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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Or that a Republican nominated a Conservative. What the hell is THAT about. What an "idiot" Bush is! How "Bushian" can you get!
  2. Who the hell did you think he should nominate...tell us. Thanks for this post....youve managed to make ME look smart.
  3. Youre a !@#$ing PHILLIES fan, what the hell are YOU talking about??!!??
  4. What a good guy...blew her off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. What a good guy...BLEW HER OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROTFL!!!!!! What a good guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. WOW!!! What a hero!!!!!!! A guy who missed half a season came back and played!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Here we go.....More rooster sucking for a guy who missed seven games!!!!!!!! What a "hero"!!!!!
  8. Whose call was that??? Was that on Holcomb or the coaches?
  9. Its official.....Tom Clements has a vagina.
  10. WHAT THE FUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I changed my mind...I hope Bruschi DOES drop dead.
  12. !@#$ YOU. YOU thought the Bills would be in this situation???? My ass, you did.
  13. Wow. What a great kick by out wonderful "clutch" kicker. How could I have doubted him!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!
  14. Dead's a bit much. Would mind to see him knocked back to the PUP, though.
  15. SEVEN !@#$ING GAMES he missed...this is getting out of hand.
  16. You would think he is the first player to suffer aserious injury and come back. The guy missed SEVEN games. Youd think he missed seven years. ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Im going to !@#$ing puke. The guy was out for SEVEN !@#$ING GAMES. That pothead douchbag in Miami was out longer.
  18. The fact that FEMA didnt come down with a truckload of food, a new house, a new car (or three), a landscaping crew to clean up the mess (no illegals, please) and, of course, ANOTHER truckload of appliances and furniture, complete with a home entertainment system for each man, woman and child, in no more than 24 hours after Wilma booked out of the area, is a COMPLETE outrage. Seriously, Im sorry youre in such a mess, dib. But Im really confused about the bitching going on. An entire REGION is a complete, unmitigated mass and despite its no longer covered by our "excellent" media, the Gulf Coast is still in shambles and requiring a TON of attention from all levels of government (including FEMA) as well. What do you expect?
  19. Im still racking my brain trying to figure out how saying an ethnic group does something WELL is "racist" or "offensive"
  20. Bottom line...if youre white, you NEVER speak about race. To anyone. Ever. In public, it can cost you your job and embarrassment. In private, say at a party among friends, its worse than a fart. If you MUST talk about some socio-political topic, stick to gas prices or Bush bashing. Youll be much safer.
  21. The really !@#$ed up thing is that my conscience was saying JUST THAT as I typed out that response above. But I hit "submit", anyways.
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