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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. True enough. But thats just chicken vs. egg stuff. Maybe it was the OPEC deal and the rise in foreign car popularity that came first. The point is that back then the Government had the balls to tell the auto makers to get with the program. It came right out and said "You have a few years to get your fuel economy and emissions to a drastically lower level...and you have to do it with less polluting and lower octane fuel to boot.....like it or not." Something like that would NEVER happen today.
  2. I dont think its the public as much as its everyone fron the oil men, to the AFL/CIO to the auto makers lobby that prevents every administration from doing what it did in the late 60s and 70s. That is, tell the auto makers to make a car a lot more fuel efficient and less polluting, or else.
  3. I understand the concept. And drive a car that gets 33 mpg. And bike over 3,000 miles annually. But youre unfair over the other stuff. And this is where government SHOULD step in and do more, something you abhor.
  4. Youve payed over $3/gal. in AK before Katrina?
  5. You leave your feet when tackling the QB, its 15 yards the other way. That's texbook.
  6. If you think the energy situation is over because gas came down three cents, yet is still higher than ever, and then go out and drop a ton of cash on a Himmer and consequently find yourselv screwed, then thats not the big, bad oil companies !@#$ing you over...thats you being a clueless moron.
  7. Whenever anyone down here asked me about Losman, I always stated that he was a "prospect". That he LOOKS like he has the tools, but with zero game time, there is just no way to tell what he can be. Anyone who states they know (knew) more than that is full of sh--.
  8. Aw....what a cute thread.
  9. Same thing here on the south shore of Long Island. All put onto paper after Hurricane Gloria. Why isnt the media covering this, really? Because "Bush Bad" sells these days.
  10. Early on in America we had slavery and pissed in a ditch out in the woods, too.
  11. Just a video of John Cena from WWE. He did a video for a song called "Bad, Bad Man" where he and his crew dress up as the A-Team. Not really a fan of wrestling, but its worthy of note because its really well done....and I cant think of any self-respecting man who doesnt have even a small place in his heart for "The A-team".
  12. http://www.jalive.com.jm/showvid.asp?strmA...Bad%20Bad%20Man
  13. Its hard NOT be believe that the left often !@#$s up on purpose, in order to keep that "victim" thing going.
  14. Can we get back on topic here? The "outrage" of the day is that poor, innocent Ms. Sheehan was "jostled" when her speech was halted and her organizer arrested for not having a permit for the PA they were using in NYC. JOSTLED!!!!!! How terrible!!! OUTRAGE!!!!!!! POLICE BRUTALITY!!!!!!!! Give me a !@#$ing break. Good thing the media isnt keeping this bull sh-- alive. And on another note...for such an "organized" event they are having they still cant even get the proper permits? In NYC??!!? You should see the !@#$ ups Ive seen parading around NYC with proper permission to do so. This "well-oiled machine" of Sheehan's, backed by Moveon and the rest could'nt square all the paperwork away before they shoved off? Losers.
  15. I agree with CTM. How the press treats and portrays people is often a direct result of how that person treats the press. It plays out in sports all day long. Why not politics, too?
  16. Aw........how cute.
  17. Wait a sec...this is pork? They all sound like projects properly presented in the bill to me, no? Seriously....Im asking. I always thought pork was the inclusion of bs that had nothing to do with the initial bill.
  18. Youve GOT to be kidding.
  19. I wish I was black.
  20. Williams did the same schtick on Imus the other day. It wasnt so much how much he was bashing Bush. It was the fact that it was coming from a man who just took the wheel at a major news source for this country that made it so appalling. This guy is what? WEEKS into the NBC gig and he's flying his biased flag like he's rooting fr a baseball team? Wow. But no worries......Fox is biased. And to keep things "fair and balanced", Id be just as shocked if a major anchor stepped up and started fellating Bush. And Hannity doesnt count...he's not an anchor or a reporter.
  21. As usual, youre short on substance. Time to find another thread to steer off course, kid. Hey, I hear there's talk of people getting together for a dinner...you should jump in and start talking about breakfast!
  22. You throw out a "Flightsuit!" and then lecture ME about soundbytes? Youve got nerve, boy.
  23. Somebody brought up the Starr investigation. THAT was a surprise! Im speaking strictly of the implication by the initial poster that the fact there is a Republican dominated Congress has something to do with this. Of course, either combination would have brought the same amount of whining from him and others. And by YOU mentioning the Starr report, it just further proves the silliness of the whole thing D President/ R Congress: "Its a witch hunt!!" (Clinton) R President/ R Congress: "Its a cover up!!!!" (Bush)
  24. "And yes, actually, empty seats last year would have been better than seeing 20,000 pee-stained ass rags." Not for nothing, but Ill take filled seats with opposing fans than empty seats, especially in a city like Buffalo, which has difficulty filling that place to begin with.
  25. I'll root for the Dolphins when they play the Nazis.
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