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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Flawed argument. Who said this was their main priority?
  2. This is exactly the samer point I made as few weeks back about Polian. But I trust him here..hes not "protecting" anyone, really with these comments.
  3. Sigh.....do you self-righteous folks REALLY want me to pull out the half-assed, lame-brained things pundits on the LEFT have said, starting with that gem Randi Rhodes? Oh, but I forgot..."that's different."
  4. Too old, too high strung, wont stop preaching, his voice is too deep and boomy, he relies on St. Peter too much, whos a real yo-yo..and best of all... HES NOT THE SEXY PICK LIKE BEELZEBUB IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Im convinced the Bills could hire or sign GOD and a lot of people wouldnt be happy.
  6. We discussed this a while ago. Totally legal. And makes sense too. Go walk into your office with a competitor's product in your hands...see how far it gets you.
  7. No...its a POV hijacked by the LEFT, who look to blast America, the war and everything else with the most extreme of rhetoric and then absolve themselves of scorn, because "they support the troops." Its akin to the shrowd of protection they threw up around John Murtha and his comments, because "he's a hero, how can you disagree with him!!!" Or even Cindy Sheehan..."how can you disagree with a mother who lost a son??!!??" Its like this all over. Its a common tactic. Imus listeners see it all the time when someone doesnt donate big bucks to his front he calls a charity out in the West or criticises it for the excesses the ranch contains, such as the need for $60,000 Hummers and gold-plated handrails. He trots out the old "its for the cancer kids...you got something against cancer kids??!!??" Common tactic.
  8. Sorry...Im still stuck on the article about how gay advocacy groups are in a tizzy and "mad" because on American Idol, Randy Jackson had the audacity to ask a cross dresser (or transgender...whatever) is he is a girl, and was (gasp!) surprised to find out he wasnt. At least not yet.
  9. Where's that town where the camera manufacturer or the company who installed them is getting a significant chunk of the revenue the cameras generate? Somewhere out West, I think. THAT is fuggin scary...its like a legalized mafia tactic.
  10. Major play on all the major networks isnt enough for you? Stop reading the comics.
  11. Think about this.....they are saying Jackson is homohpobic because he asks a cross-dresser is he is a girl or a boy. And the wrost part is that nobody will call "bull sh--" on those complaining out of fear of offending them.
  12. The "peace mom." An out of touch radical promoting a socialist enemy of the U.S. is a "peace mom" according to Yahoo. And some wonder why people get pissed off whenever her name is mentioned.
  13. So I picked up my new Mountain bike the other day. Its a Turner Flux. Four bar rear suspension, 4" of travel front and back, Magura hydraulic disc brakes, SRAM X.0 pro-level components. And I went with DT Swiss disc-specific rims hand-laced to Chris King hubs. I passed on the Mavic 717s for the rims, Mavic being a French company and all. Effin Frogs....... Carry on.......
  14. FFS=diarrea of the keyboard. I keed, I keed....but seriously FFS, cut it down a bit! You lose us after the first paragraph. U lose lame brains like me even sooner.
  15. "You haven't responded to the fact that under the privatized system worked the way it was supposed to work. " Who said that? Dick Jouron? And stop !@#$ing projecting things on to me. Stop saying "you probably THIS or you probably THAT". Stick to the topic of the debate.
  16. Private security for the airlines worked the way it was supposed to? Youre kidding. Youve GOT to be kidding. Hate to drive another truck through your argument, but there was talk of making a Federal security system BEFORE 9/11 becuase the state of airline security under the stead of private firms subsidized by struggling airlines became so bad. So your "fact" about an effective private system is about as much of a "fact" as the exsistence of the tooth fairy. A quick Google on Argenbright yielded the following: http://www.time.com/time/archive/preview/0...1001252,00.html For a company hired to screen passengers at the nation's largest airports, Argenbright Security has proved unnervingly lax at screening its own employees. Last year, following an investigation at the Philadelphia airport, Argenbright pleaded guilty to criminal charges of falsifying employee backgrounds, which had led to the hiring of those whose records included drug possession and aggravated assault. The FAA imposed a probation, and Argenbright's then parent company, AHL, paid $1.6 million in penalties. http://news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/argenbr...ings101601.html Preliminary findings of the assessment have found that: Screeners at some airports had a prior criminal record that should have disqualified them from employment in security sensitive positions. For example, a screener at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport was removed from his post and had his secure area identification badge revoked after investigators learned he had been convicted on charges of being a felon in possession of a handgun. Investigators have also worked with the Immigration and Naturalization Service to determine whether employees who were foreign nationals had authorization to work in the U.S. INS detained seven screeners at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport after finding they were illegally working in the U.S. An individual was arrested by OIG special agents at Washington Dulles International Airport on October 13 after he passed through a security checkpoint with a concealed pocketknife on his person. The individual was detained and was arraigned October 15 in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, VA on charged of attempting to board an aircraft with a concealed weapon. A preliminary hearing was set for October 23. Also at Dulles, 7 out of 20 screeners re-tested during a spot check at a security checkpoint by OIG were not able to pass the skills tests required as a condition of employment. To be employed as a screener, applicants must complete 12 hours of instruction, pass a written http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_..._15/ai_79344534 "Sieve" rather than "security" may be the more accurate description of the system. The term applies not just to the screening process, but to those doing the screening, many of whom were hired under fraudulent pretenses. Falsified background checks have enabled burglars, drug abusers, former prostitutes, and foreign nationals from countries known to harbor terrorists to become security screeners with unescorted access to airport "sterile" areas, according to Government documents detailing the illegal activities of a major security company. So there's your wonderful private security. Yeah..lets go back to THAT! And even if we did, you speak of the NEW private system being forced to become better and more efficient. Guess whose responsible for that? DING! The Feds...the FAA. Now...the TSA. I dont think I EVER said they were the solution to this mess. But they are....listen carefully.....BETTER than what there was. Its an improvement. And while there is work to be done to improve the new system, you dont throw out the whole thing and waste the money and time invested to set it up in the first place after a few years. But your solution to the problem is to shitcan the whole agency and go back to what was a horrible, terrible system to manage the task; and to do this for the sole reason to make us feel better becuase we prevented what you call "Big Government." Im sorry, thats just insane.
  17. Geez...a bit cranky? So you want to recklessly privatize everything? I thought you were a Democrat....start acting like one! Oh, calm down, Scrappy. Youre sitting there yelling PRIVATIZE, but when I tell you last time private security was in place it was bad, you just say "SO??!!?" Thats your answer? Yeah, no sh--, Sherlock...privatized, more efficient systems would work better. Got a clue for ya....Govt. run, more efficient systems would work better too.Weve been down the private security road. It doesnt work, and even though CTM's point above is spot on, the airport security system in this country was in terrible shape pre 9/11 and had to be fixed. Im not a huge fan of the TSA, but the state of security today is better. There is no doubt. But there are clearly signs the TSA its falling under...into a govt. monolith. But Im not ready to toss it out completely and go back to the other way of doing things.
  18. If thats true then why do we have publicly paid police officers instead of security guards?
  19. Private airport security worked SOOOO well, didnt it? I understand Darren's point, but Argenbright and the other private security firms were a joke. They had women in burquas who could barely speak English checking bags at Dulles for $8/hour.
  20. Throw Mike Shanahan into the mix of coaches who didnt do so hot first time around. Hows he doing these days, today aside? Jurons not too exicting, but I refuse to jump off the ledge.
  21. Maybe FFS can school us on how this is racist. Im tired...........
  22. Hate to say it, but weve gotten on players and coaches for their hair color, headwear, the way they walk, the way they speak, their choice of off season hobbies, where they live and everything in between. You think at some point skin color wouldnt come into play?
  23. I'd give FFS three seconds before he reversed his love of affirmative action if HE was passed over for a promotion or job because of it. THREE SECONDS. And sorry, FFS...quotas, counting statistics and looking at color to determine job eligibility is NOT the American Way. Thats what we strive to do away with.
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