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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Agreed. The small agency I used to work for had a CEO who carried a similar schedule, only occasionally weilding power and the place did pretty well. The agency I work for now has an absentee owner, no CEO, and predictably, has its top tier power structure in chaos.
  2. Well, Id say that if he's "just what they needed" and his hire accomplished his employer's goals than he's doing his job properly and therefore, earning his pay, right?
  3. Good for them. Wish I could make millions and do nothing.
  4. Flame me if you want, but I have little sympathy for Bruschi. Please keep in mind that this guy was one of the "bad guys". He was a huge headhunter and had no problem trying his hardest to put other players on a stretcher. His blatant attempt to end Todd Collins' career years ago still galls me. I wish him well and hope he's OK. But from a football standpoint, what goes around comes around, Teddy-boy. Aint Karma a B word?
  5. I think most, if not all DWI laws are "bad laws". Does that mean I advocate drunken driving?
  6. Thats kind of absolute, dont you think? Maybe I have too much faith in people, but I doubt most got the impression that what would be set up in Iraq would be a carbon copy of what we have here. I think most, including myself, expected the new Iraq to have a good part of their Constitution based on Islamic Law. If thats the case and you take this debate a step farther, than one can argue that what they are getting is indeed very close to what we have, a Consititution written with reference to and guidance from the religious beliefs of the majority.
  7. Over 200 years, WE havent figured out OUR society.....our Consititution, how to handle the rights of women and minorities. But we expect THEM to figure out THEIRS in a few short months?
  8. Watching people trip over themselves to attempt to point out that this is a "fringe" element at work is like watching Frank Dreben in "Police Squad" in front of the buring firweworks factory, with explosions going off every two seconds, yelling "Nothing to see here...please disperse!!!"
  9. This was a brilliant move by Bush. If this confirmation turns into a partisan food fight, all Bush has to do is point to the fact that only a few years ago, Roberts was confirmed to the Federal Judiciary in a strong showing of bi-partisan support. "Ya didnt hate him THEN, why NOW?"
  10. Thank GOD. I so glad he didnt pick another ni**er or spi**c, right? In all seriousness, when I clicked CNN and saw the pick, I said to myself "I bet a bunch of people will get upset over the fact he's a white male. But then I said to myself "Naw...people arent that shallow...nor that stupid, given the ethnic background and sexuality of many of Bush's other nominations." Well....guess not.
  11. Maybe so. But the principle of getting the word out that if they try to destroy what WE cherish what THEY cherish will go down in flames as well worked pretty good for a long long time. Its a technique that works.
  12. We all know making offensive, smug, ignorant blanket statements is one of the favorite pastimes of those elightened progressives these days. What did you expect?
  13. The time to go balls out and show the world we were "mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore" was in the months after 9/11. We could have pulled a "Sherman", rolled and flew the entire U.S. Military across Afghanistan, flattenned the place, gotten Omar, gotten bin Laden and could have had a "bin Laden skull keg party" on CNN, with GWB slugging Coors Light out of bin Laden's bloody head and NOBODY ANYWHERE would have said a damn word.
  14. Id still like to see bin Laden's head on a pike in front of Ground Zero.
  15. I did something like this a few times on Microsoft Flight Simulator. I loaded up a 767, took off from JFK and smashed it into the Empire State Building at 400 knots. Basically, just pointed the aircraft at the tower and then jammed the throttles to FULL on the joystick. Maybe its becuase I knew I was simulating a real-life event, but even on a somewhat crude in-home PC simulation, it was downright chilling when I slammed my virtual 767 into that tower.
  16. Were we really targeting his family in that operation? I dont recall. But youd know better than me. Point still stands thoough, and I still refute chicot's claim that Coalition FOrces have purposely targeted civilians. The way he talks, youd think it was Dresden all over again.
  17. Name one....ONE time in post Vietnam warfare where civilians were targeted by "us".
  18. Once again, I challenge the notion that that only a very small group of Muslim "extremists" harbor such strong hatred. The ill feelings towards the West and sympathy for the Islamfascists runs much deeper in the Muslim Community than many would like to believe. http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/wo...dnews-headlines Here is another article with "outrage" by the Muslim community. But as usual, has the "yeah, but America is worse" part thrown in and what I like to call the "sympathetic to their (extremists) cause" clause. Notice the typical "conspiracy" stuff, too. Some quotes from the article.... Across the city and country, many of England's 1.6 million Muslims expressed outrage during Friday's prayers over the bomb attacks the day before, noting that Islam teaches peace. At the same time, many Muslims wondered whether the obscure al-Qaida offshoot that claimed responsibility had really carried out the bombings. "Maybe the French did it because they didn't get the [2012] Olympics and England did," said Aftab Ahmad, 27, a waiter who attended the Central Mosque prayer service. "Why do they always say Muslims do attacks like this?" "You can blame Tony Blair and George Bush, too, and all the leaders who are making Muslims angry by fighting in Iraq," said another worshiper, Libyan-born chef Mohamad Ahmad, 29. Some Muslims thought it was possible that al-Qaida followers might have committed the bombings. But few thought that would jeopardize the popularity of the group's leader, Osama bin Laden. "A fair number of Muslims have an inveterate passion for Osama because he upholds Islamic beliefs and stands up to the West," said Adanak Malik, 35, a filmmaker who said he was "indifferent" to Bin Laden. "Even Muslims who condemn violence can relate to that."
  19. I compare this to the final flight of Concorde. In the UK, it was treated as a marvel and celebration by just about everyone. Even the folks who endured the worst of it, such as those living close to Heathrow said they would "miss it". Here? It was looked down upon, spat at, and told "good riddance". There were even protests (!!) on the day of its final flight, as if to say "...and STAY out". So typical. I always say...we, here could learn a lot about "living" by our friends across the Pond.
  20. Last 2 years (Iraq) vs. last 40 years (Israel).
  21. Im sorry, but the claim that Jihadism and its ideology is limited to a very small number of "extremists" is just not true. Of course, most Muslims are peaceful and condemn it. But those who agree and sympathize with Jihadism and the "extremists" are NOT just small fringe group like chicot would like you to believe. In the whole Muslim flock, there is more than one "black sheep." http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/07/08...lims/index.html
  22. Ah, dont worry....liberals will just classify it as "art" by showing the Virgin Mary under the elephant's ass and it will be considered "protected".
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