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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. I just realized Ill be in NYC on Sunday, doing the NYC Century bike tour. So lets see...wake at 4AM, drive to NYC, bike 100 miles and then head straight to McFaddens for the Bills home opener??!!?? Works for me! See you there. Any NYCBBB folks....is there a place to keep my bike in the backat McFaddens that's safe? Id rather not leave my road bike on my car.
  2. Yeah, youre such a free thinker.
  3. Two words......HOWARD DEAN.
  4. So today (9/6) MMD are all over the Bills. They have concerns about Losman (and who doesnt?) but are praising the Bills up and down. But they are "retards" and "morons", right?
  5. Air travel has become glorifed bus travel and a big part of it is our fault, as we wont pay even a few bucks more for better service. We asked (actually demanded) it.....we got it. Off we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I really need to become a liberal. Flailing my arms around and screaming nonsense while getting actual backing just seems like so much fun.
  7. How DARE someone who blamed the hurricane on George Bush be labeled a kook and a loony??!!??
  8. "We made our bed, now lie in it" Sweet. Im looking forward to us taking this approach with the rest of the world when the situations are (one again) reversed. Another Tsunami? No help from us. Hey.....youre a terrorist-harboring anti-American country....why should we help YOU....you made your bed...now go ask Achnad for some money. Another train bombing? Hey....youve been a bunch of racist, imperialist !@#$s since the beginning of time. Youve made your bed.....now lie in it. Another dictator with huge oil reserves holding a gun to the rest of the world.....YOU take care of it. Youve propped up his regime...YOU send Koffi-boy in to deal with it. Hitler banging on your front door? YOURE the one who send a man in to promise "Peace in our Time". YOU made your bed.....YOU deal with him. Nice logic, Nicky. But hey....we know.....America is "evil", we suck, were the sole reason the rest of the world is the way it is and EEEEVERYONE else is just peechy-keen good guys with great intentions. AMERICA BAD!!!! AMERICA BAD!!!!!!
  9. The A/C is always less efficient. If you can find a three MPH curve when the car is going downhill, with a tailwind, in Texas, on a Tuesday where that is not true, fine. For the other 99.5% of the time, the A/C remains OFF to save gas. Anyone with a thimbleful of knowledge about cars knows that.
  10. Uhhhhh....."Retatta"? EVERYONE'S taking shots at him, Rock.....why you singling ME out??!!?? Or is such talk prohibited for those outside of the special circle?
  11. Oh yea, Mr. Know it All? http://www.sae.org/events/aars/presentations/2004-hill.pdf Gee...who will I believe...Bankrate.com or a report by the SAE? You may clean my clock on some issues, but when it comes to cars, dont tell me my business again.
  12. The advgice to leave your AC on is bull sh--. Nothing puts a bigger drag on your motor than a running AC compressor. Tying a fat drunken boy from Indiana to your roof causes less drag than running your AC.
  13. I hate politically correct jackasses
  14. Browning Nagle played real good for the Jets in preseason a few years back. Maybe we can get him?
  15. Wacka said it best. Lumping Phelps and his "church" in with any group of real Christians is like lumping Anarchists in with the Democratic Party.
  16. Wait a second...you mean to tell me Mike Mularkey used a pre-season game strictly to see how certain players would perform in certain situations? What the hell is THAT??!!??
  17. Mularkey and crew are out there running plays stictly to "test" them out in game situations. Fri night, he had the starters out there in the 3rd quarter stictly to see how they would perform after Halftime. These games are played with 3/4 of the playbook sitting back in the locker room. Meanwhile, us "educated" fans still look at each pre season game like its the real thing.
  18. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/4802386?GT1=6773 #5: Hmm, in the Bills you have a team built around a turnover machine on defense (ranked No. 2 overall in 2004), excellent special teams (five kick/punt returns for TDs last year) and an offense led by a young, mobile QB (second-year J.P. Losman) surrounded by a stellar group of runners and receivers ... all set in a football-crazy city in the Northeast. Sounds a lot like last year's Steelers. If Losman is this year's Roethlisberger, watch out. I.....am appalled. How DARE Fox rank the Bills ONLY at #5??!!?? Those "morons" are Fox have no clue what the hell they are talking about. Being ranked anything less than #1 is a total outrage. If anything, they should be ranked in NEGATIVE ###s!!!!!!
  19. While we are at it, may I add that Howard Dean is a scum-sucking, appeasment-minded kitty and everyone who is a Democrat is, too? Hey, one retarded blanket statment deserves another.
  20. Jeff Kent's not a racist...hes just an !@#$. So is Milton Bradley.
  21. She thinks too much of herself, she really does. I have no beef with her. She posted something and I had the audacity to retort? Man, I must be some kind of stalker or something. When the Democrats get their looneys under control, then you can talk. Got it, toots? For Chissakes....youve got Howard Dean as your party's chair and Michael Moore as the guest of honor at your convention and youve got the balls to talk about OUR loudmouths being shunned? Chutzpah.
  22. "The day will come when [you] rule America"??? Bring it, Achnad.
  23. While there is no doubt this is a witch hunt, the evidence against LA right now is......interesting. This is the MOST anyone has been able to get "against" Armstrong ever and the cycling discussion groups I have visited today confirm such sentiment. Lance MAY have some 'splainin' to do. Its getting to the point with him that simply saying "It wasnt me" isnt going to cut it anymore. And in other news, Levi Leipheimer, another American, is about to beat Jan Ullrich (a German) in the Tour of Germany. NOICE!
  24. Here is what I am speaking about. My point towards Deb is that she has nerve to a) lump all Conservatives...even the so-called "Christian" ones in with that fool Roberts and b) to be so naive as to think her side of the aisle doesnt engage in such horrid rhetoric. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ideas_opin...3p-287875c.html This article written by a Democrat, BTW...speaking of the vitriol coming from many. It was a phenomenon I saw in last year's presidential race. When a host on Air America radio advocated violence against Bush, I was shocked that some liberals applauded. One call from a 78-year-old Connecticut woman still gives me chills: Speaking of Bush, she said: "Osama Bin Laden had it right: His throat should be slit." A New York Times reporter who dared write something nice about Bush got an E-mail from a California man who said he hoped the reporter's child would be killed by a terrorist bomb. Such ugly views are hardly typical of every Democrat or liberal. But there is no denying that the fringe is starting to dominate the party. Leaders who have the courage to say "enough" need to come forward. Where are they?
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