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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. The show was great, yes. I didnt take what you said as a joke. If itwas, then fine. Call me nuts, but I dont like being called a racist.
  2. Pretty much everything you say is. Go back into hiding. Yeah, RIGHT. The Bills will win 90-0 and youll be on here tonight bitching how it wasnt good enough.
  3. Love that movie. But after four times, it began to get a little tedious.
  4. $$$ from the in-laws and parentals to put towards the purchase of this baby: http://www.feltracing.com/2005_bikes/2005_f35.html I get fitted up next week.
  5. LOVE the Madden franschise, but Halo is out of this world. Ive been up till for 4AM playing this game.
  6. Good way to keep the discussion going. Find one little word amongst many, twist it into something its NOT and then accuse the poster of something reprehensible based on that one word. Dont be an !@#$. I was just trying to say that if I'm speaking with someone who is most likely jewish. Care to comment on the REST of the post, or would that ruin your pathetic attempt to hurl a stupid insult for no damned good reason?
  7. No its not. Check yourself. Not where Im from. Not with MY family, thank you. Not perfect we are, the "Fasts", but the "reason for the season" is alive and well with us. To the original point....I wish my Jewish friends Happy Hannukkah....my Christian friends Merry Christmas. If Im talking to someone Im not sure of with a name full of vowels, I say Christmas. If I talking to someone with a "berg" on the end of the name, I say Hannukkah. If Im not sure, I say "Enjoy your holiday". Works just fine. The fact that the ultra left and athesists get so bent over the mere acknowledgement of religion in schools or on soil that's cared for with tax dollars and intrepret that as some kind of offensive "forcing" of religion on people is ridiculous. Having fun with the holidays and teaching religion's place in society over the course of the history of this country is not "indocrination". Having the school choruses sing religious songs isnt, either. When I was a kid and the holiday time came around, as a Catholic I desired to learn MORE about Jewish holidays, not less. And sing the songs and make dredels (sp?) in class and what not. It was FUN learning about other cultures and religions. And I NEVER felt that be doing this stuff, I was being "indoctrinated" or was having the Jewish and Muslim religious traditions of the seasons "forced" on me. I just thought I was LEARNING. Imagine that. People need to lighten up.
  8. Becuase he plays in the same conference as Ray Lewis.
  9. Yeah yeah yeah......Mariano get that third out in Fenway yet?
  10. Awesome job, BF shooting down the Skank Kool-aid hype machine. Hope those Skanks and their fans are loving the back pages today, those same pages they tried their hardest to steal from the Mets last week. Payback's a B word, isnt it. And Darin...I love ya....but the irony that you pride yourself on not being a "lemming" and "marching lockstep" but youre a fan of the Yankees, baseball's equivalent of the Red Army is not lost on me.
  11. DEMOCRATS have no such concerns about alienating voters and giving their opponents "ammo", right? Please.
  12. Saw some atheist kook on MSNBC last night going on and on trying to make the connection that Christmas is "forced" on her by heterosexual white conservative men. It was comical, to say the least.
  13. So the Skanks sent their minions to steal the back pages on the NY papersfrom the Mets last week after the Pedro signing and reportedly were high fiving about it. Well, enjoy the back pages tomorrow, losers. Couldnt have happened to a nicer bunch of !@#$s.
  14. Give MMD props...they were on the Bills bandwagon from the first game of the year. Even when they were 0-4, they said the Bills were MUCH better than their record.
  15. Correct me if Im wrong, but STOP-LOSS has been around since WWII, no? Sorry...this guy is whining.
  16. Pretty ironic that you dont want to hear the phrase, but then put forth the EXACT line of thinking that defines it. It is a trap game. PERFECT definition of it. But being that the overall mindset of this club has been "WIN OUT" since Thanksgiving, their heads should be just fine in San Fran.
  17. Someone I was watching with who is not a huge, huge fan said "Who's that on the ground?". I said "The Bills' Season".
  18. Up next, Deb and Mick will post up a letter from a postman complaining about having to go from house to house with all those envelopes.
  19. How the hell were we able to fight a World War on TWO fronts against elite militaries , but now we are "overextended" fighting a bunch of terrorists with hand-made weapons?
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