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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. How am I bringing up the PAST by listing the coaches RIGHT NOW? And how is Edwards move a "swap"? Thats a HIRE. NEWSFLASH: He had to be HIRED by a team in order for that "swap" to take place. Come on....the bottom line is tha there wont be hires THIS YEAR for minorities. One year does not make a trend. The last few years there have been good hires in this area. Were up to 20% of the coaching roster being AA. Thats good progress. If this trend goes on another year or two where ZERO minorities who are good candidates get passed over, then youll have a point. Until then, there is nothing to discuss.
  2. You dont think the majority should be, but when I point out that its up to 20%, you say its not enough. So 20% is not enough and it doesnt have to be over 50%. So give us a number. Maybe 45.4535434332%
  3. Henderson got canned YESTERDAY. Carthon got FOUR interviews, in this, his first year attepting to get a job. How many WHITE coaches have to get multiple interviews to get jobs?
  4. But Art Shell would qualify as a "new hire". Youre amazing. And BTW...in order to "switch teams", hes got to be HIRED by the new team! So in your mind, to satisfy you the NFL coaching roster has to be comprised of at least 50% black coaches who at the time of hire, had no previous head coaching experience. Wheres the punchline? Theres GOT to be one.
  5. So far, youve pulled up issues from three years gao (Lewis/Dungy) and TEN years ago (Shell) to make a point about the state of hiring in 2006. How about bringing up something from TODAY to make your point? Whats next, youre going to bring up Leon Seals to point out the poor state of the Bills' interior line?
  6. NEW HIRES? Herman Edwards doesnt count? Keep trying.
  7. Marvin Lewis Tony Dungy Lovie Smith Denny Green Romeo Crennel Herman Edwards There are now black coaches running close to 20% of the NFL teams. Nah....no progress in this area...but good shot at being "outraged." Art Shell.....ROTFL.
  8. "Mike, Ive never seen you kick before and I dont even know what a football looks like, but youre a GREAT kicker!!!!" --Dave Letterman
  9. The man's got YEARS of coaching experience, hes available and heas had some success. Now why would the Bilsl want to interview someone like THAT?? Hes not my favorite either, but sheesh...give it a rest. The Bilsl are going above and beyond to make sure all their bases are covered and they make a good decision. They are being very careful and covering all their bases. Guys....thats a GOOD thing.
  10. Spending good money on good coaches. What a concept.
  11. Well, that just SEALS it for me. How's one of our pariahs, DAN HENNING doing right now??!!??
  12. WFAN reports: Mike Francessa is still fat.
  13. So go to the bathroom and release. Jeez...last time we bitched they moved too quick. Now we B word that they are taking their time and being thorough? Being thorough.....Dont want to do THAT, especially considering the huge success of the last two coach hirings.
  14. The more the merrier. Let em bring in everyone. Last time we complained they pulled the trigger too quick. We cant now complain that they are being thorough. But then again...this is TSW.
  15. Buh....buh....buh....that was.......DIFFERENT! Amazing what a three second Google yields.
  16. The flaw in your argument is that the Executive doesnt wire tap under "all and any circumstances." Call me nuts, but when the man who has done a ton of damage to us the last fifteen years says he's gunning for us again, Id listen...and maybe raise our guard a bit. Give the govt. rights to run roughshod over everything? No. But there needs to be a balance here. Revise FISA, institute emergency powers with Congress' approval..something. I dont claim to have the answer, but do ANYTHING but go on with the status quo. And PJ......"A compromise" with OBL. Good idea, Chamberlain.
  17. Anyone whining about wiretaps or TSA security today? If Bush and his cronies were smart, they would pounce on this for all the good PR it would be worth to them. But they wont.
  18. OK, Mick...heres my lame response. First of all, just becuase someone served in the military, that should not give him or her free reign to say whatever they want. Theres been a lot of that from the left...how one CANNOT critiscise Murtha's comments, because...well...."he's a HERO!!!" Thats crap. Its crap for Murtha to think he can say whatever he wants because of his service and its crap for the Dems to use him as some kind of indestructible mouthpiece for their cause. And of course...its hypocritical considering every time Bush stands in front of an American flag, a military symbol or conjures up 9/11, the left goes NUTS. Now....Ive only recently become aware of the character assasination of Murtha thats going on. Thats wrong. But Mick..how is it different that whats going on with Judge Alito? Senator Kennedy called him every name in the book last week, with no factual basis to do so. So had every left leaning website. Thats different? Its lame on both sides. Try to realize that just once. Finally...MY assertion that Murtha deserves to be criticised is NOT in connection with those who are looking to tarnish or question his war record. It comes DIRECTLY from his comments. I think you have me confused with someone who sympathizes with those folks. I dont. Im speaking (and disparaging) HIS RECENT defeatist comments about an immediate pullout and the state of the military. Thats all I was referring to.
  19. I think MM hurt himself with the departure more than if he went with staying and even if he would be having another bad season. Nobody begrudges someone who leaves a sh------- job. But NOBODY likes an employee who quits just because things MIGHT get bad. He lost his coaches, but the new power structure was days old. Not giving it a second to try and work doesnt reflect well on Mularkey. You may point to Belichick bolting the Jets for NE very quickly to give an example of another coach who did the same thing. But that situation is a bit different, becuase Belichick had a relationship with Bob Kraft and the NE job lined up before he quit on the Jets. MM didnt choose another job. He chose not to work instead of facing a challenge. That reflects really poor on him.
  20. Funny...I havent heard Murtha's name for weeks. And Bush (and everyone else) who critiqued his comments tripped over themselves to praise the man's service. Ill get to the rest later....Im working, believe it or not. If I dont feed these hogs by 1, they get pissy.
  21. Now its the "oh, he was lucky" talk to spin around the issue of whay Jouron has done. Amazing. ALL this talk could have been applied to one Bill Belichick after his stint in Cleveland. All of it. Maybe if Jouron wore a headband you folks would like him more.
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