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Everything posted by RkFast
Patriotism includes shutting up at times
RkFast replied to AKC's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Wonderful post! What makes me truly sick to my stomach is NOT the typical anti-war protests in the streets, aimed at Government. Its the out-and-out attacks by protestors on the military itself. Things like protests and even attacks on soldiers returning from service and outside military bases and at recruiting stations, the forcing of ROTC programs and military recruitment activities off college campuses and out of high schools, things like that. Its deplorable behavior and terrible hypocritical, considering how the anti-war and leftist crows loves to say how they "support the troops but are against the war". -
Thoughts on extending Daylight Savings Time
RkFast replied to KRC's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Scary thing is...this type of reasoning goes on FOR REAL and is a HUGE part of the reason why we are in the pickle we are in terms of oil consumption. -
PLEASE give me SOME kind of sign youre kidding.
The laughable folly of abstinence education
RkFast replied to Buffalo 65's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Nobody "cares"? Its a "right wing" thing? Is that why in Europe, that "rabid foaming right wing" continent, the front pages of the News reads like the front pages of the National Enquirer when it comes to the personal affairs of their politicians? FLIGHTSUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Its truly a shame that both wonderful instututions such as these have to be minimuized because of these situations and also tragic that those very same institutions did little to stop the problem in the first place.
Of course it is. The last of the religions/naitonalities that can be "picked on" without fear. I guess all I need is to throw an "Italian" reference in there and we can all have a ball throwing jokes around. Actually, I kind of like it...next time I want to run Chris Rock's "!@#$" bit or some other lame piece of tripe past you all, Ive got my precedent, right? God Bless you all and God Bless John Paul the Great.
And whats the diffference between the above and every gurgle, fart and eye blink by Ms. Schiavo being interpreted by people who are closer to garbagemen than M.D. as her showing she wants to live??? Whats the difference between the above and using a five year video tape of a balloon being waved in her face as "proof" of her lucidness? BillsNYC description is fifty times more "realistic" than any of that bull sh--. At least it is founded in medical FACT.
Now youre being silly and you know it.
COOL! The race card!!!! Here it comes......................................
I heard she recevied last rights last week, and will again. Thanks for realizing my pointed comments werent aimed direct at you.
Didnt you hear??!!?? She passed gas last night, which was interpreted by her parents and all her "supporters" as her attempt to recite the Emancipation Proclamation. Time for another 30 appeals!!!! Sorry for the bad joke...but the actions of everyone in this case just sickens me. And why, VA, should the judge be excommunicated from the Church? He didnt commit an abortion. More selective hypocrisy, huh? "Obey the laws, enforce the laws...except the ones we dont like." Ahhh.....religion.
And the same people who "value life" and "our nation of laws" and are "compassionate" have kicked Judge Greer out of his Church, wanted Jeb Bush to send in the National Guard and have the tube re-inserted at gunpoint and have called for the killing of Michael Schiavo. Long live Hypocrisy
GW has said little and only signed the law brought to him by a bipartisan representation of Congress. Jeb has only done what the law allows him to and has done no more. What the Bushes have done is no more severe that what past Presidents have done when faced with similar impossible situations, such as Waco and the Gonzales case. But you keep screming your knee-jerk "BUSH BAD!!!" accusations and bull sh--. Jeez...whats next? Going to link Halliuburton to all this? The more that goes on, the more this case sickes me. I dont know whats worse: 1. The Hotpocket crowd bending over backwars to blame Bush, especially GW for this mess. 2. The Schindlers wasting everyones time and money with appeal after appeal after appeal. As time goes on, Im thinking more and more they are just enjoying the attention more than anything else. 3. MANY people, including the Schindlers, have NO PROBELM with our laws being broken wide open to "save Terri". 4. The politicians, especially Congress, grandstanding and openly trying to re-write our laws on the run, again seemingly having no problem overstepping their bounds. 5. The religious right making all kinds of threats to the politicians, again asking them to break the law. I could go on and on...tis whole thing is so !@#$ing ugly is makes that Waco and Gonzales casse look tame. Its become such a circus, so !@#$ed up, you wind up wishing Terri would "just die, already" so that this damn thing will just come to an end. You see Terri on TV and you instinctually wind up hating HER, becuase at the end of the day, shes the center of all this. Meanwhile, everyone else trots around, pontificates on TV how "right" they are and puts aside half oftheir convictions, morals, and even legal obligations for that cuase. Its like they are whoring out their ideals just for this one cause. Sad.
FL judge weighed in...NO DICE. ITS OVER, JOHNNY Time for the Schindlers to pack it in, sit by their daughter's bedside and let this issue and her be put to rest.
More evidence that the Schiavo case...
RkFast replied to Losman-McGahee-Evans's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Too bad it was BI PARTISAN (know what that means??!!??) intervention by Congress in this case and pretty far from on-sided. BUSH BAD!!!! BUSH BAD!!! FLIGHTSUIT!!!!!!!!!!! And how, exactly was the "Constitution Shredded" here? By properly meeting all weekend to decide if the Judicial Branch should get involved at all and then going to the Executive Branch for signoff? Excuse me, but that is our government working EXACTLY how its intended to. And at the end of the day, know what the Judicial Branch said? NO THANKS...they arent getting involved. But hey, you got an Iraq and SS reference in there....good work. Now go get your Hotpockets. -
He is still legally married to her right? Then the laws still apply, no matter how bad the marriage has become.
OK...but its still up to her husband to make the decision, if thats what the law says. Someone else mentioned it...not sure here or somethere else.....The Republicans have been marching on this "Sanctity of Marriage" crutch for a while now. Well, here it is again, but the ugly side of it. Cant have it both ways, people. But, AS USUAL, people want to follow only the parts of the ideology that they agree with.
They are both self-serving loudmouth !@#$s.
Next up for the Schindlers..the 12th Circuit...and the 13th and the 14th and the 15th. This kills me to say it...becuase I do "value life", whatever the !@#$ that means these days....but the decision has been made in full accordance of the law of this land. Every part of our government has weighed it and made their decision. Its time to let it go.
Im starting to turn here. The Schindlers are really getting out of hand wit htheir appeals to get every governing officer from Tallahassee to Timbuk Two involved. How about THIS, Schindlers... We re-insert the feeding tube.....and YOU, not the FL taxpayers, pay for her care from this moment forward? DEAL?????
This discussion is silly. We all know that not all terrorists are Muslims. But we also ALL know that Muslim, yes MUSLIM Extremists have a hard-on for using commercial aircraft as part of their terrorist tactics and have for a long, long time. These people have even bragged about them doing it and have threatened to do it again! So its not unrealistic, nor is it racist to have feelings of doubt or trepidation when you see young Arab men...especially multiple Arab men on your flight.
Oklahoma City sets off bells. The other hundred some-odd terrorist acts done at the hands of Muslim Extremists sets off whole Orchestras. Sorry, but the exception is NOT the rule.
Yep...weve reached the point in the history of the world when shoving a pair of breasts into a murderer's face is "torture", but starving an inncent defenseless woman to death is "humane".
NY Daily News Lead Editorial 3/19/05: World warms to W's war Fascinating it's been to rooster the ear and listen as the once-keening cry of the Bush-basher dims toward mufflement. You were hearing it as recently as weeks ago: Lied us into war, single-handedly cost us the world's respect, hurtled us all to the brink of annihilation. All at once, even European journals are wondering out loud, as are many home-grown scolds now hastening to reconsider their views: Good Lord, is it possible that American foreign policy is actually sane? You mean this Iraq thing looks like it might be working after all? You mean George W. Bush was - choke - right? Granted, there remains the stray voice of distemper, forlornly refusing to concede that this warmongering cowboy who stole the presidency could possibly have done anything correctly. Those of a more sensible persuasion will today, two years after U.S. troops started whooping their way toward Baghdad, recognize how profoundly better a place the world is on its way to becoming. This at the very least being a corollary result of Washington's bold stroke to take matters into its own hands, regardless of what this and that faintheart thought about such rude unilateralism. For the astonishing tilt toward a sort of democratization in assorted sectors of the Arab world is a planet-rattling phenomenon that was literally unthinkable practically yesterday. Not every one of these historic developments can be directly attributed to the Bush White House, but on the other hand it is mush-brained to imagine, for example, that Syria would today be swiftly retreating from Lebanon had not Washington demonstrated what becomes of tinhorn dictators who defy United Nations resolutions that the UN has not the viscera to enforce on its own. It is ludicrous to think that Libya would have abandoned its weapons programs had not Saddam Hussein's statues been toppled. It is improbable that Europe would today at last be talking tough with Iran's nuclear-happy mullahs were it not for Washington's own unflaggingly hard-line attitude. "Bush may end up being just as right as Reagan was," mused Germany's Der Spiegel the other day, referring to Ronald Reagan's famously deranged idea that Soviet Communism might be dismantled. Many current notions in the arena of foreign affairs run toward the same kind of confident lunacy, and the President's critics will certainly continue their carping. But less noisily, we think.
Wait....I thought a person's secuality doesnt matter, right? Funny how its always the LEFT bringing up matters of race, gender and sexual orientation.