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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. And if the new Iraq govt. did NOT participate in such diplomatic missions with its neighbors, youd be saying that its a "tool of the Bush Administration" and "following its lead of creating a 'cowboy-like' foreign policy." Pick your fricking direction, already.
  2. And coming from a kind person like yourself, someone who either Sheehan, herself or whomever is "coaching" her is trying to influence, that's saying a lot. Once AGAIN, the Left does the proverbial "flailing of the arms and screaming" and once AGAIN, anyone with even the smallest of clues sees right through it.
  3. Yes, as a matter of fact, I did hate them. Along with the BS antics of Santorum, DeLay and Frist on the issue. Sean Hannity was despicable as well, on the media side of things. I understand Im not who you intended that statement to, but I felt it prudent to show you that we dont all follow along the partisan train blindly.
  4. Good money on some folks from PPP thinking this post is REAL. You'd be surprised how they miss the "subtley" of sarcasm.
  5. Our entire justice system is based on this one comment by this juror. Whats next? You guys are going to B word about habeas corpus because it gets in the way of all those "cool" arrest scenes on "Cops?"
  6. NO. Sorry to say, but 9/11 doesnt "deserve" a holiday. In the history of this Country, it actually ranks pretty LOW on the scale of events that really had an impact on its history should be honored with a holiday. A "day of rememberence" is just fine. "Holidays" are typically more for celebrations, anyways. To comemmorate GOOD, not remember bad.
  7. !@#$ing Bush. Him and all his cronies in the junk food business are behind this.
  8. Can someone explain why gas is going up not on actual shortages, but on "fears"? Every day its a new "fear" that drives up the price. Fear of a terrorist attack. Fear of a Hurricane. Fear of a war. Fear of an oil rig worker in Saudi Arabia catching a cold. Every day its some new excuse as to why the price goes up another $2/bbl. And often, it seems whats driving that rise is NOT actual events, but the "fear" of those events POSSIBLY taking place. Sounds like a BS excuse to gouge....whats the real story?
  9. Translation: The armature sprocket is causing trouble with the combustion line. Which in turn is causing a flow into the dynaflow.
  10. This is my first venture into a WWII piece and so far, Im amazed. It has tremendous insight into the Japanese culture and history which led to the attacks on Pearl Harbor and China. And brutally describes how countries conducted themselves leading up to and during the War. Every time I read another account, I want to find the nearest !@#$ bitching about some terrorist not getting a Koran or complaining about how our troops "behave" in combat and just slap them silly.
  11. Im currently reading the author's second book, "Flyboys." Amazing read.
  12. This business about the oxygen masks...Im surprised the geniuses among us didnt pick this up........ WHY didnt they come down??? THE AIRCRAFT WAS ON THE !@#$ING GROUND.
  13. I read somewhere that the Captian ran from the plane flagged down the first car he could, and had it drive him to the hospital. Can anyone confirm? Ive seen some spectacular pics of the evac.
  14. Jerry Garcia died of "sleep apnea" like Hendrix died of an upset stomach. And stojan...once...just ONCE...get your head out of your ass.
  15. Sad state of affairs when Kofi Annan has a better grasp on the American political process than a lot of American congressmen and others do.
  16. Hate to bust your bubbles fellas, but I wasnt lashing out at CTM. Unlike last time, I understood the "sublety" of his sarcasm and I was railing not at him, but against those who make that ludicrous statement and MEAN IT. I know Tom didnt becuase I know he is smarter that that....he told me so! , indeed!
  17. Then what the !@#$ "produced" terrorists during the 80s and 90s? The lousy food at Club Med? "Gitmo Produces Terrorists"...one of the dumbest, most assisine soundbytes ever uttered. People who say this with a straight face might as well just say "im insulting your intelligence" and stop wasting my time.
  18. Its also quite simple to keep up with the moral standards set by the LEFT. You know....if you don't subscribe to their "enlightened" way of thinking, it's probably because youre a racist, a Nazi, intolerant or just a plain old "idiot".
  19. Any time a politician promises not to raise taxes. Another is from the GOP here in Nassau County which blasted Democrat Tom Suozzi for raising taxes. They always left out that little tidbit that the reason why he had to raise taxes is because the previous Republican County Executive, Tom Gulotta, got the County in so much debt and in such financial hot water, it was practically bankrupt.
  20. I loved the implication that the President should have taken direct action against some of the events brought up. As if Bush HIMSELF should have handled that plane flying in regulated airspace. This article is just red meat for nozzlenut and the toinfoil hatters who scream the troll-bait soundbytes all day long.
  21. I believe some dude named Osama made a similar statement a few years back. So it's pretty safe to assume this kook is recruiting for terrorist operations.
  22. Nothing like that was even CLOSE to being said in this thread or any other discussion o nthe topic. The only person on PPP who ever came even CLOSE to lumping all muslims together is a libertarian. The other is Richio (no explanation needed). But dont let that get in the way of yet another half-baked, half-assed, smug comment. Seriously, Deb.
  23. And noooooooby's said a bad word about the Bush sisters, right? Good Lord....dont you people have more important things to get twisted over, like the fact that Hussein Jane is fueling her peace train with corn oil?
  24. His point is not that "all of Islam is violent". Nodbody thinks that. His point is that the notion that "only a very very small minority of Islam is violent" is being whittled away day by day.
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