Oh, stop.
One of the biggest reasons why there is a backlash on this whole thing is MONEY. And everyone, INCLUDING the "gay lobby"....the folks pushing for gay marriage is being disingenuos (sp?!?) about it. They talk about "love". "Love", my eye. Its about the ability to get medical benefits only married couples can. Its about getting estate rights when a spouse kicks it. Its about getting a break on car insurance. And on the OTHER side of the coin, its not about "the sanctity of marriage"! HA! Its about the insurance lobby, the medical lobby and even general business lobbys pushing Bush to make that Consititutional ban happen so that they dont have to kick in the "marriage" discount to all those new "happy in love" gay couples, costing them billions in revenue.
Add THIS issue to the myriad of other issues the general public is duped about by the spin merchants.