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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. With over $350 Million donated from the U.S. Govt, a large military presense headed to the region to offer support, and a ton of non-government relief headed to the victims, its safe to say that the U.S. has kicked in a fair share towards the effort. More is always good. And there will be more. But "we" have done our part, as has a lot of other nations. Everyone helps, everyone pitches in. Some give more money, some send troops for security, some send materials, some will ofer long-term aid. It all helps the cause. Its time to stop "counting dollars". This is not a race to see which country is the most generous or some kind of game to "beat" other nations.
  2. Only a person like yourself could say with a straight face that you wouldnt care if a madman was able to hold entire world ransom and then imply that you care for the its "well-being". I truly pity you and your family. I really do.
  3. In the "stingy" thread, she implies that the US can and should do more. Here, she implies that US efforts have ulterior motives. New Year, same trolling bull sh--. And Deb....how would you feel if Saddam circa 1990 controlled half the world's oil reserves? Or if bin Laden controlled a large part of the diamond trade and had access to the revenues it generates? Just checking.
  4. The only thing more tedious than a "LAMP/EAT CROW" post is one in which the composer thinks he puked up some great revelation that we are all REQUIRED to address.
  5. Dont worry...some low level worker on an oil platform in Latvia will catch a cold or something and prices will go RIGHT back up.
  6. damn...........................
  7. What? Did he had the Bills lower than #1 on his rankings or something?
  8. Its not the airline, its the union. Word is that a lot of flight attendants and most of the baggage handlers in Philly staged a huge "sickout", which resulted in the didaster that engulfed the airline over the holiday. We all know corporation can be greedy and mismanage things. But what these people did was the ultimate in selfishness and downright illegal. If I was the head of US Airways, Id fire all their asses on the spot, contract or not.
  9. Yes...GREAT article. With the last sentence: KILLING your ridiculous assertion deader than Hoffa, Pete.
  10. The "Lets Roll" thing is NOT bs one bit. Beamer and others on that flight DID storm the cockpit. That is irrefutable given the CVR and ATC tape transcripts and the cell phone conversation accounts. What is still in question is whether Beamer and the rest of the men on board took control of the jet, resulting in its Rosen or it it were shot down by a military jet. Regardless, Beamer and his men were still incredibly brave and their efforts should not be minimized. Personally, I have no problem with that jet being shot down, given where it was headed. And finally, can Bush put a GAG on Rumsfeld, already? This guy has more verbal miscues and gaffes falling out of his mouth than Don Rickles hopped up on speed.
  11. Exactly what I was alluding to in the other thread, Tom. We give amounts heads and shoulders about what other countries do and what do we get in return? Not a "thank you", but accusations of being "stingy".
  12. That stunt him and his dad pulled was so out of line, I hope the kid becomes such a bust, he cant get a job as a cheerleader.
  13. NICE!!! Anyone notice all the empty seats in Jax yesterday? An 8-6 team pushing for the playoffs and the place was 1/4 empty. And the NFL wants to expand AGAIN?
  14. Can I complain about the !@#$s who like to force others to eat crow about even the most trivial things? You know...the "Where are all the _____ today?" maroons who think they are better fans than those who had the audacity to doubt a team that was 0-4 and playing like they were worse than that. As if in Week Four they KNEW the Bills were going to be in this situation right now.
  15. NOT AT #1 ??!!?? What a MORON!!!!!!
  16. I never said they should "kiss our asses". But it would be nice if they didnt take our offerings and then sh-- on us the second they walk out of the room. Would be nice if the good we do was simply RECOGNIZED for a change. Some dumb soldier puts a hood on a POW and its all the news and rage around the world. But we give BILLIONS in aid overnight to disaster relief and billions more to other causes and its treated like it never hapenned.
  17. Rail all you want. Fact is that the USA sends more in aid to these shitholes around the world than any other country combined. And when disaster strikes, the USA is the FIRST country to open the checkbook. And more, those countries almost DEMAND the US fork up billions in aid. But as soon as the check is cashed, those "poor downtrodden" around the world, and New Europe continue the orgy of stevestojan about how "bad" the USA is. In short, they take our money, our aid, and everything we got, and then spit right in our eyes. Petty? You can call it that. But if asking that all the GOOD we do be acknowledged once in a while is "mindless", then so be it.
  18. No you dont. Not with all the good karma they got through the 80s and 90s. Fugg em.
  19. Yeah...why should they "build their own" when they can rely on the good ole USA to help save their ass? You know the "terrible" USA that they "hate" so much, that oh by the way ALREADY has sent aid and services. Wonder how much France, Germany, Spain and the rest of New Europe has sent so far.
  20. The only thing more foolish that using hindsight at the water cooler is using it on a discussion board.
  21. WHY is it a great pick? Becuase it turns out to not be a high one? Becuase you, as a fan, can sleep comfortably knowing that the Bills "got one over" on the Cowboys? Because the Bills "took advantage" of the Cowboys with the trade? Or maybe its your need to see the Bills in the Top ten in the draft and you wouldnt have? Grow up.
  22. Bruuuce helped the Steelers by coming down with the flu in 1995. Payback for that one wouldnt be complete unless the whole Steeler team came down with The Plauge.
  23. Listening to that candy-ass Pennington is comical. What an out of touch loser he is.
  24. Excuse me, but the game was still a "trap". The Bills just didnt get caught in it. Good for them.
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