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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Again....no American companies that can handle this? Does EVERYTHING have to read "Made in China" on the label?
  2. Of oucrse the Bills lines need help. Thats why they "franchise" (and subsequently overpay) for a CB.
  3. I agree Kzoo. Its not the just Bills, though. I miss the fact you could sit down on Sunday, and watch all the teams with their own identities. Aikman's Cowboys, Elway's Broncos. Marino's Dolphins, on and on. Now, with free agency, its just a mish-mash year after year. No consistency, little stability from year to year with the teams. Who is great one year, stinks the next, and players move around so often you need a scoresheet to keep track.
  4. So then you know its a shell game, a cluster!@#$ and higly dependent on a lot of backroom bull sh--. So what Halliburton is doing is par for the course. And you shouldnt be so "outraged". Thanks for playing!
  5. I keep asking myself why we have to "outsource" this work at all. There is no American company that can handle it? What CAN we handle anymore?
  6. Details......I was alluding to Hitler's birthplace being Austria, more than anything else.
  7. "You cant yell fire in a crowded theater." Denying the Holocaust in the birthplace of Nazism is pretty friggen close to just that.
  8. Its often said that those who history winds up treating very well were most UNpopular when they were making those tough decisions to begin with.
  9. Thank God...Bryant Gumbel can finally rest.
  10. Yeah, well at least WE er......umm...er... I dunno.....
  11. ssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. A chance to nail Sandra Bullock....and you dont even get to touch her??!!?? Thats just.....wrong.
  13. I am a successful executive...and my nuts should be clean.
  14. I go back to my initial point about all this.. "We" are all twisted up over this because the WH did not immediately notify the press....the PRESS (not EMS services, not the police, THEY were notified)..... on a Saturday night during a blizzard and that when it was disclosed, less than a day later, it wasnt done in the manner THE PRESS would have preferred. Thats the story.....thats the 'scandal'.....that the Press didnt get what it wants. Pathetic.
  15. Im sure Mary Jo Kopechne agrees with you, wholehearteldy.
  16. This press conference should be held in the same fashion and manner Ted Kennedy had his following "Chappaquidick."
  17. Im offended...all you lefties....this is not a laughing matter....waaaa....waaaaaa.....waaaaaa
  18. I dunno....but Ill tell ya what... "We" will tell you what happened during that elapsed 24 hours in time when "you" tell us what happpened during the 8 hours between when Fat Teddy decided to pretend he was a U-boat captian and when he finally came out of the compound to tell everyone about it, including the police. But we know....."Thats different".
  19. Wouldnt it be great if VH got their new lead signer and on the show's finale, the winner says something like "No WAY am I going to work with that cokehead douchebag", referring to Eddie.
  20. Boy, does anybody fall ass-backwards into more jobs than AVP? Does he have some compromising pics of Ralph or something?
  21. So its looks like the real "outrage" over this is over the fact the WH Press Corp didnt get their ballwashing and the story first. Just watched yesterdays WH PC about this with everyone from David Gregory on down gnashing their teeth and freaking out becuase they werent given the story first. Because...ya know...they been such "good friends" to the Administration and really "deserve" a break. Good.
  22. Thank Youuuuuuuu. Im perplexed as to why so much attention is being paid to keeping a CB when there are so many more important spots on the team that need help.
  23. Smiley faces, baby....smiley faces. They mean a lot.
  24. Going hunting and a typical accident is "an example of GOP buffoonery"??!!?? What other retort is there to this except to say: Yeah, well at least WE get out and DO STUFF instead of sitting around whining about everything from behind our copy of the NY Times and our lattes. Whining, !@#$ing maggots..... God....if feel dumber just from discussing this topic like this.
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