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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Like when someone at a public office wants to string some Christmas lights across her desk.
  2. BF's first mistake is mixing politics with Religion.
  3. Next time I go to SF, instead of shooting them, Ill just have to beat down all the homless who are "permitted" to acost me for loose change with a stick....or a bat. But knowing SF, they will probably ban "Louisville Slugger" because that name has some kind of racist connotation or something. Then Ill have to beat them down with an aluminum bat. But that probalby wont work, becuase SF will probably ban Easton from selling goods in the city, because of the ban on Sheena Easton music or something.
  4. Even I think this is stupid. But how much different is it from the left forcing THEIR agenda into the public square? Not much......they all suck. So in our public schools lets review... 1. Gym is dumbed down and no games where there is a "winner" and "loser" are played, so that nobody is "stigmatized." 2. No mention or acknowledgement of holidays that have a religious background. Not even Halloween. 3. This "science" thingy. 4. Teaching kids barely old enough to realize the opposite sex isnt "yucky" advanced sex education. Im sending my kids to private school.
  5. Of course, this tragedy is terrible. But Im sorry...there is something just DELICIOUS about watching a bunch of people, and thats Europe as a whole, who have spent the last few years looking down their collective noses at us, drown in their own filth. Racism, 25% unemployment. Inability to quell social unrest....on and on. WHAT were you azzholes saying about us? What? WHAT?????
  6. An Italian saying the American Government is corrupt and incompetent???!!!??? Whats next? Youre going to criticise us for all the "organized crime" here? And I dont want to hear Word One about "Ugly Americans." Not with all the barbs and arrows being thrown OUR way these days.
  7. Reserving judgment until confirmed....but MAN, this is juicy!
  8. "Nobody loves me, but my Mother. And she could be jivin', too!" "They call it stormy Monday, but Tuesday's just as bad...." My favorite blues artist is Bobby Bland.
  9. Im with BB! I used to be somewhat fearful of flying, because I always though the plane was hanging in the air JUST BARELY. That is, until I flew myself. Its friggin easier and takes less actual effort than driving does! And youd be downright amazed at how stable and unstressed an aircraft in flight is, even at slow speeds. Id venture to say that at cruise, an aircraft is more stable and under less actual physical stress than either a car on pavement or a boat on water. That should cover the actual flight. The rest of the experience, well...airline travel now ranks up there with bus travel in terms of convenience and comfort.
  10. People will never go for it. All they are hearing is "lost deductions". They are not even acknowledging the additions of items that HELP the taxpayer, such as the ability to pay for medical insurance in pre-tax dollars. I applaud the effort to change the BS tax system we have here, but I agree that its still a little raw.
  11. Madden gushes about certain players...did it for years with the Cowboys. But with Madden's gushing, at least I feel like its grounded in some kind of football reality. What went down on Sunday night was more like a 16 year old girl gushing over a teen idol.
  12. Clements sucks. And Shaud Williams and Roscoe P. Parrish aint far behind.
  13. Tkae down that bull sh-- avatar. Tillman isnt a "hero".....BRUSCHI IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I just LOVE the fact that the "good guy" blew off Kolber after the game was over.
  15. Moulds is no longer "our best recevier." And why is Roscoe !@#$ing Parrish all of a sudden the only offensive option outside of McGahee?
  16. This is nothing.....you should see what Im going through on another board (you think I do this crap just HERE??!!??) where a typical "Bush Bad!!" nut is whining how "the idiot" and his minions....get this...."forced" NBC to run that documentary last week on the Evangelical Movement to "force" religion on the populace and "indocrinate" our children into the movment. I kid you not.
  17. Of course not. Bush is an "idiot" and wouldnt think to do that. That is, exept when he's designing a diabolical scheme to subvert the political process and draw attention away from the CIA-Leak (we need a good nickname for that) and save Karl Rove's ass.
  18. You had to expect some Bruschi stuff. Heck, you had to expect a lot of it. But that was just insane.
  19. That's bull sh--. The CIA thingy isnt going to go away for a long, long time. Was Bush to put all items on his agenda on the back burners, to avoid "distracting" us? And what expected news is coming out TODAY that this pick is distracting the public from?
  20. Further to KRC's question, the fact that Bush used a process to decide whom to nominate not of your liking, it is "bad"? Double A common skill in managment is the ability to seperate your opinion of how you would choose to complete tasks when judging the final outcome of tasks you give others. You seem wrapped up not so much in the pick, but how it came to be...and because it wasnt done in a fashion YOU would have chosen, that automatically makes it "bad" in your mind. Thats dangerous ground.
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