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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. DAMN that Bush for trying to raise the bar with public schools! Whether or not the system works, you rail against the idea that GWB even TRIED. All of Clinton's programs work out? How's Hillary's HEalth Care initiative doing? And those comments come from someone who lives in one of the cradles of the defense industry. Thats pretty much all you need to know about ole Deb. Youre a good man, Jim. So are the people you work for. Unfortunately, in this country, all the ingrates must be protected, too.
  2. They are GENIOUSESSES I SAY!!!!!! Of course, if one of them picked Cincy to win, they would be MORONS!!!!!
  3. And this is exactly why its NOT more popular. Jesus...all you need is Hogan and Nash to show up and paint NWO on Wayne Cashman's back to complete that scene. When your sport is closer to pro wrestling than other sports, youve got yourself a problem.
  4. I have TRIED to get into hockey more than once. But the clutch and grab, dirty play, fights and cheap shots turn me off every time. And I know many huge hockey fans that are sick of this type of play as well and are just DYING to see the NHL go to a bigger rink and European style of play.
  5. Heres another reason I aint signing it. I AGREE WITH HER.
  6. Im not signing nuttin if I dont know why I should. For all the so-called "experience" the founders of this group has, none of them was smart enough to list the reasons WHY Cropp must be "dropped" on the website?
  7. Military day????? Christmas tree????? The song Silent Night???? OFFENSIVE!!!!!! Teaching little Johnny about how to become little Jane? Perfectly fine. Comical if it wasnt so sad.
  8. And in the same school, the word "Christmas" is probably deemed offensive. And even the MENTION of the possibility that God MAY have created the Universe is considered "Indoctrination". UN-FUGGIN-BELIEVABLE....for the absolute hypocrisy alone.
  9. We arent #1??!!?? Z's a MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Wait a second........... http://www.newsday.com/news/local/longisla...ories-headlines
  11. Yesterday the FBI knocked on my office door to inform me they overhead me on a wiretap use the term MERRY CHRISTMAS to a work associate I knew was Christian.
  12. Saying Carruci is a moron because of his ranking of the Bills, vs. other teams with the SAME RECORD no less, is like saying Einstein was an idiot for the way he kept his hair.
  13. Yeah, er...but Im RIGHT, he's wrong and Im MUCH better looking than him.
  14. What that last comment really necessary, !@#$? Way to keep the discussion flowing along. Excuse f-ing me for (GASP!) asking for clarification. Sorry Im not as smart as you and never having met you made the inexcusable crime on a message board of asking for clarification and perhaps misinterpreting your point. Funny.....I wasnt talking about self-righteousness....Im talking strictly about the fact that you and yours look to always...slowly here.....BLAME....AMERICA....FIRST. Get it? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  15. The only thing more tedious that overreaction to losses or poor performances in one game is good performances in one game. Good for Vincent...we needed him, he stepped up. He's still way in arrears for contributions this year, though.
  16. So are you saying that America itself or just the idea of American "moralism" is a fraud? More tripe from the "Blame America First" Mindset. And they wonder why people call them Anti-American.
  17. Well, we all know if he were a Democrat, he'd just go on TV and lie about it. "I DID NOT hire that illegal alien.....Mr. Hernandez" And what's so "unsavory" about hiring illegals? Thought you people didnt mind that. At least thats what the ultra liberal Newsday says about three times a week.
  18. Im sorry...this whole story is such a non-story and combat vets like VA and BiB and Darin, and anyone who knows the first thing about the history of warfare is laughing in their boots over the "outrage" this issue is generating. These types of combat situations, where forces werent properly armed at first to deal with a threat have been going on since someone picked up a stone and threw it at someone who couldnt find a stone to throw back. Just in modern history, I can think of a ton of situations right off my head..... -B-17s dealing with superior Nazi fighters without proper air cover for YEARS, until the P-51 was desgined, produced and shipped to Europe. -U.S. aircraft that couldnt keep up with the Japanese Zero until the Corsair was deployed. -F4s that didnt even have a GUN on it and was getting milked by superior MIG-21s until later versions of the F4 came into service and jocks were re-trained to deal with them and "missles only" dogfighting. -Nazi tanks that turned our tanks into mince meat. -The MIG-29 Interceptor and the SU-27 with thrust vectoring....aircraft the U.S. STILL doesnt have an answer to. Anyone going on about the "travesty" and coming up with "outrage" about it might as well just say "I dont know sh-- about the military or warfare".
  19. The thing is, swede...even the MENTION and acknowledgement of religion is considered "pushing" and "offensive" by many these days. Sad.
  20. MY 5th grade teacher pushed religion. He was a devout Mormon. Read the Bible right in class to himself when we were taking tests. Quoted the Bible to US...but simple stuff like the 10 Commandments only. A few other things like that. BEST teacher I had in Elementary School. And 95% of the other kids loved him too. Overall, Im not for such talk from teachers. But the fact that "progressive" issues are free andclear to discuss to kids of any age now and the mere mention of religion is seen as some affront to our being and some kind of attempt at indoctrination is beyond absurd.
  21. NO! Problem is, Bledsoe never was as good as Elway.
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