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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Bush bad!!!! America bad!!!!!!!
  2. I do a lot of work with the folks in Redmond. Microsoft has its flaws. They are well-documented. No need to rehash them. But despite those flaws, I can say from firsthand experience that they are a good bunch of energetic, VERY smart and motivated people who overall, believe in what they are doing, enjoy it tremendously and strive to always improve all facets of their business. This country could use MORE companies like Microsoft, not less.
  3. Was getting my taxes done and missed it. Sounds like it was the usual BS. Thanks, Sacto.
  4. Down here in Nassau County, its still 8 and change. But for a three bedroom house in any decent neigborhood with schools that dont resemble prisons, youre paying over $8,000 per year in taxes, minimum. Whats been going on with State and local politics borders on criminal. These local yahoos make the Feds look smart.
  5. http://www.nydailynews.com/front/breaking_...7p-237086c.html CANCELLED! The school does the right thing, but it looks like beucase of threats of violence. Of course, the elitists at the school are crying about "free speech being trampled". My ass.....This clown HAD his speech. Said what BS he had to say. And then people threw the proverbial "tomatoes" at him when he was finished.
  6. Try all you want, Dem to say your party is NOT moving to the far far radical left. Youve have Mike Moore as a guest of honor at your convention and the main faces of your party, Reed, Pelosi and Kennedy spew such outrageous stuff, even some other Democrats are turning red and walking away. But hey....
  7. Hate to do it, but I have to stick up for Jets fan here. No one I know, and I live two miles from Jets HQ on Long Island, really WANTS that West Side Stadium. They ALL want it in Queens, next to Shea Stadium. That Queens location makes perfect sense....all the access points are there, including roads, water, rail (from Long Island AND NYC) and even air. And the cost would be half. And even though I hate their guts, you gotta admit...those Jets fans deserve their own park. They play in another team's park....in Jersey!
  8. YOUR party? Thought you werent a left winger?
  9. You never forgot to draw the shades?
  10. Was the coat a little much? Maybe. Does Cheney and the United States deserve critiscism? Please. And if any more DOES come, then the U.S. should remind all those loudmouths "over there" that the color olive drab Cheney wore was the same color as the uniforms of the tens of thousands of American soldiers who sacrificed their lives to liberate Europe from the Nazis in the first place, so that the gates to all those terrible camps could be opened. Game, set, match.
  11. Saw this on another board. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Regarding the lib/conservative thing....I also feel that he's just another fringe loon. This isnt much different that the far-right religious zealots that say that we had 9/11 coming to us for "punishment of our sins" or some other nonsense. But safe to say that a lot of folks will agree with words like this. That's just sad.
  12. For the most part, Im over it. Life's too short....onward and upward.
  13. Find me one law on the books where it says that in order to use goverment funded facilities, the group using them must be open to all individuals and/or must 100% not have any activities of a religious nature.
  14. [rolling eyes] WHAT "certain" religious beliefs are they "promoting", exactly? There are OPTIONAL (do you undestand the meaning of that word?) awards for ALL religions and simply a mention that a scout is "reverent". That's it. People like the ACLU and others, like with most of their attacks on all things religion, make it appear that BSA and similar groups pound pound pound religion down people's throats. As ANYONE who has been NEAR the BSA can attest, that is utter bull sh--.
  15. Very nice. Thanks. I truly hate all the heat the BSA is getting these days, just becuase they utter the word 'God' and have some religious underpinnings. Anyone who has been within ten feet of the BSA knows that although there is a recognition of religion (awards like Parvuli Dei and mention of God in the oath), the Scouts are doing anything BUT "pushing God" like some would have you believe. Its truly a wonderful organization and IMO, the Pinewood Derby, the idea of parent helping child to build something and then using it in competition against others, is one of the most perfect things ever created to enhance the parent/child relationship. That, and Ice Cream. Enjoy every minute of it, EII. Its truly a wonderful experience.
  16. Wowza. Awesome, VA. Unfortunatley, the idea of paying a cost now for greater benefit later is one which is completely LOST on the Left and has been for a long, long time. Its one of their fundamental flaws, really.
  17. Im surprised a pantie-wearing whining lib like yourself even let your son be part of such a God-pushing, evangelical, ultra right-wing uptight organization like the BSA. But enjoy the Derby anyway.
  18. Well, yea...of course if the copter wasnt conducting a wartime operation the crash might not have happened. But its ridiculous to point to this and say "See....thanks to that war, these men are dead!" and use this accident in your arsenal to critiscise the war. You cannot use normal occurances that take place in any situation and are almost expected (i.e. the military is dangerous) to argue a specific point.
  19. What a great event and a great time. Three cheers to Matt(s) and the rest of the NYCBBB crew for putting it together.
  20. THANK YOU, Wacka and Darin. Terrible, this tragedy...but also something that goes on with military operations everywhere...all the time. Quite simply, only a moronic !@#$ would connect this accident to the war itself.
  21. Oh yeah.....THAT little thing......COST.
  22. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING. 'Bout damn time someone realized Dickinson is GOD.
  23. Giddyup!
  24. You guys are slipping.....you forgot to blame BUSH and those Crawford neocons for this.
  25. A charge of a felony is a bit much. No argument there. But I have ZERO problem with the school taking note of this behavior and taking some kind of action, probably directly with the parents.
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