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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. You forgot to say "If the Bill dont do what I THINK..."
  2. Fast and loose with the facts, soundbytes and spin. Save that crap for PPP, ok?
  3. "Sherman as Bills HC means JP becomes Favre." Comical.
  4. Hate to bust youre bubble, but neither Fox, nor Lewis, not Weiss is available right now.
  5. What would the reaction be if Bill Frist made such a comment? BE HONEST.
  6. Please....what Mick is doing is NOTHING. Ive seen a few interviews around the dial and comments where liberals and black leaders DEFENDED Nagin and validated what he said because it....get this..."opens a valid dialouge of race relations in the U.S." So basically weve come down to this......A white man in the public eye does as much as says "black folks have darker skin than white folks" and he is outcast by society. Completely and thoroughly. But a black man in the public eye, even an elected official, can say the most hateful, racist crap imaginable and its considered "valid dialouge on the issue of race." As CTM said earlier...."UN!@#$INGBELIEVABLE."
  7. Im talking about if we tried to hire BB after CLEVELAND.
  8. Because you didnt state that it wasnt, dumbass. I may not have the intellectual acumen that so many do around here, but Im also not a !@#$ing mindreader.
  9. Geez....we all KNOW that once a coach gets fired, he NEVER gets hired somehwere else and enjoys success. Based on the lahhjik in this thread, we would have "puked" at the sight of Bill Belichick if he came here after he coached Cleveland. Same goes for Marv Levy. The sh-- you see on TSW makes me wonder if a good lot of the posters even WATCH the NFL.
  10. It gets worse....Nagin stated that "I don't care what people are saying Uptown or wherever they are. ", implying the white populace uptown. Stop and think about this....an elcted official publicly stated that he DOESNT CARE about the opinions, thoughts and concerns of a significant portion of those he swore to serve. It defies logic...and one of the most reprehensible things Ive ever heard stated by an elected official. Im wondering if such statements can be considered a violation of his oath of office and proceedings to remove him should commence. And oh yeah....Nagin used GOD to back up all his statements. There goes that argument (Robertson). And one more thing....LA's post above is one of the all-time best on PPP.
  11. Damn....you can add in that the whole usage of the example of a "Republican Attack Machine" is just a stupid retort all together. By using this line of reasoning, he implies that there is not the same piece of weaponry along HIS front. that the reasons why the Dems cant get anything together is not because of their own problems,. but becuase of "the man" keeping them down....that its someone elses fault. Wait....thats the MO of the left in its entirety....that its "someone else' fault Im (we) are like this." OK....I think Im starting to get it........
  12. Murtha's idea of pulling out all the troops NOW, dovetailed with his criticism of the military that basically states they are inept is a "half way decent" position and one which should not be subject to scorn? I wont even get into your just obnoxious premise that what Nagin said isnt as bad because he's an elected official. That makes what he said WORSE.
  13. Rule #2: If there is no true "debate", label those speaking as "racist", anyways. See.....it works either way. Im sorry for being so wrong here...maybe we should get back to some good ole Catholic-bashing! Why address the misgivings of the rest of the world, when there are good Christ worshipping folks to get on?
  14. There it is! Rule #1 from the Liberal Playbook of Debate: When you cant come up with a good retort, label your opposition "racist." I mean, how DARE I question a religion that wants to see me and everyone like me dead!!??!!
  15. The Taliban will run in roughshod and take over that country in five seconds and neither all those "peaceful" Muslims we hear so much about nor the populace itself will raise a finger to stop it. They wont say a word or do a thing. But whoooooa boy....a female U.S. soldier touches a Koran with her bare hands and they are all out in the streets in Kandahar (and Islamabad)!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. What Im trying to do is point out the very selective "outrage" of the Muslim populace towards things that do not assign blame to the U.S. or the West. Another example...attacks against mosques and civilians by Muslims doesnt raise an eyebrow. But if a U.S. soldier does as much as picks up the Koran improperly, there is a huge amount of outrage.
  17. So harboring foreign terrorists and giving them comfort....GOOD. But when the foreign power those terrorists are fighting come to get them.....BAD.
  18. Can I play? http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/wo...dnews-headlines Council for Islamic Groups planning protests against U.S. airstrikes that targeted Al Qaeda. Did these same folks acknowledge that 9/11 even took place? Or is that a "myth", like the Holocaust, too.
  19. Since when does result define motivation for things? Just becuase it DIDNT save his job, that doesnt mean Mularkey didnt use Holcomb to TRY to save his job.
  20. No he's not. Hes one of the best coaches in the league. When your furnace breaks, you dont set your living room couch on fire to keep warm.
  21. I hate to say it, but you know who is the WORST with the calls and intrusive antics by phone mail or any other way they can reach you? Charities. Give five bucks to a single charity and within a week youll have every charity under the sun haranging you like mad.
  22. So here we have a dude located in the country that has become the poster child for racial intolerance and a culture struggling with the issue or racial integration lecturing US about how racist WE are. And the kicker? Hes does so while pumping up one of the most racist, intolerant places in the U.S.! Youre a hoot, Ollie!
  23. Thank God those Patriots have had such a strong secondary the last few years. Imagine where they would be if they had to trot out a bunch of guys who...technically...couldnt sniff "The Playmaker's" jock.
  24. PEREFECT description of the two minutes between the Bills last score of the Music City Miracle and the Throwback play. Elation to gloom in fifteen seconds.
  25. Carville's three highlights from this AM. 1. The above. Fast and loose with the fact...just like that new "activist" Dave Letterman! Who cares if its accurate....dammit, it sounds good! 2. Referring to the NSA as "NASA." Bush is spying on astronauts now? What will he do next??!!!?? 3. Speaking about the battle for bin Laden at "Tora Tora." Osama commanded the Japanese task force in Dec. 1941? Didnt know that!
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