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Everything posted by RkFast

  1. Im not going to waste time anymore except to echo what Darin said earlier. I defy you to hammer out on your keyboard that your reaction would be the same if what Bennish puked up was against your ideology. And youre right..I SHOULD just go along with all this tripe about America being the cause of all the world's ills. Its just so.....trendy. And hey Tom...one dumb ass parachute comment deserves another, so heres one for you..... FUKK off.....Pig.
  2. "Im right, youre wrong". Thats basically what you just said to back up your argument here. And youre using...an AP headline as your backup??!!?? Becuase press headline clippings do SUCH a good job of giving "the true story". Funny, I dont recall saying that religion should be taught in public schools. I was going for how the mere acknowledgement of a higher power forces you to throw yourself off the ledge. Thanks for illustrating my point on that one. Youre wrong. See...the example Ive given to counter your argument is not even one I believe in. I dont think ID should be taught in science class. I used it to show how whats one person's "reason for outrage" is another's "rational discussion." Regardless, what this professor is way out there. It wasnt a debate he was putting forth and it was an extremist POV. Now...if you want to talk about the contents of what was said, how it seems the idea that "USA IS SATAN" is so en vougue these days, Ill be happy to discuss. I cant even get through an episode of most of the dramas on TV or go to a movie without getting slammed over the head with THAT hammer over and over.
  3. And lets not view the student's walking out as some great sign that what this clown was spewing had merit. Kids will protest not being able to wear their favorite t-shirt, fer chrissakes. Im really loving the POV that what this clown was putting forth had merit in an educational environment by those who are members of the same political sect who suspended a teacher for having a picture of the President (with past Presidents, too) on her blackboard or fall over and faint if they find out the word "God" was even whispered in an educational context. "The USA is a terrible, terrible place, responsible for ALL the World's ills" is a "good POV that fosters a good educational environment" but "The World MAY have been created by a higher power" is "an intolerant, bogus opinion, forwarded by close-minded teachers force-feeding their agenda on our children". Got it.
  4. Ya know....as much as a Bush aplogist Ive been, I really think this is terrible. He should have done more, been better prepared and the Federal response should have been better as a whole. I think that is a settled issue. We all know that. BUT WHY THE EFF IS NAGIN AND THE LOUISIANA GOVERNOR GETTING A FREE PASS WITH ALL THIS??????? Isnt it the LOCAL GOVTS responsibility to evacuate and handle disaster prep and response? After 9/11, all we heard about was "first responders". There seems to be no mention of them when it comes to this disaster. What? They only are for "certain" disasters? And Nagin......word is that he was hiding under his desk, sobbing like a little girl while Katrina was raging. But he seems to get (almost) as much "good press" as Giuliani did after 9/11. Again, Im not saying the Feds are absolved of blame. But the fact that its pretty much been implied by the press and a lot of others that Bush and Brown were the ONLY TWO MEN responsible for post, and now PRE-Katrina response from ALL LEVELS of Government speaks volumes.
  5. Probably just against the rules to use 'roids Vinnie Mac doesnt GIVE them.
  6. Need help removing the foot from your mouth? http://www.newsday.com/news/opinion/ny-opp...,5157722.column http://www.blackathlete.com/Ski&Surf/ssr022002.html http://www.nydailynews.com/news/col/ership...9p-334596c.html
  7. Ive found all the black pundits whining about the Olympics "not being black enough" most entertaining.
  8. For days. The wife, too. And worse, cant get the PICTURE of that dude out of my head either, singing the damn song. Im in hell.
  9. Oil prices "soar" over "fears" if a drill jockey on a rig off of the Yucatan Peninsula catches a cold. Are you shocked?
  10. "People's Liberation Army" I forgot in my little rundown about that tiny Communism thingy. But "WE" suck.
  11. If we are going to celebrate Nate Clements and write off his lousy year, we have to do the same for Willis. If anything, Willis deserves MORE of a break than "Mr. Playmaker" does, as he has much less time in the league.
  12. China.......Has one of the worst records on human rights across the board. They are building up their military so fast it would make Joseph Stalin blush and they are threatening to invade Taiwan. Their business/trade practices are totally underhanded and unfair and their worker's rights are for the birds. Their energy policy is 1950s vintage. But......USA BAD!!!!! GEORGE BUSH BAD!!!!!!! So they are getting away with it.
  13. How much "continuity" have the Patriots had in their secondary and how have they done the last few years????
  14. Sorry....CBs are NOT WORTH THE MONEY. They are WRs who didnt have the hands to cut it on that side of the ball. NOTHING MORE, save for a VERY FEW notable exceptions. The Patriots havent had a good secondary in years. And only wound up having one of the best defenses in the NFL. Syaing keep Nate is "critical to the defenses success" is like saying "keeping the long snapper is critical to the Special Team's success." Laughable.
  15. Another team overpaying for a mediocre talent is NOT the Bills' problem. In fact, it HELPS the Bills. Anyone see Nate Odomes, Jeff Burris or Antoine Winfield lately?
  16. Not give it to an overrated player who is at a position where good players are a dime-a-dozen?
  17. Well, thats !@#$ing stupid...taking it too far. But its also taking it too far some of the examples people are defending here. Like saying "they wouldnt mind" if their neighbors were slobs who didnt do the upkeep on their homes, painted them purple, hoisted huge radio transmitters on the roofs and God-knows-what-else. My ass, they wouldnt mind. Most people on a block get pissy if you take their "reserved" parking spot on the street overnight, let alone some of the examples above.
  18. Oh yeah? My friend has a neighbor with this setup. He cannot watch his TV, nor listen to his radio becuase of the interference from his nighbor's radio setup. Forget about phone service. He has had to use a payphone down the street on occasion it gets so bad. Sorry...we dont live in a vacuum. Maybe if you live on a 5,000 acre ranch or compound what you do wont affect your nighbors. But for the rest of us who live in faily close proximity, those "freedom squelching" laws and ordinances keep things in order regarding how people keep their homes and what they do with them.
  19. Let WHO deal with them? INS? Aint happenning. Steve Levy, Suffolk County Executive is try, but has been met with oppposition and labels of bigotry and racism (shocker). Of course, if one of the overcrowded houses he closed burnt to the ground and there were many deaths, he'd be blamed for that, too (shocker again). Sorry, INS aint doing ca-ca when there are 40 men on your front lawn, harrassing your children, shitting in your bushes, drinking beer to all hours of the night, and making the house you bough worth cents on the dollar.
  20. You guys take this as a personal affront to our "freedom", but if 40 illegal aliens jammed themselves into a house next to yours, like is happening all over Long Island, Id guarantee youd ALL be singing a different tune.
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