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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. And Im saying that it would be good...BETTER if all religions updated its roles for women. Its not "hollow" to say that "other people are worse" when its being used in the context of who is being pushed to change its ways and who is not. Youve got a cop on the streetcorner. One guy is jaywalking. The other is mugging somebody. You going to tell me its proper to walk up to the cop and just point out the guy crossing in the middle of the block? And its not "hollow" to say "we will change when you do" when a double standard exists. You going to tell me its proper for the neighbor who throws his garbage over his fence to come to me and complain that I havent mowed my lawn in a week? Context, my boy......context. There is movment out there right now that has stated "Now that JPII is dead, the Church must embark on wholesale reforms." Given whats going on in the world, thats just not fair. And A-G-A-I-N.....this all comes with the acknowledgement that the RCC CAN BENEFIT from some reform.
  2. Tell you what....Ill stop consider how these chickens and fish feel when vegetarians consider how those poor plants feel. Think about it..... Grown in rows of crowded fields, with only drops of water once per day. Feed with tons of terrible pesticides that nearly kill them and then went sent off to die, its done by these huge, mean, loud farm machines. Dowright inhumane, if you ask me.
  3. So because its "modern times", the Church is required to go along with whatever whim society puts forth and must throw away its own policies and traditions? Thats BS. And even more, why is the RCC "on the clock" to alter how women are treated and deals with society? Ever see how women are treated in other religions? Compared to many sects in other religions, Catholic women are treated like royalty, and social policies are, dare I say, progressive. But for some reason, its only the RCC that must own up and make wholesale changes to "get with the times". Why? Again...this all comes wit hthe caveat that there are problems, things should change. But for me, as a Catholic, its a "we will change when YOU do" thing. My Church is being forced to do things that I dont see any other religion being forced to do. And thats not right in my book.
  4. Easy. Sell the car, move into an apartment, get a deferment on the student loans, call the credit card companies and work out a payment plan. And get a job bartending or waiting on tables. Two of them, if need be. None of that works for you.....THEN you can declare bankruptcy.
  5. Terrible example. First, if someone loses their gig, they most-likely will get a severance and benefits for a while to keep him/her afloat. Second, even if this person loses or does not get a severance, the bank's not going to pound on his door five minutes later to take all his/her things and throw him on the street and into the bankrupcy courts. Third, the person MAY find a new high-paying job pretty quick, especially if s/hes got the skills to have a $135K/year job in the first place. And finally, even if s/he stays out of work or only gets a $50/K year job, the person can sell that fancy house and boat and car and have to live off his/her NEW means. You make it sound like you lose your job and five minutes later youre in bankrupcy and thats far far far from the truth.
  6. Youre kidding, right? The AP wrote a scathing article about how GWB threw out the first pitch at the Nats game last week!!!!!!!
  7. There seems to be a movement that doesnt want the CHurch to just make some small changes...but wants it to completely rethink its entrie policy in regards to social issues. Everything from birth control, to the role of women in the Church, etc. And in some cases, people are demanding that these wholesale changes be made.
  8. Im starting to get really pissed off at people pushing the Church to change the way it does things, now that John Paul II has passed. I fully understand the Church has problems and needs change. But there is this movement that seem to be saying "OK, hes gone. So do away with your stance on just about every social issue and re-write the books". Doesnt fly.
  9. I didnt ask you for a clarification. I got what you meant. Now let me dumb it down for YOU: I could give a sh-- less what someone who models himself after an animal who throws sh-- and jerks off all day long thinks. And Im not the !@#$ who forgot Rule #1 of posting on message boards: Subtely doesnt work. So go dig up some more "hyperbole". SPLLLLLAAAATTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
  10. "Why cant we all just get along"?? Brilliant. Rollins is smarter that that.
  11. There is no topic more full of stinky stuff that the psychoanalysis of the message board by one poster and how s/he relates to the rest of the board. The only thing more tedious is the eventual point....and there always is that evental point....that writer is smarter than everyone else and/or above the fray. SPLAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. No...I just think youre full of sh--. Wait...maybe thats why youre always THROWING it. Ahhhhh....NOW I get it!!!!!!
  13. Joe...you and I and everyone else knows damn well that people yell all day long "oh, Ill just declare bankruptcy" and use it to their advantage. The bankruptcy laws as currently written are abused more often than not and needed work. My fave about this is how the Dems say the new laws hurt (suprise), EVERYONE except those EVIL WHITE MEN! "Lemmings"
  14. I dont think your "nuclear" thing was hyperbole. Hey, dont monkeys spend all day jerking off? My buddy had a pet monkey. Damn thing wouldnt stop whacking himself.
  15. Now THERE is a fair judge of intelligence...how someone pronounces a few words. You should throw some crap at YOURSELF for that one, Simian.
  16. If there was ever a thread worthy of a good round of "FLIGHTSUIT FLIGHTSUIT BUSH BAD!!!! BUSH BAD!!!!!", its this one. Little light reading below for when you stop being red-faced with "outrage". http://www.newsday.com/business/ny-bzasne1...0,1601458.story
  17. Comparing a three-five minute security check to how an entire government conducts itself and rules its populace. Now THERE is a fair comparison! " ", indeed.
  18. I have no problem with strict security. None. And the whole "it infringes on my freedom" line is BS. NOT ONE person feels that what El Al Israel does to its passengers "infringes on freedom". Its only when the "big bad" USA does it does it become a personal affront to everyone and shows the world how "terrible" we are, right? Bollocks.
  19. Ill sell you two.... $5,000 a piece.
  20. Even MORE better.. No lighters....but metal knives as silverware are allowed again.
  21. Even better....... The Homeland Security Dept is phasing out the TSA. While far from perfect, the TSA AT LEAST gave our airport security system SOME semblence of unity, procedural responsibility and decent oversight. But the geniuses at the HSD decided to do away with it and probably will go BACK to private security companies handling the task, just like it was in the "good ole days" before 9/11....you know....when even a non U.S. citizen was paid $10 an hour to handle the task. I swear.....sometimes we just ASK and BEG for someone to "hit" us.
  23. Good thing there is no Catholic bashing in this thread.
  24. Its the general hypocrisy, thats all. How the same group of folks can say they support the troops, but then go to a rally where they attack two Air Force recruiters at a college job fair.
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