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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Ill take "Get better players and coaches for $100", Alex.
  2. An ESPN writer mocking the Pats is like a Hustler photographer mocking a porn star.
  3. Whats absolutely chilling about the red light program is that the company that provided the cameras is splitting the ticket revenue with the city. There is NO WAY that can be legal is there?
  4. I dont think everyone should wave the pom poms...and God knows this team deserves to be scorned lately. But the total lack of respect for Mr. Wilson because of his age, and for Marv too is tasteless, shameful and coming from Bills fans, completely disgraceful. Im not talking about the prozac stuff or the jovial stuff. Thats fun. Im talking about those who really sunk low and hit below the belt with their comments. You know who you are and what you said. And those who have sunk to this level and participated in that crap this week should be ashamed of themselves.
  5. Coaches coach....thats what they do. Thats what they will ALWAYS do.
  6. In your attempt to equal things out, youve actually shown MORE of a disparity. So instead of comparing influential TV personalities vs. Heads of State, youre now comparing close friends vs. Heads of State! Forget partisanship for a second.....if every politico had to "apologize" for the dumb stupid things their friends, family and other "influencers" have done and for all the loudmouths, nutbags and radicals who claim to be under their flag....the politicians wouldnt have time for anything else! So tell ya what...when Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter apologize for the antics and inane rantings of their families when they were in office, when the entire DNC apologizes for having a man whose said FAR worse things than Robertson has as the guest of honor at the DNC Copnvention, GWB will apologize for Pat Robertson. Deal? It goes both ways, Mick...and the fact you see that less and less is worrisome.
  7. Good Lord....WHEN did anyone echo what Robertson spewed?!!?? Because what a televangelist says and what a Head of State...and one looking to acquire nukes.... says should REALLY be given equal creedence.
  8. Since when is it the job of the GM to motivate the team on game day? And becuase Marv is old, he doesnt have the talent to fill those holes?
  9. Is he 45 years old, a lifelong WNYer, speak well, have blue collar working experience and most of all NOT WEAR A HEADBAND?
  10. I know its "safe and obvious". That was the point! Each of those moves you outlined as possibility entail bringing in someone with experinece in the job they would be taking. Marve has no experience here.
  11. Could also be a disaster, to be fair. But Marv is not just a generally smart man, hes is a brilliant man. Therefore, Im going to give him the benefit of the doubt. For full disclosure as to my feelings on this issue, Marv talking about WINNING the Super Bowl has me absolutely giddy like a kid. IMO, having Marv and Mr. Wilson hoist the VL trophy soon would correct a lot of bad karma on this mudball we swing around on.
  12. Call me nuts, but listening to Marv speak, Im LOVING it. Jerry S. implied Im a dope for having such feelings, well, then Im a dope. I have the utmost faith that Marv can get the job done. But Im not fooliSH enough to have BLIND trust. Im skeptical.....and hopeful. That aside....let me just say...MAN, ITS GOOD TO HAVE MARV LEVY BACK WITH THE BILLS!!!!!!!!
  13. Good to see Bills fans have their heads where it really counts...how old he is, does he surf, where he lives, does he wear a headband, how he speaks...... You know...the really IMPORTANT stuff.
  14. O’Reilly: “Well, you’re going to have to give me an example if you're going to make those claims.” Letterman: “Well I don’t watch your show so that would be impossible.” Oh yeah...he NAILED him!
  15. He's a crazy old man....I love it. He reminded me of Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon One, acting all nuts, making those around him take a step back in surprise, when he's actually the smartest guy in the room.
  16. So he IS fired? Wheres Marv? WHAT THE !@#$???!@@???
  17. Hes !@#$ing 90....give him a break! Name one person who doesnt wish he has Ralph's health when he hits that point!
  18. I should be in such great shape when Im 90.
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