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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. The "Ralph is cheap" position = RJ
  2. I love watching Bills castoffs excel elsewhere.
  3. You mean to tell me a first year rook in his first game in the snow struggled with the weather while a top tier QB with THREE Super Bowls under his belt and plays in the cold and snow in New England did NOT struggle with the weather? Gee Van....thats some insight!!!!!!!!! Whats next, youre going to pontificate about how Pam Anderson has an easy time getting into Playboy and Roseanne Barr doesnt?
  4. Youre treading on DANGEROUS ground there, pal. I applaud you.
  5. Oh goody...two MORE good coaches we can run out of town and watch succeed elsewhere. Seriously...we do we ask "Maybe its us?"
  6. Thurman took the pie to him. Pretty funny stuff.
  7. "Why not"? THAT is your rationale for how to pick the next HC? And people are gettin' on TD for bad picks........
  8. Ive got an idea...why do we just throw random names in a hat and pull them out!
  9. Hate to say this, but I agree. But regardless, TD should have hung up without saying a word. Of course, THEN we'd be blasting him for not "taking a stand" wit hthe caller.
  10. The Bills entrie offense was a "trick" in the early 90s. It worked pretty well.
  11. Yeah, but thats a bad example. Youre talking about teams in the PRE free agency era, when you could draft, build and most important, MAINTAIN a line for a long period of time. Such a philosophy borders on impossible in today's NFL.
  12. And heres a great example of why Bills fans have become so damn fickle these days. We got so used to watching all those HOFers in the prime week after week, everything since has seemed (and sometimes been) ca-ca....and as a result, we have a hair trigger to want to "FIRE EVERYONE". Often, its legit, but its also often over stupid stull like headsets, hair color and headbands. Silly, IMO.
  13. Playing for an !@#$ of a coach who works against him, on a team that stinks, for an organization thats in chaos...and in such wonderful weather! How DARE he say "gee.....this sucks"???!!!??
  14. Thats fine....and I want TD and MM gone as much as the next guy. But dont sit there and imply that he !@#$ing things up ON PURPOSE. Thats just silly. Incompetent, maybe. But intentional?
  15. Stop. McNally's a good coach. Its not his fault he's got chicken sh-- to work with.
  16. TD DOESNT try to put a good product on the field??!!?? Yeah, he wakes up in the morning and says "Gee, how can I !@#$ this team up!!??!!?" Right.
  17. This is a BS complaint. The Bills HAVE gotten out and aquired players. Ok....those players havent been the RIGHT ones (ha!!), but dont act like they havent went out, put money on the table for the free agents and tried to bring talent in to the team. They have.
  18. There was! There was also talk of a Richard Gazinia being considered for the job.
  19. Tim Anderson played REALLY, REALLY GOOD!!!!!
  20. If I was at the game, Id boo the hell out of Doug for nothing else than what his attitide and antics did to the Bills. And my conscience is clear on this because I loathe and boo Al Leiter and John Franco for what their destructive attitude did to my baseball team, the Mets, before they left. And unlike Flutie, those two WON something with the Mets, the '00 Pennant.
  21. Its a generalization, dude. To point out the fact that looking down your nose at how others act when you yourself aint perfect is pretty silly.
  22. I havent watched wrestling in years...but I find it pretty funny that a bunch of yahoos who cry and whine like girls when a millionaire athlete gets a hangnail, paint their faces, get liqoured up and neglect their families and children, act like !@#$s every Sunday in public and get depressed for week-long stretches when a football team loses is giving this guy a hard time for watching wrestling. Pot, meet kettle.
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