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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Hummer H2. An obscene vehicle driven by obscene people.
  2. I wont go into a Mark Levin-like tirade like Richio, but its hard to argue that this was anything less than a brilliant move by the Administration and GWB.
  3. Drew looked deep a few times, saw the WRs covered and dumped it off.
  4. And 13 THOUSAND troops on site or headed to the area. Of course, by doing that, now we are not stingy, we are "imerialistic"!
  5. And what's the over/under AFTER the dust settles and the waters recede for when the anti-American BS in these victimized contries starts up again? I say a week.
  6. Show me a team that has a perfect record on 4th down after 16 games and Ill show you my cure for cancer.
  7. As a matter of fact...I WOULD like an affidavit. Notarized, too..or it dont mean sh--. Seriously, if you FIRST guessed that play, then kudos. But what youre asking for....to give up on going up MORE than a FG, in the 4th quarter, at home, against a third string offense, may do the OPPOSITE than what you are intending it to do. That is, show the DEFENSE you have no confidence in them! See...it can go both ways here. There really is no black and way RIGHT or WRONG way to handle that situation. But one thing is for sure....Lindell should have made that !@#$ING KICK!!!!!!!
  8. Excuse me, Im not fighting with you here. Im just responding to your post with MY point of view on the issue at hand. That IS still allowed here, right? Jeez.
  9. Well, if you dont want to debate it, then why did you post it? You seem to imply that becuase of what took place with Gilbride, the Bills should never pass on 3rd and short ever. Cant do that. But even in your clarification, you imply that if the running game works, you NEVER go to the pass. Again, cant do that as sooner or later, the opposing defense WILL catch on to that. They arent that blind. You say "If McGahee is running well and you have third and short, well, duh." You dont think teams gameplan for that type of situation? Every coach in the NFL has a BOOK full of IF/THEN probablilities for the teams they face. You run the same play in the same situation week after week, youre just asking for huge trouble.
  10. So the Bills are never going to pass on 3rd and short ever again?
  11. And if they attempted to go for it on 4th down and missed instead of kicking the "automatic" field goal to go up by four points, you'd ALL be burning the coaching staff at the stake for not going for the "sure thing". And dont for ONE SECOND embarrass yourselves and deny that.
  12. How about: "Buffalo Fans need to get over themselves and stop being so !@#$ing dramatic about every loss the home teams endure as not every one is some kind of 'screw job' by the officials or by a league or someone else who has it out for WNY"? 'Think it has a nice ring to it, myself.
  13. With the size of the stadium, the small market and Bills fans being somewhat fickle, this is a problem this franchise is going to have to struggle with for the foreseeable future. Nothing that cant be overcome, however. Its just the buggabo this organization has to deal with. It could be worse. We could be the Jets and have to play in someone else's stadium. In another state! It WAS annoying to see all those towels on the tele. But on the flipside, it WAS fans of a close-by team thats tops in the NFL and with a fanbase that is unrivaled in terms of passion and loyalty. Now...if we start seeing 25,000 Cardinals or Rams fans, then the Bills REALLY have a problem!
  14. Not an indictment of you. But I did look through the site and thought is was horribly misguided. Maybe Im being simplistic....OK, I AM simplistic....but would HELPING the U.S. forces lead to a better Iraq? Again using Germany and Japan as a guide, it seems countries we wage war against and then "occupy" for a time thereafter fare pretty well. Its not like we trash the place and then leave.
  15. This forum needs a "short bus". A place where threads like this one should go.
  16. Wasnt Buffalo stuffed HARD on third and short a few times? Being persistent with the running game is good and all, but after a while, you gotta try something else if the run isnt working.
  17. A few people I know really got on me for being such a curmudgeon while watching this team the last few years. Well, excuse me, but 3-13 and 6-10 aint much fun. At least the second half of this year, I enjoyed a team that had a clue and a chance. And it was fun and most important, worthwhile to watch them play. Ill take a season like this one over the horrid ones we endured the last few years any day.
  18. The players are professionals and while there is no doubt they "care", they will NEVER be as passionate as the fans. Ever. Its just a fact of life in pro-sports. And besides, except for a choice few, which players really blow up and show tons of "anger" after bad losses, anyways? Not many.
  19. What a bull sh-- website. Go ask Germany and Japan how they have been doing since the U.S. "occupied" them. Also wouldnt suprise me one bit if it turn out this "anti-war and occupation" bunch of loons was assisting the insurgency in some way, shape or form.
  20. If that idiot Lindell makes the kick, it puts the Bills up by 4. It was a perfectly acceptable move to make, unless of course youre playing Madden 05. Which it seems a lot of folks here are. See, when youre dealing in REALITY...making the correct "safe" move usually trumps the need to pull your dick out and go "balls out" to satisfy some silly ego thing.
  21. I love Willis' all around game, but one thing troubles me. He seems to rely on going outside way too much. Hes got that one move...he shoots outside, jukes the linebacker chasing him, and then heads upfield. Its been amazingly effective, but we all know that in pro sports, if you do the same thing over and over, no matter how good you do it, sooner or later the rest of the league is going to figure out how to stop it. Next year Id like to see Willis work more on gaining ground up the middle and maybe expanding his repetoire a bit more overall. Just a minor nit..............
  22. With Mularkey and this coaching staff in place, this team's in good hands.
  23. Im pissed...but the playoffs and SB will still be great. The playoffs always are, with the Bills in them or not.
  24. One post on a subject is a "crusade" now, huh? What's next, Da? Youre going to call me a "lemming" because I agree with the consesus that it was warm out today? And yeah...FIGHTING is one of the reasons why hockey is in the state its in and a distance fourth, at best, in the American sports conscience, IMO. Maybe not to you die hards, but to the casual fan the way the game is played, including the use of "enforcers", is a HUGE turnoff.
  25. Wonder if Rob Ray realizes that his style of play is one of the reasons why the game he "loves" so much is in the state it is in.
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