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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. One of our FAVORITE colloqualisms is "You cant yell 'fire' in a crowded theater." People just LOVE to blurt that little tidbit out. So some guy does JUST THAT, gets shot by two law enforcement officials going by the letter of "the book" and now look whats happenning. Excuses, shifting blame and what seems to be desperate attempts by the media, especially CNN, to punch holes in the story and make it something its not. I guess you CAN yell fire in a crowded theater.
  2. Actually, Laura Zaun was doing her best to shift blame LAST NIGHT. crazed man: "i have a bomb! i have a bomb!" woman: "its ok. my poor husband, he's mentally ill, but a really nice guy." air marshall: "well, i guess its ok then... " crazed man: "i really do have a bomb!" bomb: "boom!" victims: "ow. we're dead. that sucks."
  3. Perhaps. Im just looking for some modicum of continuity....and NOT looking forward to another complete tear-down and rebuild of this organization. Its been almost ten years since the Bills have contended.
  4. So what if he is? Show me a pro-sports guy who hasnt made an error. I dare you.
  5. So becuase his former team DIDNT fall apart after he left, that makes him a bad candidate?
  6. Knee-jerk second guessing and shifting blame to the Air Marshals in THREE TWO ONE......
  7. Can we save the inoccuous ranting until after they ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME TODAY?
  8. "Bush Bad, U.S. Bad"??? NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10252374/
  9. Wasnt the biggest issue pre-9/11 the fact that intelligence was not shared between agencies properly? Good to see thats been resolved so quickly.
  10. Oh, Manning is what you want your QB to be, huh? Sheesh, thats like saying Eva Longoria is everything you want your woman to be.
  11. Oh please...youve just puked up thousands of words to press that point that "if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck..." Now, youre going to give the old "who me?" defense? And I wasnt "defending" Fox, dummy. If YOU read more than the title of the post, youd pick that up.
  12. Was thinking the same thing....how the left loves to blast Fox as "biased" and how they accuse Fox of playing fast and loose with the facts, but here we have so many on the left givng credence to a story printed in the Tabloid-iest of Tabloids....a paper that makes the NY Post look good. Another example of "if it fits my agenda, then it must be good."
  13. Whats more dangerous, RI...questioning a source's credibility, or taking what a source prints as Gospel?
  14. Here are some of the Mirror's other recent headlines: "Jungle Bums: Now it gets even uglier" "Posh and the Dwarf" [the above two are the headlines that share the front page with the Bush/Al Jazeera one] "My Son Tried to Kill Me" "Jenn Goes Topless" "Keep your sex life Sizzling at any age" "Full Body Mossage"
  15. The Daily Mirror is the National Enquirer of the UK.. Glad to see such a noble media establishment is getting such high praise.
  16. My copy of "Democrats pre-war quotes on Iraq 1996-2001" are in my office and Im home today. Anyone else have them on hand?
  17. Danica is soooooo overrated its not even funny. A female driver. Big effin deal. Shirley Muldowney was kicking ass and taking names before this little media darling was even born.
  18. I actually think it makes sense. To avoid confusion, give them a place to go pray...tell them to go stand in a spot "over in the corner" and let them have at it. But whats more troubling is the lack of understanding on the part of those detained as to WHY they were profiled.
  19. For me, this isnt some kind of "win" about CNN being biased or about proff that there is a "liberal media". For me, its more of a slap in the face of those yahoos who say with a straight face that ONLY Fox is biased. For those who cry about Fox while reading the NYT and calling talk shows on Air America.
  20. Diamond? Heck, Id take "decent NFL QB the Bills could win with"
  21. Whats the over/under AFTER a terrorist attack at an NFL event DEMANDING why there arent "more stringent securitym easures in place"? I say three seconds.
  22. Oh goody...just what we need on a day like today...a !@#$ing Flutie thread.
  23. Corners are wide receivers with bad hands. Spend the money on TRUE skill positions.
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