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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. My connection between "winning hearts and minds is the war to wage and win war" and "making nice to wage and win war" is a shitload LESS of a straw man than "changing words=trying to turn an argument in my favor". And even if it is a misuse of words, saying its "unfair beyond description" is pretty much an overreaction beyond description. Talk about splitting hairs.....Calm down.
  2. And again....THIS person's words, not mine: "My son's "sacrifices"? He didn't sacrifice, he died. What his widow is goign through with our grandson is a sacrifice. What our family is going through is a sacrifice." Its well known what the words "Ultimate Sacrifice" means. I used this term to show my appreciation and sympathies, thats all. Then went to retort the heart of the post that this person put forth. So if saying "Im sorry for your loss, now lets discuss/debate the rest of your post" makes me a "brick wall" then so be it.
  3. "Winning wars has and always will be about winning hearts and minds." This person's words, not mine.
  4. I dont think anyone's arguing that. Its very notable and commendable and worthy of praise and sympathy, even though this person told me to take MY sympathies and shove them, which is not a very "Christian" thing to do. Whatever. The problem here is that this person thinks that A) the mere thought of using the strategy in question means its going to happen B) that the decision to use them is solely a partisan issue C) the way to win the war is to "make nice" Those are my issues with this person's thoughts on the issue.
  5. So he's a "piece of sh--" because he respectfully decided Buffalo wasnt for him and as a free agent, wanted to sign elsewhere? He didnt trash the city, loaf during games or anything like that. Just decided he didnt like Buffalo and/or the Bills (his employer) and when his contract expired, would look into playing (working) somewhere else and maybe get a raise in the process. Yeah...your right....people NEVER do that....what an !@#$.
  6. Come on...he's just "expressing" himself.
  7. Because this is the first time the Mets have made a signing like this since 1998, stupid. You fat asses make signing like this EVERY YEAR.
  8. This person's never even heard of the term "Ultimate Sacrifice" and thinks winning wars is done by making nice with the man trying to kill you. I wouldnt expect much, Darin.
  9. Im not going to argue with you on this, because no matter what I say, Im going to come out "in the wrong" because of what happenned to you family. Ill leave it up to folks like Tom, VA and Darin, who have a lot of experience in regards to what war is all about and how to win it to show you the truth. I'll just say this...if you think that winning a war is really what you said above, again, with all due respect...you are TERRIBLY misguided.
  10. With all due respect, and bless you and your son's sacrifices...but that the !@#$ do you WANT us to do? You DO realize this is a WAR, right? In one breath, you say how bad things are getting and how it has to stop, but in the next, seem upset that the U.S. is going to go on the offensive and try something new to put an end to the madness that has become this occupation. Look...Im not sure what they are considering is the right thing to do. But at least those in charge are trying to so SOMETHING to end this BS once and for all. And you should know...some times, those "somethings" arent pretty.
  11. Whazzamatta? You Skank fans aint getting a new toy this year? Wittle Wandy isnt enough to keep all you wittle boys satwisfied in your pwaypwens? Spoiled brats. Let someone ELSE eat from the buffet table, you bunch of fat, gluttonous slobs.
  12. Mobility is so overrated. Its like stolen bases in baseball. Looks nice, but at the end of the game rarely amounts to much. How many QB's who are so "mobile" have won Super Bowls? sh--, how many have even PLAYED in Super Bowls? Funny, all those "statues" who are such a dying breed, keep showing up on my TV last Sunday in January.
  13. Yeah, yeah, yeah... we know...Drew is the Antichrist.
  14. Feel the same way. Nothing better than The Tournament.
  15. Watch and enjoy the playoffs. Lots of great games coming up!
  16. Free speech is one thing. But hate speech is something else. and what some of these outlets pump out borderson it. Check out http://www.aljazeera.com and get a feel. Handly anything is not blamed on the U.S. or Israel and even the wildest conspiracy theories are given creedence. They are so far out there, they make the folks at MoveOn blush.
  17. Up next from tin foil nozzlehead... How the growth in the health care industry is "because of GWB's environmental policy contributing to more disease and sickness". How the growth in education is a result of "the terrible No Child Left Behind requiring schools to hire more teachers to fraudulently pump up the scores of failing kids." How the growth in business and professional services and the cuts in retail are a result of the "Repigs and GWB's kowtowing to corporations and greed....especially Halliburton's!!!" How the growth in construction is because of "GWB's bowing down to lumber special interests with whom he has been in TIGHT with for a long, long time!!!"
  18. WRONG. From the article: "The service sector continued to spark overall hiring in December. But the job growth was concentrated in the health care industry, which added a net 36,000 positions, and business and professional services, which hired a net 41,000 workers. " "Construction companies continued to hire new workers for the 10th straight month, increasing their payrolls by 13,000. " "While government employment didn't change much in December, payrolls rose by 172,000 in 2004. Most of the growth occurred at the state and local levels, especially in education." And even on the NEGATIVE side of things, to further prove how OFF you are with your typical dummycrat talking point, check this out: "As the holiday shopping season got in full swing, retailers ended up shedding almost 20,000 jobs overall. Analysts note that the figures are seasonally adjusted and subject to big fluctuations during that time of the year." So skilled labor like contruction, education and business services saw HIGHER levels of growth, but retail,where the "Target cashiers" you listed reside, saw reductions.
  19. Im sorry, I dont agree one bit. They were saying Kelly didnt belong in the HOF, but I didnt hear a dress-down TRASHING of the man. And in terms of comparisons, they were just going by the numbers. Moon DID put up some good ones and Phil Simms played one of the best Super Bowls of all time. They didnt belittle Kelly's career or what he has done. They didnt say he's "worthless" or sucks. Ive heard FIFTY times worse on WNY radio and in the papers than what MMD said yesterday. Chuck Dickerson and Jerry Sullivan....'nuff said. And in regards to Mike having a "pathological" hatred of the Bills, that is just INSANE. All year long, bith Mike and Chris were FIRMLY on the Bills' bandwagon. Even when we were 0-4, they were all about "Watch out for the Bills", the "Bills are much better than their record" and Mike even has them as a possible SUPER BOWL FAVORITE for '05! Those kind of comments come from someone who has a "pathological hatred" of a team? Doubt it.
  20. WAIT A SECOND!!!!!!! I listened to that whole conversation and they just said that they didnt feel Kelly belonged in the HOF. They didnt "trash" Jim Kelly one bit. Franscessa even admitted that he's a "very, very hard grader" and thinks ONLY the top top top players belong in ANY HOF. And if he had his druthers, LOTS of players who are in the HOF for ALL SPORTS wouldnt be. That doesnt mean they "trashed" Kelly. They didnt put him down. They just dont feel he should be in the HOF. When a Berman or someone is "with" us, then hes a God. Mike and the Mad Dog were also treated as such, as they were on the Bills bandwagon from day one. But the millisecond they have something to say about the team in anything less than 100% positive light, they "suck". If someone in the press puts the Bills anything less than #1 on their rankings he's a "moron" or doesnt bow to the altar of Bills football is "trashing" them. Or has the audacity to have a difference of opinion as to what the mob here thinks, is some kind of heretic. Its a silly way of thinking, even for fans.
  21. Cant wait for the Mets to sign Beltran the same day of the Skank PC for Johnson and "steals" all their good PR!!! RJ=RJ
  22. Those service contracts are the biggest scam going. Bought one for my new Sony Wega TV a few years back. Had a problem with color purity and they sent a guy out to look at it. This boob could'nt change the belt on a washing machine, let alone work on a state of the art (at the time) television. Bag those service contracts. With home consumer goods, if it doesnt break within the 90 day factory warranty period, chances are way over 95% it isnt going to.
  23. Better get back up to #1. We all know "our team" cant be down in the rankings! How many troops and how much equipment are those three countries sending to the region?
  24. Another reason why they arent fooling anyone with this. sh--, they wont even look into FLORIDA!
  25. I dont think there is anything wrong by trying to bring light to a flawed voting system. But by doing this by focusing solely on Ohio (what happenned to FL??), having a HUGE partisan like Boxer chime in, and throwing around words like "disenfranchised", the Dems mess up the message and come across as whining babies who cant get over the fact they lost, not as reformers who want to fix something that needs to be fixed. And again...I must ask...I live in the most populated township in the country that uses 40 year old mechanical machines, manned by 90 year old election officials. And I NEVER wait more than ten or fifteen minutes to vote in ANY election. Whats the problem in all these other locations?
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