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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Nobody lies on their resume and gets away with it. Ever.
  2. Yeah....THIS Administration. Because PAST Administrations did such a bang-up job of investigating "questionable behavior" within its' ranks. Give it up.........
  3. Ill be sure to think of you when Im celebrating tonight. Kinda like the way Boston thought of the Yankees when they were partying in the visitor's clubhouse.
  4. Yeah....thats what I thought.
  5. Yeah....RIGHT. Bringing up Al Gore,as if anyone gives a sh-- what HIS contributions are, was just so....innocent. Maybe Ill bring up Adolph Hitler to discuss his terrific contributions to the automotive industry. Its just an "unreported fact", right? Dont be silly, Mick.
  6. Me? Im a complete !@#$ing idiot. I never dispute that. And I do my best to change it. You??...You and Deb-o and the rest of your ilk think youre really above it all. That what you say either has more weight or something. Either that, or youre complete !@#$ing phonies just trolling merrily along getting little chuckles when you pull off another hip-shot. Maybe its both. I have it on good authority that its more the latter. Either way, its pretty !@#$ed up behavior. So yeah...I may be a maroon (mis-spelling intentional...dont want you to pick that one up)...but I acknowledge that and work to make it better. What YOU have wrong with you commonly requires therapy of some sort. So Id be careful if I was you. And by the way...sometime this week...its going to change to "Vice President !@#$ing Moron" to YOU, pal. Althought Im not too sure all that will fit on my business cards. Cheers!
  7. Ypu two complaining about all the irrational discussion is like Larry Flynt and Hugh Hefner sitting around and complaining about all the naked women in the room.
  8. I'm not apologizing to anyone about anything. I'm not. No.
  9. God forbid one day there are equal standards....becuase if I as a white male made even the most innocent comment about black culture, Im labeled a racist and God knows what else. What you just posted as polotical correctness at its absolute WORST.
  10. Bingo. Thank you.
  11. This is actually a misnomer. If there was ONE thing Bledsoe brought to the Bills that was lacking was leadership from the QB position. He was highly regarded and respected by his teammates.
  12. Now THERE is a "Hotpocket" comment, if I ever saw one. The new one from the loons.."Bush's patronage hiring of Brown is to blame for all this." Because we all know patronage, beaurocracy and incompetence in government was non-existent before Jan 2001.
  13. What? The "Peace Train" is out of gas again and youre having trouble moving the acid?
  14. That's right Al Gore is a private citizen. He calls up Netjets or whichever outfit he uses to fly around and a half hour later, the aircraft is warmed up and ready to go. He shoots over to the airport and bang...he's off! GWB is the President of the United States. Even the stupidest of stupid realizes to move the so-called "leader of the free world" around, especially in a 747...intop a disaster area where the airports were pretty much shut down, takes juuuuuust a bit of planning and logistics. So you answered your own question...and debated yourself! Nice work! And who is helping ME? I have plenty of friends and family, thanks. And we dont judge each other by who we voted for.
  15. Been a day, but gotta bump this to discuss the fact that the left got seriously bent when the Bushies "used" 9/11 for political gain. Well, WTF do you call what the left is doing here??!!??
  16. Ill bet ya a flaming piece of wreckage from Ground Zero he's NOT.
  17. Lighten up, Francis. or were you kidding?
  18. OMG!!! Someone is critiscising a black man!!! Racists!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is it that every time a black man sticks his foot in him mouth when discussing race...and its happenning more and more lately...its always excused and that bull sh-- "years of oppression" card is played? You dont see Jews making ridiculous statements and whining (yes, its down to the level of whining) many in the black community have resorted to...and compared to them, the history of African Americans in this country has been a cake walk. Furthermore, becuase I, as a white man and didnt walk a mile in a black man's shoes, that gives West the right to spew hate speech? bull sh--
  19. But....but....but....Dick Cheney cursed on the Senate floor!!!!!!! The ironic thing is that this ridiculous group was formed, I beleive, to encourage we all "move on" from the Clinton/Lewinsky fiasco and the terrible partisainship and back biting that ensued. Move on, indeed.
  20. I actually "kind of" understand that line of reasoning. But by following it, it implies that the locals must then be evacuated. And I understand the NO evacuation procedure as it was written was just terrible.
  21. Never mind the lack of good advance warnings, the lack of a good evacuation plan by the city, the lack of local law enforcement, the delayed deployment of the NG by the Governor and the State's response as a whole. You know....ALL those things that are to be executed before the Feds should even have to pick up the phone. But hey....."Bush Bad!!!!!"
  22. Sindey Blumenthal should be ashamed of himself for writing such bull sh--. Hes probably just pissed off that people lay a lot of the blame for 9/11 at Clinton's feet and is looking for "revenge."
  23. Thanks...if worse comes to worse...Ill lock it in the car. Its a pro-level road bike...Im not leaving it on the street! Either way, Ill be there...wifey in tow.
  24. Not even in the back somewhere? Anywhere? Come on...you guys got pull.
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