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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Revisionist history at its worst...on a Monday AM that couldnt BE worse. And "three year detour" with DB? Please. That was the right move at the right time. Even DB's biggest detractors as time went on and DB's play got worse can admit that.
  2. Cna we ever not have THAT subject come up..........
  3. Your blame is misplaced. Mr. Wilson has done his best. Has he not gone after the free agents? Hase he not put mkoney into this team, into the facilitiy, into the netrie organization? He absolutely has. He can argue with who he has selefted to reun the team, but not for his lack of trying. Youre yelling at the resteraunt owner becuase the chef !@#$ed up a meal.
  4. I can only sum up my gameday experience like this: JP kept me watching. Once the Chargers were 28 pts ahead we were trying deperately to get over to the Cincy/Indy game, but DirecTV crapped out. So we were "forced" to stay with the Debacle. Watching JP playing like he did make it worthwhile.
  5. I changed all my own hoses and did the stat, too last Fall. Emptied it all out, took the thermostat out, let the car cool, started it, ran the garden hose through the radiator and through the thermostat housing to flush it all out, emptied all the water, refilled with 50/50 Honda fluid (for an Integra) and was on my way. Check your Chiltons, Haynes or similar manual, which should have a specific flushing procedure for your car. Its not a bad (or as messy) as it seems. Takes 2-3 hours of time. And regarding the waste fluid, youre NOT going to have to get rid of 15 gals of fluid. When you pop all the drain plugs and take off the hoses, you should be able to remove (and colelct) at least 80% of the "bad" fluid which your car holds. The water youre flushing with isnt terribly contaminated. Mine ran clear after about five seconds of "flush" time.
  6. Please...you and your pal have made a career out of that. And Tom....youve worked on cars, too...huh? What HAVENT you done? Tell us....how were The Crusades?
  7. This is the internet, sonny....why dont you go look it up for yourself!!!!! BWWWAAAAAHHHHHAAAA!!!!!!!
  8. Holy sh--. I dont know whats better...the fact that I made you look like a complete maroon, the fact that I obviously just pissed you off so much, or the fact that from here on out every time you open your big trap about what you "know", Im going to shove that second quote right down your piehole. All I need to do is swap out the subject at hand with the "car" reference. "This is the Internet, sonny..." Talk about the gift that keeps on giving......... ROTFL!!!!!!!! CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. When you turn your PC off and want to discuss auto parts, let me know.....BWAAAAHHHHAAAA!!!!!!!!!! And one more thing.....I dont CARE that you "know" more than me. Its never been about how much you "know". God knows, youre so old, you would know more than me on the trivial BS you spout off about here based on that fact alone. But the fact that you'd whip my (and a lot of other people's) ass at Trivial Pursuit doesn't A) impress me or B) make you any less of an !@#$. You should try to remember that sometime.
  9. Nothing better than someone trying to play "Im smarter than you" ending up proving how much HE doesnt know about the subject at hand.
  10. Nice ASSumption, as usual. I worked my way though college as a counterman.
  11. Thank you for proving my point. Couldnt have done it better.
  12. MAYBE not. Id bet the U.S. is in the top five, however.
  13. See my thread below about Intelligent Design being called "dumb design." Same thing there. There is talk of "tolerance", "understanding" and "acceptance." But that only applies to specific groups at very specific intervals.
  14. You just dont know what the eff youre doing..or youre using the wrong tools.
  15. Calling other people's opinions "dumb." How "enlightened" and "tolerant".
  16. I hope the kid dons a headband. That will REALLY turn things on its ear with a lot of fans.
  17. So basically we went through all that sh--, stress, arguiing, contemplating and everything else with ANWR and it wound up going nowhere. I [heart] the government.
  18. SOME good NFL city is going to lose a team. It may very well be the Bills. How Tags can make this move and say its good for the league is beyond me. Tell you this.....if its the Bills, Im done with pro football.
  19. Excuse me, shouldnt we ALL be held to the same standard?
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