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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. And "over-reaction" is something is done beforehand, but if they didnt "over-react" and "Columbine" happened, the school is "negligent".
  2. Anti-missle technology on commercial jets = RJ This type of thing ranks right up there with SDI in its ability to be effective. First off, even a direct strike by a stinger or similar missle is not capable of bringing down a jetliner, even with a direct hit. The hit would have to be so precise to bring it down or even disrupt the aircraft the odds are in the extreme. Second, the technology of an automated anti missle system doesnt exist and even if it did, would probably bankrupt a lot of airlines if they were to retrofit their fleets with it. Airlines could barely afford to retrofit their cockpit doors after 9/11 and all reluctant to retrofit their center gas tanks to prevent explosions, something else on the table in this arena. Third, even if current technology such as flares and chaff was used, it would be ineffective. This is becuase this technology was designed to be used in combat situations, when pilots were focused on fighting the enemy and averting threats such as missles. It is not designed to be used when pilots are focused on the business of takeoff and landing.
  3. Then go to a boxing match or a wrestling match. "Feel" is about the same as what passes as NHL Hockey these days.
  4. Not only is this guy one of the biggest left wing hacks here, he calls one of the fairest posters in terms of 'left vs. right' "one sided"? Unmitigated gall, thy name is "RabidBillsFanVT".
  5. Cant deal with people admiring another team like mature adults, especially when OUR team is sitting home? Yeah.....go to bed.
  6. Because NOBODY here wishes OUR team had "your one loss season, your home field advantage, your rookie sensation and your domintating defense" and was playing the AFC title game, right??? Cut the crap...
  7. I cant call a team what wasnt even picked to be that good and with a rookie QB losing in the NFC title game a "choke job".
  8. Yeah, youre right...why should we do anything about cancer, AIDS, terrorism or pedophilia? You frogs are some lot, I tell ya.
  9. Every time I watch a replay of XV, I dont really get mad. That was one of the greatest games ever played and our boys were in it. That makes me proud, not mad.
  10. Thurman's lost helment isnt a choke job one bit. Now...Thurman fumbling and then sulking and crying like a little girl on the bench after it and mailing in the second half of SB XXVIII......THATS a choke! Sorry, Thurman...I love ya....but you really sh-- the bed the second half of that game. Inexcusable. Flame away...........................
  11. Every thread Ive read on this story has the composer trying to lump ALL Conservatives under this silly Spongebob umbrella. We conservatives have our kooks looking for gay themes in cartoons, you liberals have your kooks looking to legitimize and defend NAMBLA. But most people are smart enough to realize that not all liberals are pedophiles. So stop trying to paint all conservatives as moralist kooks.
  12. Mike Piazza has dated the Playmate of the Millennium a few years back and is now marrying another one. I should be so gay...and at this point, every time some stupid Skank fan calls him gay, he's laughing all the way to his bedroom where his Playmate awaits. Good job, Mikey.
  13. Im offended by that statement! Oh wait...I wrote it.
  14. Wouldnt worry too much. Candy-ass kitty-boy STILL has a rag arm.
  15. Black men have it so lucky in regards to fashion. They can wear light tan suits with a black shirt and purple tie and make it look good. I wear a combo like that and Im either fired and/or getting my ass kicked.
  16. WRONG. It is "evil" to "oppress" people so that they "need" to fly planes into buildings in order to "express themselves". It is "good" to realize that the U.S. is the cause of all "evil" today and the root of all this "oppression".
  17. "Yawn"= "I'm too lazy or lack the capacity to debate this topic any further."
  18. We are swearing in the President of our Country. Yeah...its necessary. Maybe not as extravigant. But necessary.
  19. I have no problem with the inauguration. While Im sure it can be scaled back, pomp and circumstance has its rightful place in politics and government. Has since the beginning of time.
  20. Good luck finding a "stud TE". Its one of the hardest positions to fill. Heck, Id be happy with Campbell and Euhus again. Their production before they fell down wasnt bad at all.
  21. Note LACK of mention of other religions. Oh...I forgot....Hannukkah is celebration of "a battle" and therefore, not religious. Hey, if you dont want religion, move somewhere where there isnt any. Like Fantasyland. Or Sweden. Oh sh--...they celebrate Christmas THERE, too. Ah, maybe youre right. Move celebration of all religious activities behind closed doors and ban any expression of it, even if celebrated by the vast vast majority of citizens. How "1940's Berlin" of you. Gotta love the lefties....abortions right up to when the crown of the head is visible, legal usage of addictive drugs, and adult material fed to anyone at any time is ACCEPTABLE. But a statue of a baby in a manger is OFFENSIVE. A national group of men whose sole purpose is to prey on young boys and rape them is GOOD. But a national group of men whose sole purpose is to teach young boys to be good, resourceful and virtuous men is BAD.
  22. Fox's "war" on Hollywood is "comical" but the ACLU's crusade to sue any municipality or school who dares do as much as run a string of Christmas lights across a hallway has merit. WHATEVER................................
  23. Yeah...."Tolerance". Would that be..."Even though Im just ONE person is a locality of THOUSANDS who DO celebrate Chrismas, that Nativity BETTER be taken DOWN". Yeah....some "tolerance".
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