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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. From political hack to spammer. Richio's some piece of work.
  2. That Brett Favre looked real good mopping up for Atlanta, didnt he? MOP UP DUTY, Fez......MOP UP.
  3. And in the next pic, Griff will be shown throwing himself down a flight of stairs and breaking his legs and knees.......again. Such a shame.....he's truly a great talent. But he was always a reckless outfielder, and that wound up costing him his career.
  4. I HATE to get in the middle of your "Im smarter than one of the most well-known, well respected NFL writers to ever cover the league" party, but King writes for [drum roll] a NATIONAL audience and one that Ill bet...and Im going on a limb here, I know.....doesnt spend too much time reading the Buffalo News and TBD day in and day out. I mean, how DARE a writer for a magazine covering the ENTIRE sports spectrum write a piece about Buffalo's QB to his NATIONAL audience about a story that broke about the same time Tom Brady was flying home from Disneyland last week?
  5. You can blame Bledose for a lot of things. But dont EVER say the guy wasnt tough or showed fire, which is WAY overrated anyways. To do so is revisionist history at his best. Bledose ran a good huddle and played hard. He wasnt no RJ.
  6. Oh, shaddup. Teams have cut loose players TEN time better than Drew Bledsoe over the years. "Managing" QB......give me a break.
  7. The media, and a lot of other people, think that the situation should be resolved perfectly with no bad consequences and hurt feelings. What else?
  8. Anyone got a boat? There's gotta be SOME place on this God (whoops!) forsesaken Earth my family and I can go to freely practice our religion without fear of prosecution!
  9. Wait....you can proactice all you want...just not in public and in the privacy of your own home. You know....like the Quakers back in England did.
  10. So that makes it all OK.
  11. Did you forget where that famous Rumsfeld question came from during that PC in Iraq?? [crickets chirping] The only thing more comical that the "outrage" these things create is the blatant disregard for when "your" side does the same damn thing.
  12. Ya know...if the boy was 17, maybe even 16, Id be tempted to feel a little better about this. But the boy was 13.....BARELY above being a child. Its just wrong.
  13. Condoning sexual abuse by an adult on a 13 year old child. Downright disgusting.
  14. And I find it reprehensible that so many are like "Wow...shes hot...wish that was me!!" and are condoning what went on. Bottom line...an adult took sexual advantage of a 13 year old child. Any way you slice that up, its disgusting and a crime.
  15. Yeah...great...how wonderful....Meanwhile, if a 33 year old male teacher did this to a female student, what would we be saying? Who gives a rat's ass how "hot" she is? An adult took sexual advantage of a 13 year old child. WFT is wrong with you? Shame on you people.
  16. Yeah...."wasting" time honoring Presidents and our Country's history. What a terrible idea.
  17. Earthquakes, wildfires, drought, and when it finally does rain, mudslides. Ill take a few months of cold and some snow, thanks.
  18. You mean he's not some diobolical "Dr. Evil" planning our demise? Shocker.
  19. What Im loving is how the left sees every bit of struggle the Iraqis endure on their way to implementing a democratic government as some sort of indication of failure of the Bush docrine and the efforts to make it so. Because.....ya know.....this smoothly run democratic government and society of OURS just fell into our laps back in 1776.
  20. Youre right. Professional sports needs more Vegas-style production and breasts and ass.
  21. As much as Im against gay marriage, Im glad this went through. Why? Because fighting laws you dont like IN THE COURTS is the proper way to do it. Having elected officials flout the laws on the books like those mayors did a while back was reprehensible.
  22. Thats not the issue. The issue is that you see YOUR agenda being pushed as fine and dandy but when another agenda is being pushed, its wrong.....its a set of morals being "forced" on you.
  23. So you admit all the bull sh-- you just spewed was all, well, bull sh--? All that BS about "9/11 wasnt nothing" and all that sh--? Well, !@#$ you.
  24. So in other words, "what WE want to do is right, what YOU want to do isnt". Like I said...."When the Right forwards a set of moral values, they are 'pushing' and 'forcing' their beliefs on us. When WE (the left) forward a set of moral values, we are allowing you to choose your own morality". Thank you so much for proving my point. I couldnt have done it better myself.
  25. I love how the left (we know...Rabid isnt on the left) keeps saying how the right is "pushing their version of morality on us". Well, what do you call what the left wants to do? Isnt pushing their agenda pushing THEIR version of morality on us? Its the biggest "DUH" in the whole political spectrum....whatever party is in power will "push" "their agenda" for how the country should be. DUH!
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