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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. ROTFL!!!!!! Not to steal from Darin's repetoire, but "that'yl be the day." Politicians make be sick....all of them.
  2. You can say that for just about ANYTHING, Deb.
  3. Nice segue here.... Anyone bother to notice that the people who are all erect over Dean's comments come from the same side of the aisle as those who dont like John Bolton?
  4. You tell the black man you work with to "!@#$ Off" after he insults you. See what happens. THEN go around the office and tell everyone else you work with "That dumb ni**er pissed you off, they are all the same" and see what happens. See the difference now?
  5. The idea that this type of stuff will ever go away is bunk. There is this little thing called TAPE that makes sure of that. And Ill bet quite a lot that come election time, the RNC will be reminding EVERYONE what Dean and his crew think of them. Im also sure the RNC will be sure to pull out of tape storage and trot out all the comments made by others on the left classifying swing voters and Middle America as "moronic idiots" after this past election. Regardless of how simplistic it may be, the message "THEY think youre stupid....we dont....so vote for US." is quite a powerful one.
  6. One word for you...."YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHH". How did that little tidbit work out for Dean? True, that was done closer to a major election that what Dean is doing now and had a greater effect that what Dean just said, Ill give you that. But it still doesnt make it right. And be sure that whoever is running the RNC will trot out Dean's comments when we get closer to Election Day, thereby energizing the REPUBLICAN Base probably more than he did his own base.
  7. Same thing with the Southern State Pkwy here on Long Island.
  8. EXHIBIT ONE for why the Democratic Party is losing power. Yeah...you keep minimizing the swing voters, Middle America and what the "competition" is doing. And then, you can call them all "backwards idiots" again when you get your clock cleaned on Election Day.
  9. Those condoning what Dean said like Coli are so clueless its laughable. Its not about what YOU, the "energized base" thinks. You animals (and throw Repub. animals in there, too) just LOVE to be fed the "red meat" stuff like this. You dont think its a problem when the head of your party stoops so low as to paint an entire group of people (nice examples of "tolerance" and "understanding of other opinions", BTW) with such a brush. You love it when Al Franken goes on a cuss filled screaming tirdade while John Kerry snickers in the corner. And when Ann Coulter implies that all liberals are retards, so much blood rushes to your dick, you pass out. ITS ABOUT WHAT "JOE CITIZEN" THINKS. You know...those "idiots" in middle America and outside of E79th Street and York. You dont think they notice this stuff? How do you think your party looks to "Joe Citizen" when the head of it is on TV acting like this? When Al Franken is getting in fistfights? When John Kerry cusses in interviews to try and be "hip"? All youre doing is turning OFF the swing voters, who make up the majority of the country. Your whining, complaining, and cuss filled tirades show nothing tthat the majority of the country wants to see or hear, or much less vote for. And the day you bring SOMETHING to the table, besides such tripe will be the day people outside of "the base" start listening to AND VOTING FOR you again.
  10. Because speaking directly to one person standing in front of you and labeling from afar an entire group of people with one stroke is very, very much the same thing.
  11. We are selling F-16s to the Pakistanis. Wonder how India feels about that.
  12. Im the idiot, but youre the one making an assumption of my knowledge on a subject based on nothing and even those we may even AGREE on a subject, still are trying to twist into taking the other side, just for the sake of doing so.
  13. And being that youve never discussed the history of the Third Reich with me, how the fleck would you be able to feel so comfortable making that assumption? I copuld have a stack of books and papers on the Third Reich a mile high in my library. How the hell would YOU know? Or is this just another example of even the smallest window to bang out "Im smarter than you" on your keyboard just getting the best of you again? Yeah, well, thats all well and good. Except for one thing, knuckledragger....most people in this country learned in Junior High what happened to people in Nazi Germany who did as little as keep their copies of Mein Kampf under the coffee tables and not ON it. Were not exactly getting into deep deep history here. Nice try, though.
  14. Its quite obvious that this thing is what people like Joe are going to hang their hat on to criticise the Church. History be damned...."HE'S A NAZI!!!" is what they are going to scream, regardless of the facts. And not to forego the opportunity to be hypocritical, they will shout "yeah, well he could have refused to join" when challenged with that little tidbit about service being compulsory. As if THEY would have laughed and slammed the door in the faces of the ten SS soldiers that came-a-knockin' at 4AM. DING!!!!! Hotpockets are done.
  15. From all accounts, the new Holy Father RAN from Nazi ideology every chance he got, either by joining a seminary or deserting the military. Maybe its blind faith by me, but I doubt someone who had the cajones to desert from the NAZIS in 1944 Germany really was "indocrinated" with their ideology.
  16. Looks legit to me. The full rules look correct.
  17. Exactly. It appears that the Holy Father (weird) was anything BUT a willing participant in the Nazi Party. But what scares me is that there will be many in the world that will use this to further cast hatred towards the Catholic Church. And, of course, there is the 'stinkin' hypocrite' angle. That is..many people who always say "dont paint all people of a certain type with the same brush" will be the same who do just that in this case.
  18. Come on...everyone knows that five minute security check at the airport is a gross infringement of our rights!
  19. Well, I dont think its a "failing" that the Church as specific roles for women and men. They are a religion, not an employer. On the latter point, youre still misunderstanding me. Im not discussion RCC failings in a vacuum here. My point since Day One has been to show how the comparisons of RCC policies and the pressures they are under to change to other religions and the pressures they are under to change are unfair. Therefore, I cannot remove the "look at them" from my argument and still have it hold water. Just to be clear here....I am not "validating" anything or trying to minimize what the RCC is doing by comparing it to other religions. My sole point in comparison is to point out the need for all religions to be judged equally when it comes to this topic.
  20. Ah, bull sh--. All Ive said is that if were going to demand reform, and sometimes rightfully so, from ONE religion, we must demand reform from all of them. Because when it comes to issues of social justice, they ALL have issues. And I want them all judged on a level playing field. If you want to demonize me for something as simple as that, knock yourself out.
  21. Ive stated TWICE in this thread that I acknowledge the RCC has its issues. Im not going to do it again. If you cannot read an entire thread before coming up with your condascending holier-than-thou retorts, thats not my problem. And WHO says they are "wrong". YOU? NOW? And define "wrong". The fact that only men can be Priests? Lets hear it. This thread is not about what the RCC does and how its percieved by itself. Its about how the media and the general public perceives it. SLIGHT difference, there. Are you reading ANYTHING Im writing? Doesnt appear so. Becuase this is the THIRD time in this thread (Yer Out!!!) that you either ignored or mis-read my comments. I said "Compared to many sects in other religions, Catholic women are treated like royalty, and social policies are, dare I say, progressive. " CERTAIN sects. Parts of a whole, not the entire thing. So many have changed. Many have not. Go ask a Hassidic Jewish woman how "things have changed". Or a Burqua wearing woman in Medina. Ask her how its going these days. This is my point....social issues and how religions sometimes relate to them span the entrie religious community, not just the RCC. So its unfair for the RCC to be held to a standard others are not.
  22. And Im saying that it would be good...BETTER if all religions updated its roles for women. Its not "hollow" to say that "other people are worse" when its being used in the context of who is being pushed to change its ways and who is not. Youve got a cop on the streetcorner. One guy is jaywalking. The other is mugging somebody. You going to tell me its proper to walk up to the cop and just point out the guy crossing in the middle of the block? And its not "hollow" to say "we will change when you do" when a double standard exists. You going to tell me its proper for the neighbor who throws his garbage over his fence to come to me and complain that I havent mowed my lawn in a week? Context, my boy......context. There is movment out there right now that has stated "Now that JPII is dead, the Church must embark on wholesale reforms." Given whats going on in the world, thats just not fair. And A-G-A-I-N.....this all comes with the acknowledgement that the RCC CAN BENEFIT from some reform.
  23. Tell you what....Ill stop consider how these chickens and fish feel when vegetarians consider how those poor plants feel. Think about it..... Grown in rows of crowded fields, with only drops of water once per day. Feed with tons of terrible pesticides that nearly kill them and then went sent off to die, its done by these huge, mean, loud farm machines. Dowright inhumane, if you ask me.
  24. So because its "modern times", the Church is required to go along with whatever whim society puts forth and must throw away its own policies and traditions? Thats BS. And even more, why is the RCC "on the clock" to alter how women are treated and deals with society? Ever see how women are treated in other religions? Compared to many sects in other religions, Catholic women are treated like royalty, and social policies are, dare I say, progressive. But for some reason, its only the RCC that must own up and make wholesale changes to "get with the times". Why? Again...this all comes wit hthe caveat that there are problems, things should change. But for me, as a Catholic, its a "we will change when YOU do" thing. My Church is being forced to do things that I dont see any other religion being forced to do. And thats not right in my book.
  25. Easy. Sell the car, move into an apartment, get a deferment on the student loans, call the credit card companies and work out a payment plan. And get a job bartending or waiting on tables. Two of them, if need be. None of that works for you.....THEN you can declare bankruptcy.
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