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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Im still racking my brain trying to figure out how saying an ethnic group does something WELL is "racist" or "offensive"
  2. Bottom line...if youre white, you NEVER speak about race. To anyone. Ever. In public, it can cost you your job and embarrassment. In private, say at a party among friends, its worse than a fart. If you MUST talk about some socio-political topic, stick to gas prices or Bush bashing. Youll be much safer.
  3. Easy.....dont want to make him vomit.
  4. The really !@#$ed up thing is that my conscience was saying JUST THAT as I typed out that response above. But I hit "submit", anyways.
  5. Wasnt that the reason we took Saddam out of power?
  6. Add "racism" to that list.
  7. What most dont like is the fact that the Bills are losing. Next week, if the defense holds in NE, Gray will be lauded as a "genious" by more than one or two posters here.
  8. On a "Kool Aid" scale, the above statement goes above Kool Aid...and straight to warm, full glasses of bad Vodka. Polititicians and political power brokers manipulating the media to forward an agenda? I, for one...am SHOCKED!!!!!! We need to get people back in power who are good, pure, wholesome folks. Ya know....like Bill and Hillary.
  9. I have a great idea....lets take a team from some of the best, most loyal NFL markets and move one of them to a market that could give two ***** about football. I love it, Tags (you dick)!
  10. Most EVERYONE has now "caught on" to Sheehan and see her for what she is. But the media still portrays her as the poor, innocent mother. WHY?
  11. Classy thread, fellas......
  12. The one with the small block chevy and a blower.
  13. Look at the bright side...gas prices are coming down. Now I can drive my V-80 Duragomatic to Starbucks to get my one gallon "Extra Supersize" double shot Frapolattehearattack (only 8,000 calories!) and then speed back to my newly built McMansion, covering 79,999 square feet on a 80,000 square foot lot just in time to hop my kid up on growth hormones and steriods. Gooood Bleeeessss Ammmerrriiiiicaaa!!!!!!!!!!
  14. McGee=Tasker is like saying Schobel=Smith
  15. Those soldiers should have torn the arms off the bodies, stuck the stumps in the ground and shaped their dead hands into the shape of an extended middle finger. Facing Mecca, of course.
  16. Yes. Bush is the first. Bush is the first for everything. All mistakes and problems are his fault. Until 2001, the government was a well-oiled, HONEST, forthright, caring, efficient entity which held the welfare of the consituency in highest regard and make their interests paramount, espeically over Corporations, lobby groups, and foreign countries. And there is NO DOUBT that if John Kerry was elected, it would return to those heady days, probably within a week of his inauguration.
  17. I love it! Good for Delay. Not that I like the guy, really. But I just love the fact that the partisain hacks and the media were frothing over getting their next hotpocket item and were deeeeenied! The only thing I hate worse than our inept government these days is the more-inept media that covers it.
  18. Ally? Yes. PUPPET? Is Germany a puppet? Japan? Korea? Kuwait? Even Israel can hardly be considered a "puppet."
  19. Sorry...critics of the war dont get to use this excuse...because any effort the U.S. makes to "help" the Iraqis will be portrayed as the U.S. turning the new Iraq into a "puppet" of the U.S.
  20. Did Nagin mean he's concerned about ILLEGAL immigrants, or Mexicans, in general? Huge difference. Either way, the Black Democrats..and Democrats as a whole are shitting water BIG time. They know their New Orleans stronghold is about to go up in smoke one way or the other, be it from residents who evacuated and wont come back or because new folks, like these workers, are now in New Orleans to stay.
  21. WRONG Campy...The Right REALIZES that things take TIME and WORK. YOU are the group of people who want to click your heels and "wish" away the World's ills with no effort. Call me a pollyanna, but in the past week I saw a country that was ruled by a ruthless dictator for the last 20 years and before that, had a government out of the stone age vote on a democratic constitution and then held a criminal trial. And regardless of what flaws these events had (gee....cant WAIT for the jokes about the white cage to appear on 'Late Night" and Bill Maher!!!!) or what the rest of the world, which at this point would spit on us and steal our collective wallets no matter WHAT we did, it was a damn fine week. You have to start somewhere, and like alluded to above, only a blithering moron (and we all know Im just a tick above THAT) fails to recognize that Iraq wasnt going from under Saddam's fist to a perfect, shiny democracy overnight.
  22. Yes, that is the reason why Bill Clinton got impeached. Hurry up...."Surreal Life" re-runs are on.
  23. GAH! Im in baseball mode....sorry.
  24. THIS one I agree with you on. Its like in baseball when a manager says "outside of those four home run pitches, my pitcher threw GREAT!!!"
  25. Clutch kick in December [equals] seven fifty yarders in the Super Bowl? ROTFL!
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