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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Well, thank you for pointing that out and putting some perspective on the question I posed. But still...why are they now "evil tools of the administration"? And if the disdain for these compainies go back through several Democratic Administrations, why is the Left using KBR and Halliburton in their "anti-Bush" crusade? Its like selling your Chevy because "all cars are bad"....and then buying a Toyota.
  2. Gotta agree. Good for Daniels for coming forth and preaching the "other" view of the issue, but there wasnt much in that piece one can take home with them, except for the Red Cross thing. If the Red Cross is there every day, why havent they spoken up about the good treatment these prisoners have recevied? Not that their job is to defend the United States. But if groups like AI and others who HAVENT been to GTMO are throwing reckless accusations around, doesnt it indirectly become the responsibility of the group that IS there to speak up and call "bull sh--" to those who are speaking out of turn?
  3. Funny......I dont remember much talk about KBR and Halliburton when Clinton was president.
  4. MMMMMMM.......RED MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Saddam sues Frito-Lay, wins millions, uses cash to fund the insurgency in Iraq, regains power of the Country. "Only in America"
  6. The kid's got a point................
  7. Im readying myself for AI or some other group blasting the U.S. for "abusing" Saddam by force-feeding him junkfood. Or maybe they will claim "torture" because some "unnamed source" claimed the Doritos were stale.
  8. So when do we put Judaism under this ridiculous microscope like we are doing with Catholocism (sp?) here? Cant wait to get to the whole "chopping off of the penis" thing and what THAT means. And that whole "women shouldnt be educated" thing. Cant WAIT to discuss that.
  9. Ive been in Church thousands of times in my life. In a few different countries now, too. Whether the request came by a passed plate or "basket on a stick", its always the same. Sometimes Ive dropped bills. Sometimes change. A lot of times NOTHING. Ive never seen anything but a smile from the usher and NEVER has a dirty look come my way when I kept my head up and gave nothing. And contrary to your point, I find the "offering" part of the Mass, when the gifts are brought to the altar one of the most PRIVATE parts of the mass, when the Parishoners go out of their way NOT to "look around" to see who was donating and who was not. But feel free to remain "outraged". I mean, DAMN that terrible Catholic Church for asking for money to do all those terrible guilty things. You know....like pay the electric bill and clothe the poor of the Parish And OnTheRock's point is RIGHT ON. Every Parish does things a bit differently. If you find one congregation not too your liking for whatever reason, then go to another that suits you better. That goes across ALL RELIGIONS. But, as usual, the scorn is saved for the Catholics.
  10. Oh yes....that, of course I have no problem with. What Im speaking about is the thought process in this country to stop any activity in which someone happens to get hurt in some way. For example, there is a park here on Long Island that a lot of cyclists use for training, as it has a perfect one mile oval loop. One day last year, ONE GUY had an incident with a car on the loop. A week later, all cycling in the park was permanently banned. Does that make sense? Same thing with the tailgating incident. Terrible story. But now literally millions of people have to suffer becuase of it? The link between tailgating and alcohol being served in Stadia in this case is dubious, at best. Maybe its my socialist side, or Ive watched too much Star Trek.....but a lot of times, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
  11. Is there nothing more deplorable in our society than the movement to ban or alter ANYTHING that directly or even indirectly causes someone harm? "LITTLE GIRL TRIPS ON SIDEWALK AND BREAKS LEG....CITY OFFICIALS CALL FOR ALL SIDEWALKS TO BE RIPPED UP!!!!"
  12. If I may go back to Toms original point..... Tom...I think youre off base here a bit. What you picked up on, especially with the collections was the Parish taking care of its business. Every Mass there is an offering, sometimes two for this or that, and the Priest or Deacon or whomever made the announcement was just making sure the Parishoners knew what was going on. WHEN those annoncements are made really doesnt matter. Dont look too much into that. The homily? Thats always the Priest's time to speak openly, out of The Book. If he wanted to devote it to a fund drive or something else, he was totally within bounds to do so. A little wierd, I admit. Actually, quite strange on a day like today. But again, nothing way, way out of line.
  13. Im averaging about 200 miles a week between my road and mountain bike. Im doing ok.
  14. I just think this whole idea that "turning off" and watching some typical TV fare makes you an imbecile is overused, that's all. But what SHOULD I watch if not for this "mindless" stuff? Lets see: O'Reilly vs. Hardball vs. American Idol vs. American Chopper. After a lot of hours with each, watching two boobs from upstate NY argue over building a chopper wins the "worthwhile content" prize over those other choices hands down. At least I've learned a little something USEFUL from watching the Teutuls.
  15. Yeah....all those imbeciles who have the audacity to turn on the TV and be entertained every now and again. What a bunch of lemmings and fools.
  16. The Geneva Convention doesnt apply to prisoners at GTMO. Strike Two, Reuben.
  17. It IS "red meat", but there is at least an element of truth to it. What Durban said isnt even CLOSE to the truth.
  18. No. American behavior should never be that of Nazis. But I advise you to bone up on the subject of how prisoners of Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot were treated and then get back to us. Nice try, though.
  19. Who the #$%$#@# cares? We ALL know the true human rights crisis is what kind of chicken the prisoners at Gitmo are getting...Tandoor or barbeque.
  20. "What Americans had done.....you would most certainly believe...[this was]....done by Nazis..." Its a pretty lousy and downright false thing to say, no matter how you slice it up.
  21. Those comments were way out of line. I dont care HOW you feel about Gitmo. Comparing it to the prison camps of the Third Reich, Stalinist Russia and Pol Pot? Insane. Furthermore....isnt this "abuse" that these prisoners enduring very similar to what typical American prisoners endure in solitary confinement in our prison system? Not sure, but it seems so. Loud rap music and a room too hot.....OH THE HORROR....sounds like the DMV waiting room in Westbury to me.
  22. A prison where the prisoners are permitted to worship as they please, even given all the necessary articles for doing do, are released from their cells as necessary for prayer (wonder if John Gotti was released from his cell to celebrate the Sacrament of Pennance, ever), and eat meals like roasted chicken with rice pilaf needs to be "cleaned up." Yeah. They are even putting in a multi-million dollar psychiatric facility on the premises for the 10 some-odd per cent of prisoners who "suffer" from mental illness. Up next? Probably a swimming pool. And AI and the rest will still B word....probably about too much chlorine in the water or lack of inflatable rafts.
  23. TOUCHE!!!!!!
  24. That's one of the primary tenets of Politics....whats wrong with you?
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