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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. See...if Republicans had two brain cells to rub together, they would be making TV and print ads about this idiot and running them in every major city across the Country. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/01/18/16587058-former-new-orleans-mayor-ray-nagin-charged-with-katrina-related-corruption?lite
  2. God, Im gonna have a GOOD laugh the next time your wife posts that youre about to drop dead. [/done]
  3. I wish I was black. Ever see the color coordination they get away with when it comes to suits? Only a black man can pull off a mustard suit with a black shirt and red tie and make it look badass. If I tried that, Id be beaten and thrown in an alley. That, and they all seem to get to nail a Kardashian.
  4. Rob....PLEASE go back and read my posts before the thread descended into lunacy. I am against poor ettiquette by other cyclists as much as the next guy. I hate it. Why? Becuase its dangerous and becuase its continues this antagonistic relationship between cyclist and driver. I tried to explain this and I tried to be reasonable about it. But for some reason, there are a lot of people in this discussion, lead by Jim, who seem to think that its an "all or none" approach. That me admitting I go through lights slowly after checking that the intersection is clear at 6AM with no traffic around is the moral equivalent as blowing through them at full speed at 6PM during rush hour. I tried to be cool and explain my position but it went nowhere. So now we are here in this discussion. And thats what Im "outraged" about. That no matter how hard I tried to be reasonable and empathetic and explain the mindset of a cyclist and what we go through when out on the road, it was met with "!@#$ you, youre just another one of those smug !@#$s, who think youre above the law and Im gonna run you down!!!!!" Then that was coupled with the testimony after testimony of you guys who you were so terribly inconvenienced every time you ran across a group of people riding on a Sunday AM. As if some great sin was committed against you. I mean...come on. If you want to have this discussion, fine. But be fair about it.
  5. This thread has been funny, weird, frustrating at times and even troubling. I really dont get the fixation with those who participate in another sport and that it might inconvenience you for thirty seconds. The fact you get so bent out of shape and do so to the point of considering violence against others says a lot more about you than it does about moi. "You blew a stopsign at 6AM!!! So Im gonna run you off the road!!!!" "You drive 18 MPH and blocked a lane of traffic! So Im going to try to drive you into a ditch!!!" OK, that makes sense. Very rational and sane, too. Mature. But Ill play along and play the foil to all of you who want to keep this very odd discussion going, as long as youre not a Punk Ass B word who had to make up a phony name to participate.
  6. Not familiar with that term. But you should really stop being a PAB and go back to posting under your original handle. Think about it...youre getting on cyclists for their "manliness", yet you use an alternate ID to your own to do so? Thats really PAB-like.
  7. Nah, those are silly. I wouldnt say as silly as wearing a shirt with the name of a young man who plays football for a pro sports team. But still pretty silly. Nah, I wear a jersey for the team....I know this is foreign to you all.....that I actually BELONG TO. That is, the bike shop I race for. Crazy stuff. 40 miler planned for after work tonight. Traffic's gonna be tough, but they wont mind. Seriously, what driver has somewhere to be at 530 on a Monday night?
  8. Went for a ride yesterday. Had my full kit on. Bibs are so freaking comfortable. Look rad, too. We enjoyed taking up the whole right lane, as my and my two friends rode side by side and chatted for miles. Cars behind us backed up a bit, but they didnt seem to mind at all. On Sunday AMs, stop lights and red lights really dont bother us too much so we roll through without too much of a hassle. Drivers are happy to stop and let us through. Every now and again a big truck will pass and really get on the gas as they pass. Exhaust doesnt bother us too much...we are used to it and it always makes us chuckle at why these big trucks make so much noise and pump out so much exhaust just to speed up 5 MPH. Diesel is freaking expensive...why waste it like that? Later on, we dropped the hammer and for the next 35 miles really pushed the pace, averaging a bit over 20. Finished up the ride at the bike shop where we started and enjoyed a few nice Stone IPAs before heading home to watch the NFL Playoffs. Its was a good day.
  9. Aw...do I hurt your feewings, conner?
  10. You know the jokes that "never get old?" This isnt one of them.
  11. http://firstread.nbc...rtly-right?lite After the shellacking and ass beating they got and how women indepenents fled in droves last November, in great party due to Akin's rape comments and other similar damaging quotes, what do Republicans learn? Nothing. Zilch. The absolute DUMBEST mother****ers alive.
  12. New coach MUST be allowed to bring in his own guys. Always.
  13. Quite true. Just sick of these pompous !@#$s on cable TV news.
  14. Alex Jones !@#$ing RULES. He may be a stark raving mad lunatic sometimes....but he still rules.
  15. I wouldnt !@#$ Melissa Harris Perry with Barack Obama's dick. Hows that?
  16. Whats the point of this thread?
  17. 6 posts and you know about that? What did ya say, False Flagger?
  18. Its all fun and games until someone rolls off the side of a mountain.
  19. AND bringing an offense he won a Super Bowl against. I doubt he's concerned.
  20. Especially ones that take over large financial firms in Philadelphia.
  21. Explain how Im supposed to link an opinion.
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