go go bars aint bad, either. But Springsteen can blow it out his ass. BULLET HEAD.
  20. Moore can blow it out his ass... BULLET Head.
  21. Man, has THIS thread gone downhill..................
  22. Ever notice that all these suicide soldiers or whatever are always promised a whole lot of kitty in the after life? Its always..."live a virtuous life, dont drink, dont do anything...but kill yourself for our cause and youll be knee deep in virgin whores and liquor."
  23. Over/under on how long before his death is pinned on Bush/USA? I say ten hours.
  24. Such tolerance...such love...such understanding. Aint progressive thinking grand?
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