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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. WRONG. Stop-Loss IS new. A sitting President with close ties to the Saudis....NEW. Halliburton.......NEW. Presidents taking vacations.....NEW.
  2. Holy crap. This story has about as much in common with the Holloway case as George Bush has with Michael Moore. Tell ya what, Mr. Political Correctness.....I'll get all in a tizzy over the press covering a black person going missing properly when the press ALSO covers black on white hate crimes properly. Until then, take your PC BS and shove it.
  3. Because shes full of sh--, thats why. She's portraying herself as "poor mom" but she's anything but. If she presented herself say as the founder of United for Peace and Justice does, whose name escapes me at the moment, thats fine. That woman says who she is, who and what she represents and who she is affiliated with before she says one word on-point. Sheehan's whole image is choreographed act....a fraud. She comes up, again with the straw hat and the shirt and pleads like "poor mom" who just heard the news about her son from her tomato garden. But in reality she is and HAS been a major player in the anti-war movement for a while, and is backed by billionaires, movie makers and major political players. She is NOT who she says she is....THAT is the problem.
  4. Well said. Those are the "red meat" people and I used red meat to feed folks who prefer vegetarian. Bad move. But the point remains. Her rhetoric is outlandish....way over the top. She's not some poor Mom who lost her son. She's much more. I think fisheralum just said it best..."This thing is just another choreographed political stunt." From the pre-fab "protest kits" Moveon.org is handing out in support, to the PR agency thats been paid for by her backers, right down to her clothes....the straw hat and loose-fitting t-shirt to make her look just like "poor mom from down the street." Its all a stunt.
  5. CB is the postion they throw anybody with speed at. You can get ten very good CBs before you get ONE really good DE or LT. In terms of sheer value to a team they are at the bottom of the list. In terms of ability to obtain good ones, they are at the top of it. There are so many other postions that the big money should be devoted to for this simple fact. It would be great if they could sign and keep him. But this is the salary cap era. Youve got to pick your spots on where youre going to spend the big money and make the big comittments.
  6. Its not that "shut down corners" dont have value. They do. But they are way overpriced. You need a solid secondary. But CB is the LAST position big money should be thrown at.
  7. Mick...as BiB said, I brought up Coulter's name for the sole purpose of crediting my source. Board mods here and elsewhere tend to get a bit upset if you dont. The quotes are all Sheehan's. You want to try and "spin" away her comments, knock yourself out. But the fact is that she is a fraud. She is NOT some poor grieving mom who rolled up to Bush's front door with a simple plea. She is a radical anti-war protester who is, and has been for some time now, organized and bankrolled by the Left who just happens to have the clout of having a son who fought and died in Iraq, giving her words more weight. Outside of that, she's Micheal Moore...or your local loudmouth, irrational protester. And why should Bush meet with that?
  8. Were you dumping that sh-- in Zachs? Because the DEC closed Zachs for swimming until further notice (seriously). Always nice to take a dip in a swimming hole that the DEC closes three days later.
  9. Friends and I were commenting how Moss has been quiet and its refreshing, given the whole TO nonsense. Shame on US for giving the lowlife credit.
  10. No...DONT "pay de maaain heees moouney" (Teddy's accent) "Shut down corners" are very overrated. Just like baseball players who accumulate a large amount of stolen bases year after year. Their stats look nice and they are nice to watch play, but in the grand scheme of things, only marginally affect wins and losses over the long haul.
  11. Taken from Ann Coulter's latest column: On the bright side, Sheehan shows us what Democrats would say if they thought they were immunized from disagreement. Sheehan has called President Bush "that filth-spewer and warmonger." She says "America has been killing people on this continent since it was started" and "the killing has gone on unabated for over 200 years." She calls the U.S. government a "morally repugnant system" and says, "This country is not worth dying for." I have a feeling every time this gal opens her trap, Michael Moore gets a residuals check. Gee, what a "patriot" that Sheehan is. How could those who disagree with her THINK that her and her ilk dont love their country? So lets review....she hates the President, hates this country, thinks it aint worth a damn..but HEY!....she "supports the troops." What a peach.
  12. Not me. To do so would be disrespectful and stupid.
  13. As a matter of fact, YES it is. While Bledsoe didnt exactly play like Johhny U. last year, its setting a HUGE bar to jump.....saying a first year starter with zero experience will play at least as good as an established vet like Bledsoe.
  14. OUTDOOR Life Network gets the rights to the biggest INDOOR game there is? Makes about as much sense as pickle juice and noodles.
  15. The difference, Doc.....is that pretty much everyone here who "sides" or agrees with the Right even only fropm time to time KNOWS about the hypocrisy; acknowledges it and accepts it as part and parcel of politics in America. YOU and YOUR ilk think it doesnt exist...that everything you do is "right" and every word said from Dean to Kennedy right down to Moore and his puppet camping in Texas is spot-on. We know there is crabgrass on our front lawn. You think your crabgrass is a bunch of flowers.
  16. Wait a second....a pundit had the audacity to dismiss a team starting a first year QB with ZERO experience? The nerve! For the record, I agree 100% with Mike and the Mad Dog (and Puhonix). JP leads to team to more than 8-8 and it will be a miracle.
  17. Covering ANOTHER bunch of corrupt, inept people. Sorry....had to.
  18. A lot of places here on Long Island will allow this. A good amount of spots, usually ethnic ones, dont even have liquor licenses and diners bring in beer, wine, anything. Wifey and I do this all the time. Howver, not ALL places do it and some proprietors have even been known to get pissed if you ask them, so be careful.
  19. "Pax Americana Imperialism"? Yeah...sounds like words of a Mom...just simply upset that her son died. And a true "patriot", too. Jeez....fuggin DEB doesnt use terms like that! And hand to God honest...I gave this woman a chance....I really did. She came on TV the other night to make her statement, I stopped what I was doing and watched intently to hear what she had to say. I felt her pain and thought she had a legit beef. But about half-way through her spiel, all the crazy nonsense started, and it then took about an additional two seconds for me and everyone in the room, including my wife...not a Bush lover by any means....to realize she's nuts and to see the puppet strings and the empty packets of Kool-Aid on the floor.
  20. Holy crap....I just read this entire thread. Wow.....just wow. And Guff...if youre here...if you EVER make anything like "this friggin abortion" on a Sunday, Im going to set it on fire and launch the flaming pile of sh-- into the boat. Come to think of it, you SHOULD make it...we can use it to strip the barnacles off the outdrive.
  21. WHAT about Roosevelt and "compassion"? Open mouth, insert foot. http://www.usnews.com/usnews/opinio...one_050816a.htm From Michael Barone: Meeting with the families Many Bush-haters have been attacking Bush for not attending servicemen's funerals and for refusing to meet with Cindy Sheehan, whose son died in Iraq and who is camping out outside Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. But Bush has already met with Sheehan once and has met with many family members, off camera and without publicity, as this week's Newsweek story makes clear. Did Franklin Roosevelt attend the funerals of any of the more than 300,000 Americans who died on active duty in World War II? I doubt it. But Roosevelt, like Bush, did meet quietly with family members of those who died. And he met, as Bush has done, with wounded servicemen. In Hawaii in 1944, writes Hugh Gregory Gallagher in FDR's Splendid Deception, Roosevelt took the opportunity to visit the many hospital wards filled with wounded American men, including Japanese-American casualties wounded in Europe. The Secret Service advised Roosevelt not to see these Nisei soldiers on the grounds that one of them might prove disloyal to the United States and threaten the life of the president. FDR's one-word response to this was, "Nonsense!" In the past, at hospitals, as at other public gatherings, Roosevelt had allowed himself to be seen in but two ways: standing or seated in an open car. Now in the presence of wounded boys the age of his own sons, FDR did a remarkable thing. He had himself lifted from his car into his wheelchair. And he had himself, President and Commander-in-Chief, wheeled on his wheelchair through the wards of amputees. He rolled slowly so that they could see him. He was as crippled as they were, and he wanted them to see that. Roosevelt understood what these men were undergoing. He had gone through it himself. He was, by all reports, deeply moved by what he saw, and so were the men. The President had heard specifically of one man who had amputated his own legs in order to save his life. As he rolled up to this man's bed, Roosevelt said, "I understand you are something of a surgeon." And then, after a pause, "I'm not a bad orthopedist myself." George W. Bush seems to be doing his duty in the same spirit. Let John McCain, speaking on Fox News Sunday, be the witness. "Look, I've been with the president of the United States when he has met with the families of those brave young men and women who have sacrificed. I have seen his compassion, I have seen his love, I have seen his concern. So any charge of insensitivity or uncaring on the part of this president, is absolutely false. He cares and he grieves. . . . I have seen him, I have seen his care, and I have seen him grieve. And I'm sure he wouldn't like to hear me say this, but I saw him afterwards. He was very, very grieved. And that's the job of the president of the United States. He fully appreciates the tragedy of the loss of these brave young Americans." Question: How much coverage would the press have given a World War II-era Cindy Sheehan who camped outside Hyde Park or Warm Springs demanding to meet with President Roosevelt?
  22. She's a nut, a whacko all that stuff...and add anti-semite to the list. http://www.rjchq.org/News.asp?Formmode=Detail&ID=918 Is "Blame Israel First" the Democrats' Message? Contact: Matthew Brooks Monday, August 15, 2005 “You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism.” -- Cindy Sheehan, anti-war protestor in Crawford. The front page of just about every newspaper this weekend noted the anti-war protest of Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier who was killed in Iraq. The Democrats have jumped on board Ms. Sheehan’s protest – casting her and her message as heroic examples for the rest of the nation. She has been heralded by Democrats such as Joe Trippi, campaign manager for Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean’s campaign for President, Michael Moore, and organizations such as Democrats.com, MoveOn.org, True Majority, and Democracy for America. While Democrats are busy making Cindy Sheehan their spokesman and avatar of their views, we see her as yet another example of how critics of Israel within the Democratic Party have taken control of the party's agenda. If Cindy Sheehan’s ideas are what the Democrats have to offer, then more and more American Jews will continue to see that there is no place for them in the Democratic Party. Take another look at the quote at the top of this letter. If only it were an aberration. Unfortunately, it represents only a tip of the iceberg of Ms. Sheehan’s world-view. In a letter to Nightline, Ms. Sheehan wrote that the entire Iraq War was part of a neo-conservative plot to benefit Israel: "Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel." Cindy Sheehan's letter And Ms. Sheehan, the voice of Democrat opposition to the war, reported what she would tell the President if she were to meet him (again): "You tell me the truth. You tell me that my son died for oil. You tell me that my son died to make your friends rich. You tell me my son died to spread the cancer of Pax Americana[italics mine], imperialism in the Middle East." www.truthout.org Is that where the Democrats are on the War in Iraq – and on US policy in the Middle East? The elimination of Saddam Hussein’s tyrannical rule is a victory for the oil companies and for American imperialism? You know, as well as I, that Saddam Hussein launched scud missiles at Israel. You know that he operated rape rooms and torture chambers. You know that he launched chemical weapons at his own people. You know that he housed terrorists as his guests in Iraq – terrorists such as Abu Nidal, who murdered Leon Klinghoffer on the Achille Lauro cruise ship. You know that Saddam paid a bounty of $25,000 to the families of Palestinian homicide bombers. You know that he was a threat to the stability of the entire region. You also know that there were strong links between Saddam’s Iraq and Al Qaeda (for a new comprehensive summary of the latest evidence, check out www.HusseinAndTerror.com ).
  23. Its not that she's "disrespecting" anyone as to why I think she should STFU. IMO, she should STFU becuase she's full of sh--.
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