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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. If I was Rather, before I packed my desk, Id go to Mary Mapes office and choke her to death. Her obsession with bringing down GWB cost Rather his credibility and his job, IMO. Watch for the "tell all" from Rather a few years from now.
  2. Next year, Start Losman, back him up with Bledsoe. Whats the problem?
  3. For the umpteenth time.....the U.S. Administrations have been bathing in the dirty water wit hthe Saudis since the EISENHOWER Administration. It all started when they met with the House of Saud and said "You give us the oil, and we got your backs and will look the other way about everything else".
  4. Hey Icey...you going to address Guffalo's point or what? And Icey....posting crusades and flamebait, which is approx 90% of what you throw up on the Wall IS a reason to be banned.
  5. No they didnt, Bledsoe lost his job in NE due to injury and becuase Brady played real well backing him him, essentially "taking" his job. Bledsoe was not benched in NE for Brady.
  6. "White Power" music has been the dark side of the Hardcore movement for a long, long time. Nothing new here and really nothing to be worried about. When I was DJing back in college, I had a hard time finding anyone who listened to this stuff or took it seriously.
  7. All this show needs is for the Teutels to show up and make a chopper for Eva Longoria and this will be the most-perfect show ever created.
  8. Wait...dont the Bills have to "trade everyone"? Now how are they going to make the playoffs if they do that ?
  9. Add in the "We can make the playoffs" threads that come to the Wall after wins. The swings from "Ralph should sell the club" after a loss to "The Bills are going to the playoffs!" after wins by the same posters is amazing...and ridiculous.
  10. So in order to my response to be deemed "worthy" in Tennyboy's eyes, I have to carefully review and conduct analysis of the data and must come up with a conclusion that agrees with his. Makes sense. On Mars, maybe. The elections over, kid. You lost. Get over it. There was no "fraud". There were no "roadblocks". There were no "thugs" at the polls "disenfrachising" the "poor black, dumb folk". The owner of Diebold didnt meet with Bush, Karl Rove didnt meet with bin Laden and slip him a script and a blank VHS tape. And just because the great great great great great Grandfather of the guy in the mailroom at Gallup is an Evangelical, that doesnt mean their polls are biased. But you guys just keep throwing stuff on the wall. Something will stick soon enough. Try using "aliens" as an excuse.....or maybe the Loch Ness Monster. Those might work.
  11. Dont'chu folks away from here worry about Guff. We've got him all taken care of for his birthday. Festivities include filling his 24' cabin cruiser with concrete, stealing the hubcaps off his new car....and I could have sworn I heard his wife was in touch with a petting zoo, inquiring about the availability of a mule. Its going to be a long weekend at the "Guffalo" household.
  12. Always comforting when you hear a man like John Kerry parrot a Communist Dictator and America's arch-enemy. Not only that, but OBL's tape read right from Fat-Ass Moore's talking points. How does that HELP Bush?
  13. Im not from the area and became a Bills fan only after SB XV. I havent been to a home game in almost three years, and as some on this board who watch with me here on Long Island will testify, I curse, yell disparage and generally loathe this team more than I cheer, praise and enjoy them as of late, mainly due to my frustration with their poor play If that means Im not a "real fan" of this club...so be it. I dont need justification. I know what's in my heart. And I think the rest of us do to.
  14. Just want to make sure my point wasnt lost, my friend! Just to re-state...I think we are ALL idiots to one degree or the next. Have a walk around Abbot Road about 11AM on a Sunday and that becomes pretty clear.
  15. I assume you dont mean me. If you do, you really missed my point.
  16. So some folks have season tixx and you'll take them "when you pry them from your cold, dead hands"? Good for you. Doesnt make you any more of a fan that those who choose NOT to make that kind of commitment in time or dollars. BTW..you might want to check on your kids once in while while your out at the game drinking out of sporting goods and painting your face. So youre going to boycott the club, "not spend a dime" on them and yell to the world how great your boycott is? Good for you. It doesnt make you any "smarter" that the unwashed masses who choose to be "suckers", go to games and enjoy themselves. It just kind of makes you a sanctimonious maroon. Point is, there is no right or wrong way to be a fan of a team. You go and enjoy yourself and spend all your money and ignore your kids like an idiot or you sit at home in the dark alone and sulk becuase the team isnt 16-0 like an idiot...or just maybe.....make that hopefully....youre somewhere in between the two extremes....and acting like an idiot. Do what makes you feel good and enjoy and root for the team.....but just dont think youre better than any one of the other millions of fans. Youre not. Go Bills...and pass the bowling ball.
  17. stevestojan. Go back and read the thread. stevestojan, go back and read TWO posts above the ridiculous accusation you just made.
  18. Because it didnt happen DURING A FOOTBALL GAME!!!!!!!! Again...for the millionth time....these little tibits and acts are no so bad in and of themselves. Whats getting people pissed off is that they are now happenning in arenas and during shows where we are supposed to be "safe" from such displays. Its not the ACT that is offensive. Its WHERE its being shown.
  19. Man, you have zero clue how silly youve made yourself look in this thread, do you? So much has flown right over your head, its comical.
  20. BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good job, ca.
  21. DING!!!!!!!!! Dinner's ready!!!!!!!!!!
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