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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. That's an opinion, you schmuck. Not a "fact". Want facts? Here are some "facts": Brad Johnson put up 48 pts in the Super Bowl. Trent Dilfer.....DILFER!!!......won the Superbowl. How did Jeff Hoestetler do? Mark Rypien do? Against a superior signal caller. Waiting................
  2. Right here. But I dont recall HATE. HATE is a big word.
  3. Funny...I dont remember anyone of sound mind actually "hating" Drew.
  4. Yeah, but Drew is only average...so we have no shot...because NO team with an "average" QB has ever won, right?
  5. Amen. And Im pretty much an anti-Drew guy.
  6. Do these !@#$ Jagoffs have to celebrate and act like jerks after EVERY play??!!?? Eff them.
  7. A frequent poster here (who shall remain nameless) and I were watching the game andguessing on what ICE's weekly "Look at me" post was going to be all about. We had a good laugh. Good job, Icey....you've reached the point of being a trivial joke to fill the space during TV timeouts.
  8. Nice post, Mick. But I have to ask.... Given the fact that every time this team is out of the playoffs and just playing out the string, the Satdium is almost ALWAYS no more than 60% full, what "die hard" fans are you talking about? Sorry..our fan base is great.....no doubt. But "die hard" is not something that they can be considered, given the attendance figures for games when the team is anything less than in contention.
  9. Please dont take this as Im mocking you, but do ya THINK that maybe the kid's just a weeeeeeee bit nervous, being that his total playing time in the NFL is topping out at a robust ten minutes? We have no right to judge facial expressions on veterans, let alone rookies whose total NFL game experience is less than the amount of time it just took me to dump out yesterday's wings and beer.
  10. PLEASE tell me you forgot to include your little "sarcasm" smiley or something. PLEASE.
  11. I didnt even stick around to watch Losman. Why bother? So I can see him hand off the ball a few times? If it wasnt for my mom-in-law insisting we watch the ENTIRE Bills game, I would have went to the Jets game after Willis' last score. They dont call it "garbage time" for nothing.
  12. Hey, at least weve got that bastion of fair and balanced reporting, the New York Times, right? Or the LA Times? Newsday? CNN? CBS? Naw...but FOX is biased. By the way, did the NYT report on abuses by United NATIONS troops against people in the Congo, yet? Or are they still looking to find someone who was denied a Kosher meal at Abu Gharaib? Aint nothing better than a libber bitching about FOX News while reading the NYT, watching a show produced by Marla Mapes and listening to Air America.
  13. Been to Safeco a few times and the football Stadium is right next door. Its a really really nice sports complex. The Seattle fans have it good these days in terms of facility, which after years of the Kingdome, deserve it!
  14. Excellent spot, that Payton ad. Awesome. On another note...those "referee" adds are ridiculous. In terms of ad "quality", its goine down hill BIG TIME with the beer ads leading the way down the slope. The ref ads make ZERO sense. And last years Coors "twins" ads were so bad, they were painful. That jingle was so bad, it made a Britney Spears record seem tolerable. Hey Steve....what line of marketing are you in??? PM me.
  15. ICE is right....we ARE STUPID. Stupid for giving ANY attention and creedence to a man whose obsessed with getting the maximum amount of attention from an internet discussion board and starts his day by saying "How can I annoy the biggest amount of people today?".
  16. The "worth" of the Losman pick is not where it winds up in Dallas' hands. It sits with how he performs as a QB for the Buffalo Bills.
  17. Yeah....your homework requests and this very thread have really helped raise the bar around this joint. Repeating a previous poster..."Pot, Meet Kettle".
  18. Im going to beat theshit out of all you next time I see you for making me read this train wreck of a thread. This piece of stevestojan should be nominated for an award or something....
  19. Yeah....that Bush....increasing the CIA's strength that was cut to shreads by Clinton and trying to implement the Commissions recommendations. And according to the article I read about it...doing it with exsisting funds. What a bad leader!
  20. Here on Long Island... Fifty year old voting machines used. No lines, no waiting. And we are the biggest Township in the Country. No problems with "confusion". No instances of "fraud"...that Im aware of, anyways. Fifty year old voting machines used.
  21. MAN ... So, I'm tendin' bar there at Ecklund && Swedlin's last Tuesday and this little guy's drinkin' and he says, 'So where can a guy find some action - I'm goin' crazy down there at the lake.' And I says, 'What kinda action?' and he says, 'Woman action, what do I look like,' And I says 'Well, what do I look like, I don't arrange that kinda thing,' and he says, 'I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake' and I says, 'Well, this ain't that kinda place.' GARY Uh-huh. MAN So he says, 'So I get it, so you think I'm some kinda jerk for askin',' only he doesn't use the word jerk. GARY I unnerstand. MAN And then he calls me a jerk and says the last guy who thought he was a jerk was dead now. So I don't say nothin' and he says, 'What do ya think about that?' So I says, 'Well, that don't sound like too good a deal for him then.' GARY Ya got that right. MAN And he says, 'Yah, that guy's dead and I don't mean a old age.' And then he says, 'Geez, I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake.' GARY White Bear Lake? MAN Well, Ecklund && Swedlin's, that's closer ta Moose Lake, so I made that assumption. GARY Oh sure. MAN So, ya know, he's drinkin', so I don't think a whole great deal of it, but Mrs. Mohra heard about the homicides out here and she thought I should call it in, so I called it in. End a story. GARY What'd this guy look like anyways? MAN Oh, he was a little guy, kinda funny-lookin'. GARY Uh-huh - in what way? MAN Just a general way. GARY Okay, well, thanks a bunch, Mr. Mohra. You're right, it's probably nothin', but thanks for callin' her in. MAN Oh sure. They say she's gonna turn cold tomorrow. GARY Yah, got a front movin' in. MAN Ya got that right.
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