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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Oh, stop. One of the biggest reasons why there is a backlash on this whole thing is MONEY. And everyone, INCLUDING the "gay lobby"....the folks pushing for gay marriage is being disingenuos (sp?!?) about it. They talk about "love". "Love", my eye. Its about the ability to get medical benefits only married couples can. Its about getting estate rights when a spouse kicks it. Its about getting a break on car insurance. And on the OTHER side of the coin, its not about "the sanctity of marriage"! HA! Its about the insurance lobby, the medical lobby and even general business lobbys pushing Bush to make that Consititutional ban happen so that they dont have to kick in the "marriage" discount to all those new "happy in love" gay couples, costing them billions in revenue. Add THIS issue to the myriad of other issues the general public is duped about by the spin merchants.
  2. What kind of a life do you have and what kind of mental state must you be in to read the wrap up from a charity fundraiser for victims of a natural disaster and then say to yourself "This is a perfect topic for a political shot at the opposing party"?
  3. Even I knew this was going to happen.
  4. Have you been to a show from "The Dead"?
  5. Cant say Rhodes or Bon Scott....they died for Chrissakes. And The Johnson AC/DC put out some hella good albums. And you cant say Mustaine, either. There is NO WAY Metallica would have survived with the overinflated egos of Hammet, Ulrich AND Mustaine. This argument begins and ends with David Lee Roth and Van Halen.
  6. Manning just wins!!!! And man, isnt he cute with that haircut? And by making those MasterCard commercials, he really "connects" with the "common man", doesnt he? All he needs to do is come out with a cereal.
  7. No, dummy. Jeez, I adressed this comparison in a post in this thread directed at YOU. Do us a favor, noob...if youre going to come here and write a rant, at least do us the favor of reading the responses to it.
  8. The bombings in Japan did little to change the course of the war? I cant WAIT to hear the explanation on THIS one.
  9. You people are all so full of sh--. If the Bills were playing in Foxboro on Sunday, we would all be crying "FOUL!!" so hard over this, it would make the ridiculous stink over the Music City Miracle pale, in comparison.
  10. Phil Collins became a real candy ass once he stopped playing drums.
  11. Half of me wants to cancel the aid check I sent. The other half realizes that given our current reputation around the world in the aftermath of the Iraq affair, I cant blame Indonesia. But either way, we've done our part to help. We will continue to help, but if Indonesia "pushes" the U.S. out at the end of March, then fugg em. We should just pick up and slide over to India or Thailand or a country that WANTS our help. Kinda like that line in 'Airplane'..."Chump dont want the help, chump dont get the help." Let the Saudis or the U.N. take care of Indonesia.
  12. Well, by judging from what youve put forth in this thread, it appears that youre a bitter old man who CANNOT thrive in this current environment, so you attempt to question and B word about everything with the LEFT'S talking points, for which you seem to have a very poor grasp of, given how people have blasted every point youve made to itty bitty bits. Your inability to do well at all and succeed economically or even socially even on the most basic of levels leaves you no choice but to turn to the likes of Air America to search for answers and a meaning to why youre in such a position. Kinda like a lost adolescent who joins a cult. Oh yeah...Youre ugly, too.
  13. Well, nobody's blamed the mudslides on Bledsoe yet.
  14. Mattingly belongs in the HOF....carrying Keith Hernandez' bags when HE gets in.
  15. Agreed 1,000%!!!!!!!!!!!! Keeping it honest....great job.
  16. Believe me....Im not belittling their job at all. Its hard, they should be paid well. But come on. HOURS after work and all of August lesson planning? Thats a stretch. A huge stretch. I have quite a few friends who are teachers and have spouses who are teachers. I have in-laws who teach elementary, high school and college. ALL OF THEM have tons of free time on their plate, more than anyone else I know. Some use it to do field research. Some tutor. Some throw on a bikini top and belly up to the local bar all Summer. But whateve they do, they ALL have a TON more free time than anyone else.
  17. They also work, on average approx 1/4 LESS than other professionals. Thats a fact as well. Teachers deserve a good salary, of course. But the reason they typically make less has some merit given the number of actual hours worked compared to other professions. I wish I only had to work 9 months a year.
  18. OK...fair enough. Are you in favor of the U.S. launching a full scale offensive to attempt to put an end to the insurgency and instability?
  19. In case anybody forgot in the last five minutes, LME is a Republican.
  20. Sirius stock=cowbell avatar
  21. Uhhhh....no its not. If youre not happy with the way things are going, thats OK. But youve puked up more left-sided half-truth talking points in this one thread alone to make Randi Rhodes blush. Check your facts a bit, please.
  22. NO. I do see your point, truly. But we've got to do SOMETHING. We cannot let this go on any longer. And what Im trying (and failing) to say is that sometimes, that SOMETHING is not pretty. When bombs were dropped on the cities I mentioned above, which resulted in tons of civilian casualties and horror, it was done with a heavy heart but also the very true realization that war necessitates such actions from time to time. And PLEASE stop bringing your son into this. He is not germane to the discussion in the least. And I have not dishonored him one bit.
  23. Or we can sit around, try not to hurt their "feelings" and be sure to duck out of the way of the sniper fire coming from the minaret 50 yards away.
  24. Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki. What do they all have in common?
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