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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Easy to say its about "greed" and "$$$$" but guess what? The football team lives and breathes and stays sustainable thanks to those "eeeevil" greenbacks....not wampum. Count me among those who see this as a necessary evil.
  2. Dont you have a pickup load of cowshit to deliver to some moonshinin' redneck down the road or something?
  3. Theres a whole !@#$ing thread over at OTW dedicated to riling me up. The maturity level of this place stinks. If you take it seriously, youre !@#$ed. Or an !@#$.
  4. I have two "warning" points, but considering my chosen persona here is one of antagonistic jackass, I consider them medals of accomplishment. But being an inquisitive chap, I looked at my "warning" points history and on Aug 22, Simon "warned" me for bringing my "political garbage outside of PPP." Yet, when searching for the offending post, I find none. In fact, the only posts I made at that time outside of PPP was a comment about how Russell Brand sucks and a second about Derek Jeter and PEDs. Simon...could you please clarify what post I was "warned" about political stuff outside of PPP for? With all seriousness, Id really like to know. Youve "warned" me for this and now publicly used it as an example to refute an assertion I made abour moderation work. So please provide the backup evidence so the record can be set straight. Thanks!
  5. "my political garbage" "completely full of ****" Aaaaand......Thank you for confirming my point (and Tom's)! Your biases and temper are well known. Its OK. We all have biases. But with all due respect, youre fooling noone. Hey, isnt getting around the language filter against board rules?
  6. Maybe its just me waxing romantic from being a kid, but didnt the players actually at least TRY in the Pro Bowl "back in the day?"
  7. I found about ten examples of Pollard acting like a human missle, but the TSW board software wont allow me to post them.
  8. Alex Jones is the Ron Paul of political pundits. He makes sense...makes sense...makes sense....makes A LOT of sense.....gets you to buy in..and then WHAMMO....hits you with the looney bin ****.
  9. YOU said that the GOP "spit" on everyone they dont like vis a vis foreign policy. I pointed out an effort by a GOP Administration to give HUGE sums of money to an overseas cause voluntarily. And more, to those "brown people" the GOP supposedely hates so much. So what was stupid about it? Please. Explain.
  10. Thats why Bush gave tens of million of dollars in aid to Africa for AIDS research.
  11. Becuase we are Bills fans and if we dont have some mindless thing to nitpick at....(headsets, headbands, gloves, cereal, speech ticks) its not fun.
  12. Who is going to be the first retard to say the Republicans were "sexist" today for going after Hillary?
  13. So she, and the Administration, stall and stonewall and put her off from testifying until now. And then when she finally gets up there, today, her answer to the questions is "'What difference, at this point, does it make?'" Un!@#$ingreal.
  14. I can beleive it. Totally. Anyone actually remember that game? Callahan went into it with the SAME PLAYBOOK that Gruden used the year before. The Bucs knew the plays called before the ball was snapped. If it wasnt "sabotage", it was incompetence of the highest order.
  15. And Welker's wife is a hole.
  16. People are really getting riled up about this. For me, I like his intensity on the football feild. Thats about it.
  17. And MY "good point" is that there have been other similar cases and I bet HALF the people "outraged" over Lewis fawned over Ted Kennedy, which makes them raging hypocrites. Politics have nothing to do with it. Ted Kennedy could have been any public figure and this point would be the same.
  18. And....Ms. Welker proves Suggs' point 100%. Yo...Anna...the second little B word on the Pats next to Brady, is your husband. So shut up, hole.
  19. I sure hope none of the people railing against Lewis and those who are a fan of his are Democrats.
  20. They run a socialist bent on "fundamentally changing the USA" yet WE are the extreme crazies. Right.
  21. Ads for what? To stem the tide of bull **** that Democrats care more for black people. To show they are full of ****. Republicans are getting killed In the court of public opinion. Yet they don't fight back. They should start.
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