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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. The occupation of a country and the existence of a U.S. military base is not one in the same. The U.S. will most likely have a base or more bases permanently in Iraq. But that is not even close to a full-blown occupation, where the U.S. is the de facto government. Youre second point here is quite disturbing. First of all, youre saying that the majority of attacks is against solely American targets, which is patently untrue. Second, you seem to imply that collateral damage caused by terrorists is permissable, I assume becuase the terrorists have far cruder weaponry than the Coalition forces. There is truth in the second part of that statement. But does not change the fact that in modern warfare, collateral damage is borderline forbidden. And Americans have come under HUGE criticism for it. But for the terrorists, its ok, because "theres no way around it for them?" Bollocks. And youre third point is just plain out insane. The Coalition forces are not "enemy combatants" by any definition. And the insurgency was born, is run and is fed by non-Iraqi fighters, some of whom have been life-long sworn enemies of Iraq. As mentioned above, the Iraqi portion of it has gone home and has joined the rebuilding effort. So how you can give credence to the insurgency, even in part, as an honest to goodness attempt by some to fight for a better Iraq is nuts.
  2. Not only are they NOT, but they have decided to do so under their own volition, taking the stance, get this, that if they ever want to see the U.S. LEAVE Iraqi it would be prudent to get ON BOARD with the joint American/Iraqi efforts to rebuild the country to help achieve the ultimate goal of a U.S. pullout and the formation of a true Iraqi government. Imagine that. Chicot...youre on the clock.......
  3. Have the accusations against delay gone beyond that yet?
  4. bull sh--. Because if that was the case, nobody would have shown up to vote in the Iraqi elections. The fact that the turnout was so big proves without a doubt that the vast majority of Iraqis see the new government as legit.
  5. If so much of this is all about freeing Iraq from the "terrible" grip of the "oppressive" Americans, than why are so many of the attacks targeting IRAQI police stations and military installments? Does it not make sense for those wanting America out to HELP the very same group that will take over? If so, then why are the primary targets of so many of the terrorist attacks against Iraqi targets?
  6. That New York Times is real "Fair and Balanced".
  7. My friend works for Ford Credit. The parking lot as his office? Youre damn well RIGHT its full of Ford products and those employees driving other cars dont stick around long. IMO, theres nothing wrong with this practice. And its applies to ALL businesses. Its pretty bad form to use and buy from the competitor of your employer. And even worse to flout such use in front of your employees.
  8. Or if we did it the way YOU guys want to, we'd all be speaking German and Hitler's son would be ruling Europe.
  9. Republican National Communications Director Brian Jones issued a statement calling the senator's comments "a sad development but not surprising from the leader of a party devoid of optimism, ideas or solutions to the issues people care about most." OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Maybe its the 'dumb redneck' in me, but Id just love for the U.S. Govt. to publicly say "Go ahead....make our day" to NK and the world. We need a little "Peace Through Strength" with that nutbag right about now. We need someone to look him dead in the eye and say "Bring It!". He will blink. And if he doesnt, as Mel Gibson says, "We bury the !@#$ers." Anybody got some red meat?
  11. Is it too late to have Congress take the Supreme Court by the arm and force them to approve a new piece of legislation?
  12. Micheal Moore was the guest of honor at the DNC, sitting in the Presidential Suite, right next to the Carters.
  13. AWESOME!!!!! We can huddle up and "discuss" the child's behavior. How does this behavior "make us feel"? Meanwhile, the child will be behind our backs throwing gasoline into the furnace and burning the school to the ground.
  14. Generally, when you dont support something, you dont support those participating in it, either.
  15. People today wont sacrifice their Twinkies, let alone what those who lived in this country during WWII did.
  16. Paul Harvey News and Comment.....goes like this.. Hi, Im Paul Harvey...here is the news: There is a war in Iraq. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. Endless commercial for an inflatable mattress or face cream. And on the lighter side of the news, some guy set himself on fire. Im Paul Harvey.......Good Day!!!!!
  17. The problem is that other people have said LESS and have had their careers ruined and their lives changed forever. Meanwhile, she walked away from that episode without a scratch. You honestly think that say, Bill Frist made a similar comment he wouldnt be crucified?
  18. The usage of derogatory terms WITHIN ethnic groups is something that goes on all the time. For example, Im Italian and call other Italians cafones both in jest and in seriousness all the time amongst my family and Italian friends. Nary an eyebrow is ever raised. Maybe that doesnt make it right, and the word !@#$ has other stigmas attached to it cafone doesnt....I realize that. But it shows this type of usage of derogatory words is not exlcusive to the black community
  19. Well, I appreciate that. This is a "hot button" issue for me, personally...the idea around the globe that the U.S. is Satan incarnate.
  20. Where is the stereotype? The "whiskey sexy" comment? An Iraqi man said that? Where is the "unbound superiority"? You really care to argue that the U.S. is NOT relied upon around the globe for aid and assistance for virutally every kind of situation imaginable? Where is the "anger"? My whole response was a retort to what 'Exiled' said, the point of which being is that the world should NOT BE "ANGRY" when 'hawked' American goods, considering they clamor for those very same goods they supposedely dont like having "pushed" on them. And where does "compassion" and religion come into this? Are you saying that we should be "compassionate" about other's cultures and ways of living? Then lets look at it this way.....why is it wrong for the U.S. to "hawk" our goods overseas and according to so many "ruin" foreign cultures. But over HERE, we have to unabashedely and without complaint drive our German cars, fueled by gas sold to us by Russian oil companies and then go home to watch our Japanese TVs while wearing pajamas made in Malaysia? A little fairness in this whole "pushing of cultures and products" debate should be instilled was my point. Really nothing else. If that makes me a bad guy according to you or the elite around this board, so be it.
  21. Yeah....they see those TERRIBLE products being "hawked" and get pissed off...but the second they need a hand, they all demand to know where the soft drinks, clothes detergents and Mickey Mouse videos.....along with "whiskey sexy" are, dont they?
  22. The U.S. can do no right.....everyone else can do no wrong. Pretty much the philosophy of the entire world outside the U.S. right now.
  23. I really dont see anything here that says Bush has "oil on the brain", except for maybe the fact he is looking to build more refineries, something NOBODY disputes must be done. What I DO see is expansion of tax credits for hybrid, fuel cell and clean-burning diesel vehicles. Further, it took not even three seconds to come up with this: http://www.eere.energy.gov/hydrogenandfuel...initiative.html Hard to say Bush is "all about the oil" when his overall energy plan has over $1 Billion poured into alternative energy research and even sets a timeline for launch. Even so, fossil fuels are what we use for energy. That wasnt going to change overnight. So tell us....what did you expect?
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